Rust – Farming and Genetics Guide

Basics of Farming

At this point in the game, you can grow:

  • Potatoes (it is also an unpretentious plant in the game).
  • Hemp.
  • Corn.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Six types of bushes with berries.

During the growing process, each plant goes through 8 stages of growth. The speed of passing the stages depends on the conditions of detention, as well as on genetics.

What conditions are needed: light, water, soil, and temperature. All of them are listed in the plants table in the Conditions section.

There is also another school called Overall. Its number is equal to the worst indicator in all schools.Also above there are scales that indicate the health indicators, age and stage at which the plant is located.

Growth stages:

  1. Seed (very short stage).
  2. Seedling (+- 10 min).
  3. Sapling (+- 10 min, at this stage you can even clone the plant).
  4. Crossbreed (the most important stage for cloning, which lasts a very short time).
  5. Mature (you can collect the fruit).
  6. Fruiting (you can collect the fruit).
  7. Ripe (you can collect the fruit).
  8. Dying (the plant begins to die).

To grow plants, make a farm in a forest. The temperature can’t be changed there.

You can use endorsements, but they only work for small farms. They won’t help with crossbreeding.

All plants need water. Water intakes exist, but they aren’t good for big farms. A pump in fresh water is better. Don’t put it in saltwater by mistake. If you do, hook it up to an electric desalination plant. This will use up some water and electricity.

Use a circulation pump to control how the water moves and how high it goes. Then connect it to sprinklers. Put the sprinklers where 4 beds meet. This saves water and sprinklers.

Up to 6 sprinklers can be connected to the pump. To automate watering, create an automatic irrigation system. After setup, water beds manually once before the system takes over. Adjust the timer if the soil begins to dry.

(Russian language).

Consider lighting by placing lamps over each bed every two floors, exploiting a game bug to save money.

Fundamentals of Genetics

Now our plants will live, now we need to make offspring from it. Each plant has 6 genes, they can be good and bad.

Good genes include:

  • G – each such gene increases the growth rate.
  • Y – allows you to harvest more crops.
  • H – allows the plant to survive better in unsuitable conditions(perfect for farms in winter or desert).

Bad genes:

  • W – increases the amount of water that the plant needs.
  • X – is an empty gene.

The genes are different every time. They can be all bad (W-W-W-W-W-W) or all good (G-Y-G-H-H-Y). If you get a good gene, you can clone it and use it for more breeding.

Each plant has a stage when it’s ready to harvest. For cannabis, the earliest stage is the sapling phase. To clone, hold down the E button. Then choose “Clone” from the menu. You can get 2 to 5 clones. The number depends on the W gene.

When you hover over the clone in your inventory, you can see its genotype.

The best genotype for cannabis is G-G-G-Y-Y-Y (3-G, 3-Y). The order of the genes doesn’t matter.

How do you get the 3-G, 3-Y genotype? First, plant all the sprouts and see what happens. It’s not likely, but you might get the sprout you want. If you don’t, look at what you got. For example, you might get G-G-Y-Y-Y-X out of 50 seeds. That’s almost perfect, but it has an X gene. Wait until it’s a sapling, then clone it.

It’s important to understand how plant crossing works. When a seedling is at the crossbreed stage, it takes the strongest genes from the plants next to it. You need to know how genes work together. The first gene only changes the first one. Genes from different slots don’t affect each other. To change the last gene, find a sprout with the last gene you want. In this case, to replace the X gene with G, you need to find sprouts that end with G.

The Subtleties of Genetics

You can put sprouts together in groups of up to 9. Each group follows the strength rule (100 for red, 60 for green). When you cross 4 genes (YY and HH), they have the same strength of 120. There’s a 50-50 chance they’ll split evenly.

Forces only combine within the same genes. For example, in the column GYX, green genes (G, Y) won’t win because they have 60 strength. Red (X) has 100 strength.

Sometimes you need to replace just 1 gene. In these cases, it’s easier to use the 50-50 rule than to pick a specific sprout.

These are the main rules in the game right now.

How to Build an Efficient Farm?

With all this knowledge, you need to be able to build an efficient farm, which I will now teach you how to build.It is clear that you need to build large farms on water, namely on rivers or lakes, because there is fresh water.We build the first floor so that there is water on it. There we put the pumps, put them as many as we want to build floors. We connect all these pumps with sprinklers.

We will return to this later, but for now we are building the foundation.

