This guide shows the location of moss clumps at the primary harvesting sites, and the growth rate of each, as observed by this Shade, during their time underground. We called the area “Moss World.”
Moss World Guide
Because all moss clumps located around about Crystal Lake require 14 days between harvests, it is not included, being less bountiful. Nevertheless, if another Shade is interested in exploring the area around Crystal Lake, they will find a total of 6 clumps. With your harvesting rhythm, the excursion to Crystal Lake may be convenient after gathering the 2 clumps at MWR2-1 and MWR1-1, as they also require 14 days’ growth before they can be harvested again, when a Shade wants to utilise every available clump of moss.
And yes, just like your artwork, once you learn how to weave mosscarpets, each mosscarpet will hasten the clock, while you are in your cave home. This Shade noticed that time was still being hastened by each new mosscarpet, even when time was 1 second irl time = 55 seconds game time.
To fully cover the floor in your cave home, it will require about 720 moss clumps, which you make into 60 mosscarpets: mosscarpets can be laid over some, but not quite all, of the stairs in your home. This Shade was happy they were already collecting all the moss clumps available before they knew about making mosscarpet, as once the instructions were found, they already had enough to fully cover one level of their home and a few more for the other rooms. You can even carpet your wee mushroom farm with no negative effect on that harvest.
Note: We did not resize the screenshots, preferring to show the entire room in each situation, so whilst you can see the moss clump locations easily enough in thumbnail view, you will have to open it up to full view, and then click the magnifying glass, to be able to read the pertinent information.
- Moss World Room 1 is 3850p x 754p;
- Moss World Room 2 is 3245p x 861p.
All times shown are *game* time!
Whilst you are in your cave home, 1 minute of irl, human time is but a fraction of game, Shade time. When you leave your cave home, however, time spent exploring underground moves at the same rate as irl, human time. Very quickly, this Shade discovered when they were home, they were living 24 hours game time for each hour of irl time!
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