The purpose of this guide is to help you learn how to escape from Area 17 in The Escapist 2.
Other The Escapists 2 Guides:
- How to Escape the USS Anomaly.
- How to Escape the Centre Perks 2.0.
- How to Escape the Rattlesnake Springs.
- How to Escape the Air Force Con.
- How to Escape the Cougar Creek Railroad.
- How to Escape the K.A.P.O.W Camp.
- How to Escape the Fort Tundra.
Area 17
Perimeter Breakout
- Raise your intellect to 60.
- Get the following items: “Iron Bar, Plastic Red Key, Flimsy Cutters, Bed Dummy, Guard Outfit, Adrenaline shot.
- Iron Bar can be bought from inmates, bed dummy, plastic red key and flimsy cutters must be crafted. Guard outfit and Adrenaline shot can be found in knocked out guards.
- Place your bed dummy in bed.
The Escape:
- Take the items listen above and head south to the location shown. Wait there until it’s 00:00.
- At the right time, drop your contraband items and shut off the generator, then head upstairs.
- Alternatively you can live your contraband upstairs, guards don’t roam there.
- Go upstairs, through the door and cut through the fence here:
- Run before the lights come back on and start chipping the wall with your iron bar. If you get tired (which you most likely will) drink your adrenaline shot and finish it off. Escape.
I’m Only Human (Singleplayer Only)
- Reach 60 Intellect
- Find 2 talcum powder, 2 tubes of toothpaste, 2 lighters, 2 combs or 2 toothbrushes, Feather, Jar of Ink, Guard Outfit, and a Blank Security Pass (Only on Guards).
- Craft 2 wad of puttys and 2 molten plastic.
- Craft the Security Pass as shown below.
- Craft Cyan and Red plastic keys.
The Escape:
- Head to the bottom left red doors on the first floor in the cell building as shown.
- Equip your Guard Outfit and exit the doors.
- Follow the yellow line on the image to the maintenance desk.
- Search through the maintenance desk and requip the civilian outfit, then follow the yellow line in the picture as shown:
- Press “E” on the double doors inside when you have the option to escape, make sure to have your Security Pass out.
- Congrats you escaped!
Alien Technology
(Multiplayer Only)
- Get 50 intellect.
- Find or craft the following items: 1 circuit board, 1 energy module (2 batteries + 1 wire), 1 radio receiver (found on guards), lightweight cutters or better, red keycard.
- Take the red keycard and head west, above the blacksmith job, through those stairs to the fake moon landing set. Open the shuttle and take the empty cannister.
- Go south east through the stairs into the hangar with the UFO.
- Have your friend turn off the generator located south west of the map and cut through the fence. You can leave it open, guards never go there unless they follow you.
The Escape:
- Grab your circuit board, energy module, radio receiver and the empty cannister.
- Head to the UFO through the hole you dug in the fence and escape using the above mentioned items.
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