The Escapists 2 – How to Escape the Glorious Regime

The purpose of this guide is to help you learn how to escape from Glorious Regime in The Escapist 2.

Other The Escapists 2 Guides:

The Glorious Regime

Perimeter Breakout


  • Increase your intelligence stat to 60.
  • Make or find a red key. You can get one by completing the “Appreciation Society” quest.
  • Create a bed dummy and put it in your bed.
  • Get a guard uniform.
  • Find or purchase a crowbar.

The Escape:

  • Put on your guard outfit and head south east to the location shown. Start chipping the wall.

  • After breaching through that wall head north through the red door and run for it, the prison will unavoidably go into lockdown so just run for it. 

Cold Case – (Singleplayer only)


  • Reach 50 intellect.
  • Find the following items: 2 ice packs, 1 roll of duct tape. You can find one of the ice packs in the back room in the south east infirmary. You need infirmary outfit to go there. 

  • Craft the Heart Rate Slower. 

The Escape:

  • Head to the previously mentioned infirmary with your heart rate slower and go to the indicated area to escape. The heart rate slower is contraband so make sure everything is clear before running through it to your victory. 

Get to da’ chopper! – (Multiplayer only)


  • Find the following items: “Wax, Soap, Lighter, Jar of Ink, Dinner Tray”.
  • The dinner tray can only be found in 1 place, north west of the prison, in the multiplayer room. Dig under it like we did: 

  • Craft or get a plastic red key (per player). You can get one from the quest: “Appreciation Society”.
  • Craft or buy a contraband pouch (per player).
  • Craft a fake gun: 

The Escape:

  • Take your plastic red key, contraband pouch and fake gun and head all the way upstairs through the stairs by job time.
  • When you reach the top gather your friends and escape in the chopper. 

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3640 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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