A simple guide regarding the Discovery Locations, Interactable NPCs, Emotes, Recipes and The Exiles Journey.
There is one map which covers the majority of the Discovery Locations and another map which covers the majority of Interactable NPCs, Emotes and Recipes. I have also included the steps from The Exiles Journey in this guide.
Other Conan Exiles Guides:
- How to Finish the Game!
- Gameplay Tips and Tricks.
- Thralls Guide.
- Buildings and Structural Integrity.
- Server Admin Console Commands List.
Maps with Markers
Discovery Locations Map:
Click to enlarge…
Points of Interests Map:
Click to enlarge…
Purge Difficulty Map:
Click to enlarge…
This map displays the zones of each difficulty level of the Purge.
- Green being difficulty levels 1, 2 which Tier 1 structures are capable of protecting.
- Blue being difficulty levels 3, 4 which Tier 2 structures are capable of protecting.
- Red being difficulty levels 4, 5 which Tier 3 structures are capable of protecting.
It also lists which type of humanoids that will attack you in what area, alongside the local wildlife.
Interactable NPCs
Muriela the Artisan
- Location: Muriela`s Hope
- Interaction: Talk
- Teaches the Emote: By Mitra
- Teaches the Religion: Acolyte of Mitra
- Location: Mek-kamoses`s Spire
- Interaction: Talk
- Teaches the Emote: By Set
- Teaches the Religion: Acolyte of Set
Nunu the Cannibal
- Location: Shaman’s Rise
- Interaction: Talk
- Teaches the Emote: Cheer
- Teaches the Religion: Acolyte of Yog
The Outcast
- Location: The Outcast Camp
- Interaction: Talk
- Teaches the Religion: Altar to Ymir
Yakira, Priestess of Derketo
- Location: Pagoda of Boundless Lusts
- Interaction: Talk
- Teaches the Religion: Pleasure Place of Derketo
- Location: The highest top of Fingerfang Rock
- Interaction: Talk
- Teaches the Recipe: Mountaineer
The Archivist
- Location: The Archives
- Interaction: Talk
- Teaches the Recipe: Cartographer
Arcos the Wanderer
- Location: The Sentinels
- Interaction: Talk
- Teaches the Emote: Polite Clap
Jamila the Pirate Queen
- Location: Pariah’s Overwatch
- Interaction: Talk
- Teaches the Emote: Salute
Gilzan the Treasure Hunter
- Location: Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters
- Interaction: Talk
- Teaches the Emote: Taunt
Petruso the Sandstorm Maniac
- Location: Sandswept Ruins
- Interaction: Talk
- Purchase: Heart of the Sands (Scourgestone) for Jagged Scourgestone Piece, Shattered Scourgestone Piece, Broken Scourgestone Piece
Child of Jhebbal Sag
- Location: South from Ruins of Old Nebthu
- Interaction: Talk
Warmaker Klael
- Location: The Unnamed City
- Interaction: Talk
- Location: Mounds of the Dead
- Interaction: Talk
- Location: Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters
- Interaction: Talk
Razma of Shem
- Location: Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters
- Interaction: Talk
- Emote ID: Wave
- Learned by: Creating a character
- Emote ID: Salute
- Learned by: Creating a character
- Learned by: Jamila the Pirate Queen
- Location: Pariah`s Overwatch
- Emote ID: Bow
- Learned by: Creating a character
- Emote ID: Cheer
- Learned by: Nunu the Cannibal
- Location: Shaman`s Rise
- Emote ID: Taunt
- Learned by: Gilzan the Treasure Hunter
- Location: Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters
- Emote ID: Cheer1
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: North-east of Tyros`s Passage
- Emote ID: PushUps
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: The Wardtowers
Shake Fist
- Emote ID: ShakeFist
- Learned by: Creating a character
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: South of Circle of Swords
Fist Punch
- Emote ID: Fist Punch
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: King’s Niche
Slit Throat
- Emote ID: SlitThroat
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: Rime Fisher`s Hut
- Emote ID: Spit
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: Mounds of the Dead
- Emote ID: Chicken
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: Mounds of the Dead
Khitan Dance
- Emote ID: DanceKhitan
- Learned by: Ghosts
- Location: Algar`s Overlook
War Dance
- Emote ID: DanceHaka
- Learned by: Ghosts
- Location: South of The Cursed Way
