Kenshi – ID Items, Money Cheats, and Stats

A little about the Guide: Here we will learn how to add items, money, and raise stats.

Guide to ID Items, Money Cheats, and Stats


In this Guide, you will learn how to add items, money and quickly level up characters. There are IDs of the most important hard-to-get resources: Research artifacts, plants, meito weapons.

Program Guide

The Forgotten Construction Set (short. “FCS”) – is the tool used to create Mods in Kenshi. Also, it is an accessible tool for extracting parameters and information on certain aspects of the game from its resources.

FCS is located in the Kenshi game folder.

In my case – (D:SteamsteamappscommonKenshi) named “forgotten construction set”.

Turn it on and close the pop-up window.

Click on Open any.

In the window that opens, look for the save in the game folder (The folder where Steam is located,): D:Steam steamappscommonKenshisave

Attention saving may lie in another folder, so that they are in the Steam folder, you need to enable synchronization in the folder you need in the settings. To do this, go into the game, then, settings and select User Save Location, at the bottom in the tips about what the parameter is responsible for, if it shows that the save is in the Steam folder, then this item is useless for you.

If you have synchronization turned on for another folder, turn off the option, then turn on the save in the game, re-save, exit the game.

In the Forgotten Construction Set program, go to the save folder, for example quicksave, but it’s better to make your own, for example 111.

Open the quicksave.

Next, right-click on Name → Columns → Type, click

We are looking for the Camera type and click on the line.

We are looking for player money, find and set how much you want.

Note: I haven’t tried more than 100,000,000, at your own risk, 50,000,000 is enough for the whole game.

Now let’s look at how to make killers, pumping all parameters by 100.

Everything is the same as last time, but instead of the quicksave file, open the platoon folder.

We are looking for our squad there. Most often it is called Unnamed_0, Unnamed_1, etc. But it can also acquire another name, so be careful.

If you closed the program, then repeat the operation Name →Columns → Type

Click on the line with the character’s name and set all parameters [0-100]

Save. There is a save icon in the upper left corner.

Here we are done!

How to Add Items

In this section, we will learn how to add items using the example of the most useful resources, namely Research artifacts.

In the game itself, you should remove all items from the inventory, including clothes and backpacks, leaving a couple of not so important items, one copy each. Adding items works by replacing.

That is, we replace one with another!

After direct replacement, they will be in one cell at least a hundred pieces. So do not worry about whether they will fit in or not. (It does not work with weapons; I did not check the armor! Again, at your own risk!)

Let’s get started!

Just like last time, Forgotten Construction Set in the program go to the game folder → save → (save name) → platoon. We are looking for and find our squad. Reminder to be called Unnamed_0 if their game itself did not rename the file under your name.

And Open

If you closed the program, then repeat the operation Name → Columns → Type.

We click on the line Inventory Item State. This is our item, which is in the inventory.

The first line of the underlined line is the ID of the item, the second is the number of the given item.

We need, for example, Ancient scientific books, we enter in the first line underlined as in the screenshot – 43953-rebirth.mod in the second number, for example 20.

A list of Scientific Artifacts is listed below.

  • 16855-nodes_ottol.nod – Books
  • 43953-rebirth.mod – Ancient Scientific Books

Never seen in the game, never even tried adding to inventory. But I’ll leave it if anyone needs it.

  • 1535529-GenMod.mod – Farmer Books
  • 43951-rebirth.mod – Engineering Research
  • 43392-changes_otto.mod – AI core
  • Wheat – 1913-gamedata.base
  • Hemp rope – 1965-gamedata.base
  • Greenfruit – 42309-changes_otto.mod

Improving Relations with Factions

This section describes how to improve relations with factions using the FCS program.

Let’s start, go to the program in the game folder, then the file and enter the group we need in the search line.

For example, we need dusty bandits. We don’t need a name where there are numbers (These are the units of this faction).

Find and click. In the window that opens, look for and find the value 204-gamedata.base.

204-gamedata.base corresponds to relationSID16, we look for the line relation16 and next to it, in the second column we set the value we need. For example 100. If you need to put a negative value, put a minus in front of the number.

Don’t forget to save.


Adding weapons to inventory. So, first a little about the section. I will not go over how to add simple views and will focus on Meito Blades.

So how do you add weapons? With weapons, things are a little more complicated than with books and other resources.

Let’s get started!

Everything follows the old scheme, in the FCS program we find the folder with the save files, we are looking for our squad. We click. I remind the character you need to undress and remove all items except weapons, it must be equipped. It is better to put any weapon in a large slot!

One more important condition: all numbers and symbols in the red rectangle in the picture must match!

A weapon whose data I was able to capture!


Paladin Meito’s Cross

Paladin’s Cross can be found at Saint Lord Phoenix LXII in Hilly Hill.


Meito Nodachi

Nodati can be found at the Savant in the settlement house skin – Headquarters.

Meito Katana Katana can be found with the Tengu Emperor in Gruz.


Saber with a hole

A saber with a hole can be found at Pon in the Tower of Cruelty.

Meito Sword

The sword can be found in Longen’s Land of the Merchant.

The sword can be found in Valamon’s Ark.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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