The purpose of this guide is to help you learn how to escape from H.M.S Orca in The Escapist 2.
Other The Escapists 2 Guides:
- How to Escape the USS Anomaly.
- How to Escape the Centre Perks 2.0.
- How to Escape the Rattlesnake Springs.
- How to Escape the Air Force Con.
- How to Escape the Cougar Creek Railroad.
- How to Escape the K.A.P.O.W Camp.
- How to Escape the Fort Tundra.
- How to Escape the Area 17.
H.M.S Orca
Scuba Doo
(Singleplayer Only)
- Look around the ship for the following items inside desks: Duct tape, Tubing, Oxygen Tank.
Make sure to check medical desk aswell as it might contain tubing or oxygen tank. - Craft a Makeshift Breathing Apparatus.
The Escape:
- Head to the top deck of the ship with your breathing apparatus and go to the location shown to escape.
Wave Goodbye!
(Singleplayer only)
- Find the following items: Tubing and Bolt. Keep in mind tubing can appear in medical desk and bolt can appear in contraband desk.
The Escape:
- Take both of those items and head to the lower deck of the ship. Fix the jet ski and you’re out!
Masters Of Illusion
(Multiplayer only)
- Search around the ship for the following items: 1 soap, 1 wax, 1 jar of ink, 1 lighter and 1 dinner tray. Those items spawn randomly but the Dinner Tray can only be found in 1 place as shown in the picture, west of the cells behind a multiplayer door.
- After you find all the items craft the fake gun (recipes below).
The Escape:
- Head to the top floor of the ship and just when you get up the stairs you’ll see a multiplayer door. Get through that door and head to the chopper. Equip the fake gun and escape.
Taking Back Control
(Multiplayer only)
- Find the best weapon you can get your hands on.
The Escape:
- Head up to the top floor with your friend and then go west.
- When you find the control room just beat up the guards and escape.
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