Cimmerian Dance
- Emote ID: DanceCimmerian
- Learned by: Ghosts
- Location: South of Sharptooth Passage
Aquilonian Dance
- Emote ID: DanceAquilonian
- Learned by: Ghosts
- Location: North of Mitra`s Serenity
Belly Dance
- Emote ID: DanceBelly
- Learned by: Ghosts
- Location: The Den
Snake Dance
- Emote ID: DanceSexy
- Learned by: Ghosts
- Location: Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters
- Emote ID: Surrender
- Learned by: Creating a character
- Learned by: Note
- Location: Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters
- Emote ID: Point
- Learned by: Creating a Character
- Learned by: Note
- Location: Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters
- Emote ID: Ponder
- Learned by: Note
- Location: Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters
- Emote ID: Shrug
- Learned by: Note
- Location: Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters
Bear Hug
- Emote ID: BearHug
- Learned by: Note
- Location: Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters
Polite Clap
- Emote ID: ClapSmall
- Learned by: Arcos the Wanderer
- Learned by: Note
- Location: The Sentinels
- Location: Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters
- Emote ID: ClapBig
- Learned by: Note
- Location: Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters
- Emote ID: Grovel
- Learned by: Journal
- Learned by: Note
- Location: Weaver`s Hollow
- Location: Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters
Comb Hair
- Emote ID: CombHair
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: Skulker`s End
Show Off
- Emote ID: Showoff
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: West of Scavenger`s Berth
- Emote ID: Spank
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: The Summoning Place
Blow Kiss
- Emote ID: BlowKiss
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: Deathwhisper Ruins
- Emote ID: Squirming
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: The Sinkhole
Come Here
- Emote ID: ComeHere
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: Hand of the Maker
- Emote ID: LayingSeductive
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: The Black Galleon
- Emote ID: Flirt1
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters
- Emote ID: Kneel
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: The Summoning Place
- Location: The Unnamed City
- Location: Weaver`s Hollow
- Location: Muriela`s Hope
- Location: The Temple of Frost
Pray Sitting
- Emote ID: PraySitting
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: The Summoning Place
- Location: The Unnamed City
- Location: Weaver`s Hollow
- Location: Muriela`s Hope
- Location: The Temple of Frost
Pray Standing
- Emote ID: PrayStanding
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: The Summoning Place
- Location: The Unnamed City
- Location: Weaver`s Hollow
- Location: Muriela`s Hope
- Location: The Temple of Frost
By Mitra
- Emote ID: ByMitra
- Learned by: Muriela the Artisan
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: Muriela`s Hope
By Set
- Emote ID: BySet
- Learned by: Mek-kamoses
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: Mek-kamoses`s Spire
- Location: The Unnamed City
By Yog
- Emote ID: ByYog
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: The Summoning Place
By Crom
- Emote ID: ByCrom
- Learned by: Journal
- Learned by: Runestone
- Location: Weaver`s Hollow
- Location: The Temple of Frost
- Emote ID: SitOnGround
- Learned by: Creating a character
- Emote ID: SleepOnGround
- Learned by: Creating a character
Cross Arms
- Emote ID: ArmsCrossed
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: South of Shattered Bridge
- Emote ID: Submissive
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: East of Cavern of Fiends
- Emote ID: Sigh
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: North-west of Warren of Degenerates
- Emote ID: Score
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: Muriela`s Hope
Polite Laugh
- Emote ID: LaughSmall
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: North of Klael´s Stronghold
- Emote ID: LaughBig
- Learned by: Journal
- Location: North of Klael´s Stronghold
Exclusive Recipes
