Unable to Load Saved File Fix
I suggest you to work like this from now:
- Disable ingame autosave.
- Disable cloud save for this game.
- Everytime you’re going to save you do a copy of “SaveData1.dat” located in:
- C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\GBFR\Saved\SaveGames
- Just by doing CTRL+C and CTRL+V in the folder itself.
- So everytime you are going to save just delete your old backup for the new one.
- You should be everytime having a backup of your own save. If it’s happening again, only your main save should be corrupt so you always have a backup to rename SaveData1.dat instead of SaveData1 – Copy.dat. You’ll lose few mins to few hours depending your save frequency instead of ALL your progress.
Quit the game properly by the menu instead of using ALT+F4 like i’m used to.
Important note: Don’t try to use a friend or any others saves, they are linked to a steamID and they wil act as corrupted too.
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