GTA: San Andreas – Ammu-Nation Shooting Ranges

Other GTA:SA Guides:

Ammu-Nations with Shooting Ranges

  • Downtown Los Santos Los Santos.
  • Palomino Creek Red County.
  • Blueberry Red County.
  • Ocean Flats San Fierro.
  • El Quebrados Tierra Robada.
  • Come-A-Lot Las Venturas.
  • Old Venturas Strip Las Venturas.

Shootings Range Missions

Stage 1: Pistol Challenge

CJ has to shoot the targets, there are 3 rounds. Round 1 is with stationairy targets, Round 2 will have targets that are moving to CJ and round 3 will have a target that is moving.

Stage 2: SMG Challenge

The SMG Challenge is the same as the pistol challenge but well, it has SMGs instead of pistols…

Stage 3: Shotgun Challenge

Once again, this challenge is the same as the last two challenges but now you have a shotgun.

Stage 4: AK-47 Challenge

The final challenge in the Ammu-Nation. It has the same rules as all the other missions have. This challenge is a lot easier because of the AK-47s fire rate.


CJ will be awarded with $1,000 and CJ’s weapon stats will increase by 200.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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