Specialist Cooking I
Location: The Summoning Place
- Darfari Bug Soup
- Spiced Soup
- Corrupting Brew
- Flavored Gruel
Specialist Cooking II
Location: South of Skyholme Ruins
- Aloe Soup
- Spiced Oysters
- Cooked Oyster
- Berry Juice
- Berry Juice
Specialist Cooking III
Location: Mounds of the Dead
- Meaty Mashup
- Enhanced Gruel
- Cleansing Brew
- Spiced Tea
- Herbal Tea
- Seed Soup
Specialist Cooking IV
Location: Mounds of the Dead
- Trail Jerky
- Steak and Eggs
- Exquisite Stew
- Savory Jerky
Specialist Cooking V
Location: Trapper`s Cabin
- Hearty Stew
- Demon Blood-Sausage
- Rhino Head Soup
- Lasting Meal
- Spiced Slivers
Specialist Cooking VI
Location: The Summoning Place
- Hearty Meal
- Bone Broth
- Spiced and Shredded Roast
- Bug Kabob
- Spiced Egg
Specialist Cooking VII
Location: Muriela`s Hope
- Chili Desert Style
- Yellow Lotus Soup
- Egg Surpise
- Salted Berries
Specialist Cooking VIII
Location: The Tower of Bats
- Feral Feasts
- Century Egg
- Bush Jerky
- Oyster Omelette
Specialist Cooking IX
Location: Lian`s Watch
- Mushroom Stew
- Roasted Mushrooms
- Mulled Brew
- Cimmerian Meal
- Mushroom Tea
Specialist Cooking X
Location: Drifter’s Rest
- Cooked Pork Strips
- Cooked Pork Dinner
- Lumpy Soup
- Mixed Meat Scraps
- Potion of Endowment
Specialist Brewing I
Location: The Den
- Phykos Rum
- Honeyed Wine
- Absinthe
Specialist Brewing II
Location: Mounds of the Dead
- Resin Wine
- Firewater
- Shroom Bear
Darfari Banners
Location: Skulker`s End
- Darfari Banner
- Darfari Banner
- Darfari Banner
- Darfari Banner
Black Hand Banners
Location: The Black Galleon
- Black Hand Banner
Dogs of the Desert Banners
Location: The Den
- Dogs of the Desert Banner
Relic Hunter Banners
Location: Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters
- Relic Hunter Banner
Location: The Summoning Place
- Impaled Skull
- Impaled Skull
- Impaled Skull
- Impaled Skull
Location: The Temple of Frost
- Vanir Totem
- Vanir Totem
- Vanir Totem
- Vanir Totem
Location: Buccaneer Bay
- Buccaneer Peg Leg (Left Fitting)
- Black Hand Boots
- Eye Patch
- Black Hand Earrings
- Buccaneer Peg Leg (Right Fitting)
Hyena-Fur Armor
Location: Scoundrel`s Gateway
- Hyena-fur Chestpiece
- Hyena Skull Helmet
- Hyena-fur Gloves
- Hyena-fur Wrap
- Hyena-fur Boots
Hyena-Fur Epic
Location: Scoundrel`s Gateway
- Hyena-fur Chestpiece
- Hyena Skull Helmet
- Hyena-fur Gloves
- Hyena-fur Wrap
- Hyena-fur Boots
Relic Hunter Armor
Location: Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters
- Relic Hunter Shirt
- Relic Hunter Turban
- Relic Hunter Gloves
- Relic Hunter Trousers
- Relic Hunter Boots
Relic Hunter Epic
Location: Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters
- Relic Hunter Shirt
- Relic Hunter Turban
- Relic Hunter Gloves
- Relic Hunter Trousers
- Relic Hunter Boots
Serpentine Recipes
Location: The Well of Skelos
- Serpentine Arrow
- Serpentine Daggers
- Serpentine Javelin
- Serpentine Mace
- Serpentine Pike
- Serpentine Shield
- Serpentine Sword
- Serpentine Throwing Axe
- Serpentine War Axe
- Serpentine Warhammer
- Item ID: 53502
- Regenerating: Restores 30% of Total Health over 5 seconds.
- Weight: 1.25
- Recipe: Acolyte of Mitra, creating a character with Mitra as Religion.
- Recipe: Acolyte of Mitra, Level 1, Cost:50
- Recipe: Acolyte of Mitra, taught by NPC: Muriela the Artisan.
- Crafted at: Shrine of Mitra, Sancturay of Mitra, Temple of Mitra
- Material cost: Lingering Essence (1)
Aloe Extract:
- Item ID: 53001
- Regenerating: Restores 30% of Total Health over 5 seconds.
- Weight: 1.25
- Recipe: Firebowl Cauldron, Level 15, Cost:3
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Aloe Leaves (10)
- Material cost (III): Aloe Leaves (7)
- Material cost (IV): Aloe Leaves (5)
Yellow Lotus Potion:
- Item ID: 53101
- Memory Loss: Resets all Attribute Points and Feats Points.
- Expires in: 0:00
- Weight: 2.50
- Recipe: Firebowl Cauldron, Level 15, Cost:3
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Yellow Lotus Blossom (10)
- Material cost (III): Yellow Lotus Blossom (7)
- Material cost (IV): Yellow Lotus Blossom (5)
Potion of Endowment:
- Item ID: 18275
- Increased Charisma: Improves the most essential part of your character for 60 minutes.
