Doki Doki Literature Club – Poem Words Guide

Other DDLC Guides:

Poem Words

Some words might not be added, I was honestly focused on Sayori’s poem words more than anything, but you get the gist of it.



Alone, Adventure, Amazing, Bed, Bliss, Broken, Calm, Charm, Cheer, Childhood, Clumsy, Comfort, Cry, Dance, Dark, Daydream, Dazzle, Death, Defeat, Depression, Embrace, Empty, Excitement, Family, Feather, Fireflies, Fireworks, Flower, Forgive, Friends, Happiness, Heart, Holiday, Hope, Joy, Laugh, Lazy, Loud,Love, Lucky, Marriage, Memories, Misery, Misfortune, Ocean, Passion, Peaceful, Pain, Play, Prayer, Precious, Promise, Rainbow, Romance, Rose, Sadness, Scars, Shame, Sing, Smile, Special, Sunny, Sunset, Sweet, Together, Tragedy, Treasure, Vacation, Wonderful


Suicidal, if you do not do her route first she will commit suicide and you can’t get the perfect ending because you’ll missing her CGs.



Afterimage, Agnozing, Ambient, Analysis, Atone, Aura, Breath, Cage, Captive, Contamination, Covet, Crimson, Destiny, Determination, Disarray, Disoriented, Despise, Disown, Effulgent, Entropy, Eternity, Extreme, Fester, Graveyard, Heavensent, Horror, Imagination, Incapable, Incongruent, Inferno, Insight, Judgement, Lust, Meager, Melancholy, Fickle, Frightening, Philosophy, Pleasure, Portrait, Raindrops, Sensation, Starscape, Suicide, Tenacious, Time, Unending, Uncontrollable, Uncanny, Unrestrained, Unstable, Vertigo, Vibrant, Wrath


Yandere. Into books, very studious. Introvert, loves horror. She’ll become a living horror later on. So choose any words that are somewhat creepy if they’re not in the tables.



Anger, Boop, Bouncy, Bubbles, Bunny, Candy, Cheeks, Chocolate, Clouds, Cute, Doki doki, Games, Giggle, Email, Fantasy, Fluffy, Hair, Hop, Headphones, Heartbeat, Jump, Jumpy, Lipstick, Kawaii, Kiss, Marshmallow, Melody, Milk, Mouse, Nibble, Nightgown, Papa, Parfait, Playground, Poof, Pout, Puppy, Swimsuit, Shopping, Skipping, Socks, Spinning, Sticky, Strawberry, Sugar, Summer, Twirl, Waterfall, Valentine, Vanilla


Tsundere. Into anime, happy-go-lucky, video games. Likes animals, cutesy stuff, food cause she’s always hungry. Dad Beats her. DDLC is her only safe space, ironically.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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