Console commands can be used to spawn enemies, add items into your inventory, make you invincible, free camera and so on. How do I open my console? You open up your console by pressing “~”. (This will maybe depend in which country you live or which keyboard you own.) Press “~” again to close your console.
Some basics you should know about console commands are:
- Your game will be paused while the console is open.
- If you left click an object the item-ID will show up.
- You can easly summon your previous commands by pressing ▲ or ▼.
General Commands
- tgm – god mode (invincible, infinte arrows, infinite stamina and magica)
- tcl – no collision (walk through walls and fly in the sky)
- tfc – free camera (first person makes your character invisible ► third person and your character will be visible)
- tfc 1 – free camera + time stop (same thing like tfc and perfect for screenshots)
- tfc – free camera
- tm – Toggles menus and UI on and off. (Becareful with that, even the console gets invisible!)
- coc [cell id] – This will teleport you to every location you want. (for example: “coc WhiterunDragonsreach” will teleport you to the Dragonsreach in Whiterun)
- set timescale to [insert number here] – Speeds up or slows down time. (16.1 is default)
- help [ ] 4 – Gives you information for example Item-ID or ref-ID (type for example: “help Bandit 4” many names and ID’s will show up) This is pretty useful if you can’t find the item-ID for any material you want to cheat.
- disable – This makes the selected object invisible. (typing enable makes the object visible again) Left click for example a corpse, lying in your house for months and write disable.
- resetquest [Quest ID] – Resets a quest.
- completequest [Quest ID] – Completes a quest.
- tfow – reveals the entire map.
- unlock – unlocks the selected item.
- lock – locks the selected item.
Character Based
- showracemenu – This opens character customization menu (if you are tired of your look for example). Don’t change your race or gender with this!.
- set race [race you want] – Changes your race to whatever you want. (for example: set race nord).
- setgs fJumpHeightMin [insert number here] – This makes you jump higher (I recommend to turn on god mode because of the falling damage).
- player.setav [skill] [number] – Boost the choosen skill (setav sneak 100 will boost your strength to 100 for example) This can also boost your carryweight.
- player.setav speedmult [insert number here] – This will multiplier your running speed (100 = increase by 100% as far as I know).
- player.setlevel [insert number] – Boosts your level.
- psb – Unlocks all spells.
- resethealth – Heals the selected target.
- player.additem [item ID] [number] – Yes you can add every item in the whole game into your inventory with this simple command.
It works like this: player.additem 0000000f 100000 – now you have 100000 Septims more.
- killall – Kills everyone in the vicinity.
- kill [insert ID] – Kills a specific target. (it’s easier to just left click on the target and type kill)
resurrect [insert ID] – Brings the selected creature back to live. (it’s easier to just left click on the target and type resurrect) - setscale [number from 1 to 10] – This makes your target huge. (again left click your target)
- unequipall – Unequips all items from the selected NPC.
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