- Weight: 2.50
- Recipe: Specialist Cooking X, taught by a note at Drifter’s Rest.
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Water-filled Glass Flask (1), Alchemical Base (1), Grey Lotus Powder (3)
- Material cost (III): Water-filled Glass Flask (1), Alchemical Base (1), Grey Lotus Powder (2)
- Material cost (IV): Water-filled Glass Flask (1), Alchemical Base (1), Grey Lotus Powder (1)
Set Antidote:
- Item ID: 53503
- Antidote: Removes all Poison effects.
- Weight: 1.25
- Recipe: Acolyte of Set, creating a character with Mitra as Religion.
- Recipe: Acolyte of Set, Level 1, Cost:50
- Recipe: Acolyte of Set, taught by NPC: Mek-kamoses.
- Crafted at: Sepulcher of Set, Altar of Set, Sanctum of Set
- Material cost: Human Heart (1)
Violet Cureall:
- Item ID: 53011
- Antidote: Removes all Poison effects.
- Weight: 2.50
- Recipe: Firebowl Cauldron, Level 15, Cost:3
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Serpent Venom Gland (10)
- Material cost (III): Serpent Venom Gland (7)
- Material cost (IV): Serpent Venom Gland (5)
Breathing Potion:
- Item ID: 53102
- Water Breathing: Allows you to breathe under water for 60 seconds.
- Weight: 2.50
- Recipe: Dredger, taught by a rune at the entrance in The Dregs.
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Water Orb (1), Glowing Essence (5)
- Material cost (III): Water Orb (1), Glowing Essence (3)
- Material cost (IV): Water Orb (1), Glowing Essence (2)
Fish Gill Potion:
- Item ID: 18301
- Water Breathing: Allows you to breathe under water for 120 seconds.
- Weight: 2.50
- Recipe: Potionmaker, Level 58, Cost:12
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Water-filled Glass Flask (1), Alchemical Base (1), Purple Lotus Powder (1), Crimson Lotus Powder (1)
Reaper Poison:
- Item ID: 53201
- Weapon Enhancement: Applies a stacking poison effect on your target.
- Weight: 1.25
- Recipe: Firebowl Cauldron, Level 15, Cost:3
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Sand Reaper Toxin Gland (1)
Elixir of Might:
- Item ID: 18297
- Increased Strength: Increases Strength by +3 for 60 minutes.
- Weight: 2.50
- Recipe: Potionmaker, Level 58, Cost:12
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Water-filled Glass Flask (1), Alchemical Base (1),
- Frost Lotus Powder (1), Grey Lotus Powder (1)
Elixir of Grace:
- Item ID: 18290
- Increased Agility: Increases Agility by +3 for 60 minutes.
- Weight: 2.50
- Recipe: Potionmaker, Level 58, Cost:12
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Water-filled Glass Flask (1), Alchemical Base (1),
- Crimson Lotus Powder (2)
Elixir of Vigor:
- Item ID: 18299
- Increased Vitality: Increases Vitality by +3 for 60 minutes.
- Weight: 2.50
- Recipe: Potionmaker, Level 58, Cost:12
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Water-filled Glass Flask (1), Alchemical Base (1),
- Black Lotus Powder (1), Frost Lotus Powder (1)
Elixir of Sight:
- Item ID: 18289
- Increased Accuracy: Increases Accuracy by +3 for 60 minutes.
- Weight: 2.50
- Recipe: Potionmaker, Level 58, Cost:12
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Water-filled Glass Flask (1), Alchemical Base (1),
- Grey Lotus Powder (2)
Elixir of Enduring:
- Item ID: 18295
- Increased Grit: Increases Grit by +3 for 60 minutes.
- Weight: 2.50
- Recipe: Potionmaker, Level 58, Cost:12
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Water-filled Glass Flask (1), Alchemical Base (1),
- Crimson Lotus Powder (1), Golden Lotus Powder (1)
Elixir of Numbing:
- Item ID: 18292
- Increased Encumbrance: Increases Encumbrance by +3 for 60 minutes.
- Weight: 2.50
- Recipe: Potionmaker, Level 58, Cost:12
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Water-filled Glass Flask (1), Alchemical Base (1),
- Frost Lotus Powder (2)
Elixir of Ingestion:
- Item ID: 18298
- Increased Survival: Increases Survival by +3 for 60 minutes.
