Epic Battle Fantasy 5 – 10 Million Damage Guide

A walkthrough on how to deal 8 digits of damage.

Other Epic Battle Fantasy 5 Guides:

This guide explains how to perform extreme overkill in the game. According to the game, this ability becomes available around level 35. I successfully did it at level 37, but you could likely accomplish it at level 36, and possibly even at level 35 if you’re fortunate.

The Setup

Choosing the Perfect Victim

If we want to do as much damage as possible we need to find the perfect target. By combining a variety of status effects we can do massive damage to anything, but we need the most damage possible. For that we’re going to kill the Angel Mirror.

Some people like to a Slime Bunny because those 10 million health slimes exist, but we’re not gonna do that. There’s one small problem with Slime Bunnies that makes Angel Mirrors a better choice.

Slime Bunnies are immune to being cursed, so we can’t get their defense to -80% like we can for the Mirrors. The only problem we mgiht encounter with the Mirror is that it doesnt have a very high amount of health, so for this battle you should play on Hard or Epic so you don’t accidentally kill the mirror.


For the fight you’re going to want the Chunky Gloop summon equipped. We’ll be using that to apply invisible. The Viking Monoltih could also be helpful for applying haste.

Natalie’s Setup

You should equip Natalie with the following gear for the fight. The Star Badge comes from the Temple of Trials. It’s difficult to obtain, but don’t worry if you don’t have it – you can still win without it. Make sure to upgrade all your items to their maximum level. Also, ensure that Natalie has the Black Hole limit break ability and that you’ve upgraded it to its maximum level as well.

The Battle

Alright, now that we’ve picked a target and we have all our gear, where do we find an Angel Mirror that we can use for this? The Gallery’s 30 medal room has a fight with all 4 of the mirror enemies scaled to your level, so that’s where we want to go.

Now we need a lot of things to happen in this battle, but the first thing we do is kill the other 3 enemies. Once that’s done, we have a nice big list of stuff to do.

  • Buff Natalie’s magic attack
  • Give Natalie brave
  • Debuff the Mirror’s magic defense
  • Weaken the Mirror
  • Freeze the Mirror
  • Make the Mirror Invisible

We’ll start off by cursing the Mirror. Curse will gradually lower the magic defense for us. While this is happening, the Mirror’s health may get low, so just hit it with a holy attack to heal it. We need to weaken the Mirror anyway, so you can heal it while applying Weaken.

Once the Mirror gets to -80% magic defense, we need to do a couple things. Make sure the Mirror will stay cursed and weakened for atleast another 3 turns. Have Matt use Temper on Natalie to give her Brave, we want a critical hit. Next have Natalie defend to buff her magic attack to +80%.

On your next turn use the Chunky Gloop summon to make the Mirror Invisible, and then hit it with Anna’s Frost Arrow to freeze it. Your Mirror should look like this:

Now all that’s left to do is use Black Hole and enjoy your new achievement.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3640 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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