Werecoyote quick from stand.
How to Complete the Werecoyote Mission Easily
Inventory: .243 riffle, .243 polymer rounds, scope – I prefer the Hyperion, binoculars, predator “jackrabbit” caller, and tent.
First off, you want to build the hunting stand that is overlooking the area and place a tent a few meters behind it. Face the tent in the direction of the stand. Exit the game to desktop and go back in. Doing this will respawn the Werecoyote. You can always exit and come back to refresh his spawn. Once you spawn in your tent crouch and head towards the stand. Use the Predator “Jackrabbit” Caller before heading up the ladder. Once up the ladder crouch forward to the front and stand up. Call once more. You should be able to spot the Werecoyote in the center of the area left of some bushes close to 100 meters out. Switch to your .243 with polymer tip rounds and take your shot! I was zeroed in at 150 when I made the shot. I tried at 75 twice before and missed both times.
The orange waypoint marker illustrates the general area where the Werecoyote should be standing. The object next to the marker on the map is a portable blind I used in past attempts with no success.
Note: I don’t think these variables will affect the outcome but they are worth mentioning. I only carried what I needed in my inventory. I placed a portable blind in the center of the area. The time was around 2:00.
Good instructions. Dropped him on the first attempt following your instructions except I didn’t call him the second time. When I stood up in the stand he was standing exactly where you marked him. Time was around 1am.