I will explain how to get profit early by making silage bales and reduce the annoyances of the process to a minnimum.
Other FS17 Guides:
- How to Get Unlimited Money (Cheat).
- Logging and Selling Points.
- Field Information (Goldcrest Valley and Sosnovka).
- Golden Nugget Locations.
- Basic Training: Using the Train to Gather Grain.
The Process
First thing to do is to lease some equipment. What you need is:
- 1 big tractor.
- 3 small tractors.
- 1 Grass mower.
- 1 Loading wagon.
- 1 Round baller.
- 1 Bale wrapper.
- 1 Round bale autostacker.
All this can be leased with $80,000 dolars so just get a little more money from the bank.
The process goes like this.
01 – Use the big tractor with the mower and the loading wagon to get around the map getting grass. You can also seed grass on your field but more on that later. A good spot for grass is the area around field 19 and 24.
02 – When your wagon is full I recomend to take it back to your farm and work in the space in front of the house, is flat and has enough space.
You will want to set cruise control to 6Km/h and unload there to make a big line of grass.
03 – With the grass ready you will take a tractor with the baller and star making the bales by driving repeatedly over the grass. When its full back up and unload the bales close by.
04 – With the bales ready its time to wrap them. Use the wrapper to pick them up one at a time a let it process them. After around 15 seconds the bale is ready and just unload it to process the next. This is the part that takes most time.
05 – With the silage bales ready now its time to pick them up and get them to the barn for sale. I recomend to line them up in front of the sale point and them push them all at once.
And thats it! Pretty simple. In this guide I took the biggest loading wagon with a capacity of 50,000L. Thats equal to 12 bales. In normal difficulty every bale is sold for $2,646.
That means this batch got me $31,752, and all before mid day at x5 time scale.
Different Setups
Another way to get grass is to use a forage harvester. This are expensive to buy and maintain but can grab the grass directly using a universal cutter header and toss it into a big tipper carried by the harvester itself. This setup is especially useful when you get grass from around the map and the terrain has obstacles or is irregular.
A warning though, when the tipper is full the harvester will continue to cut grass but it will dissapear, it won’t go to the ground. Therefore the moment the tipper is full you have to stop the harvester to avoid waisting grass.
Becoming More Productive
To make more money you need more grass. The easiest way is to just plant it on your fields and get it all at once. For this you can have a tractor just for cutting grass, another with a windrower to concentrate it for the loading wagon and so on.
Take into account that the right moment for maximum yield of grass is when flowers appear on it. Before that you are getting less grass.
The one other thing that can speed up this process is certain equipment avaiable in the KUHN DLC Pack. Too bad it’s in there but is worth it. There is a baller that wraps the bales in one go.
For example, having grass on starter fields 12 and 14, get you 3 full loading wagons of grass (150,000L) and and extra. With the 150,000L you can make 37 silage bales that equals to $97,902 in one go. Having all 3 fields will give you 250,000L of grass, which is 62 bales, $164,052. All this can be processed within one single in game day even at x5 time scale.
Also with the plant growth speed set to fast the grass will be grown back up the next day.
Silage bales are a nice way of making money with the fields you get to start with. Is pretty profitable even when leasing all the equipment. Also unlike other products the sell price is locked when selling them on the barn so you will always get the same value for each bale.
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