On the placement of service corridors will not be, we are talking about the location and processing of beds, everything else can be done as you want. On each floor we have 16 beds, 4 sprinklers and on each even floor we have 16 lamps.

Odd floor:

Even floor:

Build a helicopter pad on the top floor. You’ll need to fly back and forth to the bandit city a lot.

Also put 13 solar panels on the roof. Have 7 panels power one battery, and the other 6 power a second battery.

Put the first battery on the top floor. It will power all the lights in the building.

Put the second battery on the ground floor. It’s powered by the remaining 6 solar panels.

To hook up the solar panels, you need 11 Combine Harvesters. They connect the panels to the batteries.

From the battery on the ground floor, use a splitter. Send 33 energy to power the water pumps. Each pump needs 5 energy.

Send the leftover 3 energy to the splitter, like in the picture you showed. Set the splitter to 16.

That’s how you power everything on the farm. The solar panels charge the batteries, which run the lights, pumps, and other machines. Anything else you need explained?

Another wire that goes from the splitter, which is located near the battery, in the same way entangles the circulation pumps (as shown in the photo (the splitter is powered by 10)).

It remains to connect the circulation pumps to the watering cans. Also here you can connect the same automatic watering, which was described above.This is the end of the construction of the farm itself.


About berries, everything will be easier, they can be found in the forest, there are 6 types of them:

  • Yellow
  • White
  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue ones
  • Black

At the moment, black berries are not used for making tea, so it makes no sense to keep them.

On the mixing table with berries, you can brew teas that give buffs when drinking them. What is the buff and how much time is left can be checked in the inventory.

Beware, all buffs vanish upon death. Now, let’s discuss the buffs briefly. There are three types of tea: simple, advanced, and pure. The stronger the brew, the more potent the effect.

The simplest buff is the hill buff, akin to a large first aid kit. However, it requires clearing radiation or stopping bleeding before use.

To boost health, max out pumping; the time and cost are justified for a 20-unit health increase. Scrap increase buff seems least useful, merely boosting scrap from barrels. Yet, buffs for ore or wood are excellent. Pure ones aren’t best; four teas at 60% aren’t much worse than one at 100%.

Radiation buff seems strange and useless, only suitable for Lutannya sphere in an owl suit (to avoid mountain sickness).

Focus on collecting blue, red, and yellow berries. Diluting them faces cloning issues, possible after 100 minutes post-landing, spoiling each other’s genes. Solution: eat berries for more seeds. Plant them as shown in the photo (same color, same type).

The central slot can host another favorite plant. Purchase, study the jam tea table, and brew tea.

Efficient Water Management

Set up a water barrel: Start managing your water by setting up a water barrel and filling it with fresh water. You can pour water from buckets, bottles, or jugs into the barrel. Jugs are the best choice because they don’t spill and can hold more water (5 Litres).

Get water without doing anything: To always have water, put a water catcher on your roof. It will give you 3 to 23 ml of water every minute. Connect the water catcher to a barrel with a hose so the water goes into the barrel automatically. You can also connect more than one water catcher to get even more water.

Make watering easier with machines: Make watering your plants easier by using machines. Put a fluid pump with a switch on a wall and put sprinklers on the ceiling above your planter boxes. Each sprinkler can water up to six boxes, which makes watering better and faster.

Choose the right water source: In Tier 3, it’s important to choose the right water source. If you use ocean water, you need a purifier. If you use lake or river water, connect the pump directly to the water barrel so you always have water.

Give power to the water pump: To make the water pump work well, add a second solar panel and battery. A small battery with 10 watts of power might not be enough, so add another 10 watts with a second battery. This will make sure the pump works smoothly. You can also use a medium battery, but getting a new solar panel and battery is an easier solution.


How long do crops take to grow in Rust?

In Rust, planted crops and berries need a few hours to grow before you can get a lot of resources from them. The plants go through different growth stages as they get older.

What does the H gene mean in Rust farming?

H means the plant is harder to kill. When you eat a tougher plant, it gives you more health and makes you less hungry.

When should you harvest crops in Rust to get the most resources?

Always harvest crops when they are ripe to get the most resources. It doesn’t matter what percentage they are at as long as they are ripe.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. What do you mean by:
    “You also need to know that we can not influence the temperature of growing a plant, so you need to build a farm in a forest biome.”
    Heaters can be used in the snow biomes and if you try you can get them to heat the crops at night in the desert biomes as well.
    Otherwise, great guide! Cheers.

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