Conan Exiles – Server Admin Console Commands List

This guide provides a complete list of known admin commands for managing your server or local Conan Exiles game.

How to use the Console Commands

To bring up the console you will need to press the tilde key (~) on your keyboard. If you’re unfamiliar with the key, it’s located in the top left corner of your keyboard, just above the Tab key and under the Esc key.

You then need to log in as an admin. To do this you will need to enter the following and then hit enter:

MakeMeAdmin [password]

Admin Console Commands

  • MakeMeAdmin [password] – Grants you admin privileges.
  • MakeMeNormal – Removes your admin privileges.
  • God– Toggles god mode.
  • Invisibility – Makes your character model invisible.
  • Cloak – Toggles enemy detection – NPC’s will ignore you even if you attack them.
  • Fly – Allows you to fly.
  • Ghost – Enables no collision mode (ie NoClip) – Similar to fly but you are able to pass through solid objects (including the world).
  • Walk – Return to walking mode from Fly or Ghost mode.
  • NoSprintCost – Toggles unlimited sprint mode – No stamina drain while sprinting (Note: This is not unlimited stamina).
  • SpawnItem [item ID] – Quantity Gives you an item. No item ID list had been compiled yet – You’re better off using the admin panel GUI where you can sort and search items by their names and categories instead of numbered ID’s.
  • Teleport– Teleport to the surface you’re currently looking at.
  • TeleportPlayer [X Y Z]– Teleport yourself to the specified co-ordinates (You can ask a player to get their co-ordinates by having them use the key shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L).
  • SummonPlayer [player name] – Teleport a player to your location.
  • ViewPlayer [player name] – Spectate a player of your choosing.
  • ViewSelf– Exit spectate mode.
  • PrintPlayerInfo [player name] – Reveals a specific players Steam name & in-game character name (You can enter a players character name to get their Steam name or you can enter their Steam name to get their character name) – You’ll need to double tap ~ to view the output.

UPD: A comprehensive list of all Conan Exiles Item ID’s.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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