- Weight: 2.50
- Recipe: Potionmaker, Level 58, Cost:12
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Water-filled Glass Flask (1), Alchemical Base (1),
- Purple Lotus Powder (1), Crimson Lotus Powder (1)
Elixir of Freedom:
- Item ID: 18304
- Regenerating: Restores 15% of total Health over 5 seconds.
- Increased Stamina: Increases Stamina by 20 for 60 minutes.
- Weight: 2.50
- Recipe: Pleasure Place of Derketo, creating a character with Derketo as Religion.
- Recipe: Pleasure Place of Derketo, Level 1, Cost:50
- Recipe: Pleasure Place of Derketo, taught by NPC: Yakira, Priestess of Derketo.
- Crafted at: Pleasure Place of Derketo, Pleasure Dome of Derketo, Pleasure Palace of Derketo
- Material cost: Silver of the Unfulfilled (1), Handful of Insects (10)
Warpaint – Strength:
- Item ID: 53527
- Bonus Strength: Increases Strength by +3 for 60 minutes.
- Durability: 3,600.0
- Weight: 0.15
- Recipe: Functional Warpaints, Level 42, Cost:3
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Red Dye (1), Dragonpowder (2)
- Material cost (III): Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Red Dye (1), Dragonpowder (1)
- Material cost (IV): Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Red Dye (1), Dragonpowder (1)
Warpaint – Agility:
- Item ID: 53528
- Bonus Agility: Increases Agility by +3 for 60 minutes.
- Durability: 3,600.0
- Weight: 0.15
- Recipe: Functional Warpaints, Level 42, Cost:3
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Yellow Dye (1), Dragonpowder (2)
- Material cost (III): Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Yellow Dye (1), Dragonpowder (1)
- Material cost (IV): Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Yellow Dye (1), Dragonpowder (1)
Warpaint – Vitality:
- Item ID: 53529
- Bonus Vitality: Increases Vitality by +3 for 60 minutes.
- Durability: 3,600.0
- Weight: 0.15
- Recipe: Functional Warpaints, Level 42, Cost:3
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Light Green Dye (1), Dragonpowder (2)
- Material cost (III): Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Light Green Dye (1), Dragonpowder (1)
- Material cost (IV): Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Light Green Dye (1), Dragonpowder (1)
Warpaint – Accuracy:
- Item ID: 53530
- Bonus Accuracy: Increases Accuracy by +3 for 60 minutes.
- Durability: 3,600.0
- Weight: 0.15
- Recipe: Functional Warpaints, Level 42, Cost:3
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Light Blue Dye (1), Dragonpowder (2)
- Material cost (III): Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Light Blue Dye (1), Dragonpowder (1)
- Material cost (IV): Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Light Blue Dye (1), Dragonpowder (1)
Warpaint – Grit:
- Item ID: 53531
- Bonus Grit: Increases Grit by +3 for 60 minutes.
- Durability: 3,600.0
- Weight: 0.15
- Recipe: Functional Warpaints, Level 42, Cost:3
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Light Ash Dye (1), Dragonpowder (2)
- Material cost (III): Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Light Ash Dye (1), Dragonpowder (1)
- Material cost (IV): Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Light Ash Dye (1), Dragonpowder (1)
Warpaint – Support:
- Item ID: 53532
- Bonus Encumbrance: Increases Encumbrance by +3 for 60 minutes.
- Durability: 3,600.0
- Weight: 0.15
- Recipe: Functional Warpaints, Level 42, Cost:3
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Orange Dye (1), Dragonpowder (2)
- Material cost (III): Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Orange Dye (1), Dragonpowder (1)
- Material cost (IV): Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Orange Dye (1), Dragonpowder (1)
Warpaint – Determination:
- Item ID: 53533
- Bonus Survival: Increases Survival by +0 for 60 minutes.
