X4: Foundations – How to AutoMine

AutoMine is a solution if you’re having trouble getting your Miners to collect and sell resources automatically. The process is actually quite straightforward and only requires one command called “AutoMine.”

This feature helps you set up an automated mining and selling system with minimal effort.

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How to Set Up Auto Miners

So my first miner set up in argon prime is working flawless. Already made me 250000 in 4 runs.

All you need to do is:

  • Goto Map view (M Key), Than Property owned Tab. Select your Mining vessel and right click, than select infomation.
  • Two tabs show up. Information and Behavior. Go to Behavior tab. 
  • Go to middle of Behavior Tab and select Defualt behavior. Choose AutoMine. Automine will Automatically choose where to mine, and where to sell. Nothing else needs to be done. The captain will take care of the rest! Read below for extra importtant stuff.
  • Below this you have two choices Gate Distance and Wares. 

Wares allows you to select which Ores your Captain will grab. Select which one you want this vessel to mine.. You can do up to three I belive.

For the gate Distance thats pretty simple.. how many jumps do you want the AI to go to sell its Ores onces filled? Keep in mind the farther he has to go, the longer it takes to make money!

  • When all done Select Confirm to make all the changes Stick. 
  • Your pilot will wait for you to contact him to start his mission. Comm him and select option for him to start. And your done. He will go off and make you money passively. You can do whatever you want now. Good luck.

Tips and Tricks

Your pilot may sometimes wait with a full cargo load for a few minutes. This happens because they’re searching for the best place to sell the ores they’ve collected.

Having satellites positioned around all nearby stations will significantly improve this process. Without satellites, your pilot will eventually find somewhere to sell, but it will take much longer. Satellites are essential for efficient service.

It’s best not to follow your AI pilot while they work. When the AI is being actively rendered on your screen, it performs poorly and may crash into objects or behave unpredictably. This makes the entire process take much longer. Try to remain out of the same system as your pilot for best results.

Vessel Set Up

Of course to mine you need a vessel. You can buy good mining vessel Medium size at a Warf. Warfs sell Small Vessels and Medium Vessels.

  • You only need 1 Mining laser on your vessel.
  • If you have turrets use those for Defense Guns. Your foward facing guns can be used for mining and you will be all set.
  • Do you need crew? If your vessel is attacked and survives they will help with repairs and I believe give a bonus for turrets.
  • Faster your vessel the quicker it will go back and forth from Mining and Selling.
  • So far the best medium miner is the Argon Drill.. (thats the name of the ship Drill) Both Argon Miners are known to work correctly. Some of the other miners for the other races have been reported to have problems with selecting them as Autominers.
  • When buying your ship manually make sure you select captain. You need a captain on your ship to automine.
  • All the software you need is bought and included in game. You can’t really mess it up, the game won’t let you purchase the ship without the software requirments. There is no Mining Software to buy its included in the ship. Thats why its called a Mining vessel!
  • You have to buy a ship that is a mining vessel. Regular transports won’t do it. (they don’t have the built in software. They have the built in TradeWare)
  • Large miners have the benifit of having larger cargo holds. So they gather more ores in a single run. Meaning they will give you more money when the Captain turns in his haul.
  • Large miners have the negative effect of being so large they might get stuck! Don’t be in sector with them!
  • Large miner have the positive benifit that they are much more powerful than mediums and will survive pirate attacks a lot better. But they are much more expensive!
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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