- Durability: 3,600.0
- Weight: 0.15
- Recipe: Functional Warpaints, Level 42, Cost:3
- Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron
- Material cost: Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Green Dye (1), Dragonpowder (2)
- Material cost (III): Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Green Dye (1), Dragonpowder (1)
- Material cost (IV): Papyrus Scroll (1), Inking Brush (1), Green Dye (1), Dragonpowder (1)
Dungeon Recipes
The Dregs
- Dredger
- Abysmal Sword
- Abysmal Dagger
- Abysmal Arrows
- Herpetology
- Reptile Leather Epic
The Barrow King
- Vanquisher of the King Beneath
The Temple of Frost
- Frost Smithing
- Black Ice Pickaxe
- Black Ice Javelin
- Black Ice Throwing Axe
The Black Keep
- Kinscourge Weapons
- Pride of the Silent Legion
Palace of the Witch Queen
- Lemurian Sword
- Lemurian Pike
- Lemurian Royal Armor
- Lemurian Warrior Armor
The Well of Skelos
- Obsidian Sword
- Obsidian Two-Handed Sword
- Obsidian Mace
- Obsidian Warhammer
- Obsidian Dagger
- Obsidian Spear
- Obsidian Shield
- Obsidian Arrow
- Obsidian Tools
The Arena
- Dragonbone War Axe
- Dragonbone Sword
- Dragonbone Two-Handed Sword
- Dragonbone Maul
- Dragonbone Daggers
- Dragonbone Spear
- Dragonbone Shield
- Dragonhorn Bow
- Dragonbone Throwing Axe
- Dragonbone Javelin
The Exiles Journey
Chapter I:
- Climb
- Drink
- Eat
- Use a bed or bedroll
- Clothe yourself
- Slay!
- Craft a tool
- Find signs of intelligent life
- Kick
- Dodge
Chapter II:
- Spend Knowledge Points
- Get a dedicated weapon
- Eat a filling meal
- Find shelter
- Perform a Heavy Finisher with a weapon
- Use a Torch
- Scout an Exile Camp
- Store goods
- Create a home
- Block an attack
Chapter III:
- Equip a piece of light armor
- Use a skinning dagger to skin an animal
- Scout a Darfari camp
- Obtain an iron bar
- Find somebody to talk to
- Shoot an enemy
- Venerate the gods
- Get a Head
- Throw an orb
- Use a pick to gather bark from trees
Chapter IV:
- Put an Enemy in the Wheel of Pain
- Sleep in a bed
- Craft an iron tool
- Obtain a potion
- Show your religious zeal
- Mine all the iron in a node
- Dye an item
- Catch a fish
- Plant seeds
- Earn a perk
Chapter V:
- Craft an exceptional or flawless item
- Destroy the Abyssal Remnant
- Upgrade a building piece
- Obtain the head of a boss creature
- Ride an elevator
- Scout a Black Hand camp
- Decorate yourself with warpaint
- Fire a trebuchet
- Combine orb effects
- Climb the Tower of Bats
Chapter VI:
- Use an explosive
- Modify a weapon
- Scout a Dogs of the Desert camp
- Lure an enemy into a trap
- Modify a piece of armor
- Squish something in a fluid press
- Drink water from a well
- Cripple an enemy
- Sunder an enemy
- Make an enemy bleed
Chapter VII:
- Survive a sandstorm outside of shelter
- Explore the Unnamed City
- Survive a Purge
- Destroy a Dragon
- Visit Sepermeru
- Attune an Obelisk
- Create a map-room
- Recruit a unique thrall
- Equip a Raider Armor Piece
- Cleanse corruption by watching an entertainer
Chapter VIII:
- Visit New Asagard
- Defeat the Kinscourge
- Get extremely drunk
- Enter the Palace of the Witch Queen
- Drink the Yellow Lotus Potion
- Harvest the Black Lotus Blossom
- Discover all the Lemurian Lorestones
- Harvest a falled star for ore
- Build of Upgrade your building to the highest tier
- Discover what haunts the Sanctuary Ruins
Chapter IX:
- Visit the Mounts of the Dead
- Defeat the Barrow King
- Obtain a Black Ice Weapon
- Buff yourself with Warpaint
- Summon Witchfire
- Pour Boiling Oil from a Siege Cauldron
- Maintain normal temperature in the most Extreme Cold
- Defeat Hrugnir of the Frost
- Equip a Nordheimer Armor Set
- Discover all of the Giant-king obelisks
Chapter X:
- Find a Legendary weapon
- Destroy whatever dwells at the heart of the Volcano
- Obtain an Obsidian Weapon
- Create a Master Workstation
- Summon the Avatar of a God
- Survive the heat of the volcano
- Equip an Epic Armor Set
- Explore the entire Exiled Lands
- Defeat the Mummy of the Ring
- Escape the Exiled Lands
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