In this post you can find some of cheat codes and how to use it.
How to Enable Console
Use the settings menu and enter codes exactly as is, spaces and case matter!
- Once you’ve loaded into the Game press the [Esc] button.
- Click on Settings.
- You’ll see a text saying Cheats and a Black text field below.
- Click on the Text field and type any of the Cheats from below.
Note: In newer versions of the game, press the tilde (~) key in-game, rather than in the settings menu, to access the cheat entry form.
All Cheats (Console Commands)
Breeders of the Nephelym offers a wide range of cheat codes for players to utilize. To use them, navigate to the Cheat menu located within the Settings tab and enter the desired cheat code.
Cheat | Description |
add money | Receive 1,000,000 Orgasium. |
add favor | Receive 1000 Goddess’ Favor. |
infinite lust | The lust meter for Nephelym and yourself will not decrease. (If you are already on 0, it will work after you sleep.) |
infinite spirit | Your spirit meter will not decrease. (If you are already on 0, it will work after you sleep.) |
win wild sex | Your climax meter will not rise during wild sex. (Climax meter during “Spontaneous Blow Job” will still rise.) |
reset wild sex | Turns off “win wild sex” and allows for your lust meter to decrease. |
enable spirit form | Unlocks the use of Spirit Form. |
all barns | Build all barns at no cost. |
max all fluids | Gives you 2000 ml of every semen and 4000 ml of every milk. |
go home | Teleports you to the front of your house. |
imma lazy sack | Unlocks all gates. |
always reproduce | Sets pregnancy chance to 100% |
reset reproduce | Turns off “always reproduce” and sets pregnancy chance back to normal. |
essence x | Sets world level (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, in place of x) |
remove cheats | Removes certain cheats. |
all sex positions | Unlocks all sex positions. |
Important: “All portals” was removed and is replaced with a cheat that will be disclosed at a later date from the creator. “Infinite lust” only works if you have lust on your meter to begin with. If you empty the lust, then use the cheat, you’re stuck until you can regain some of the lust normally such as sleeping.
How to unlock all positions in Breeders of Nephelym?
To unlock all positions in Breeders of the Nephelym, enter the code “all sex positions”. Players can access the cheat menu by navigating to the settings, selecting the Gameplay tab, and then opening the cheat menu. Remember, all cheat codes are case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as they appear.
How to stop males spawning?
To prevent males from spawning, you can opt to replace them with Futanari. While in the game, press Esc to access the options, then click on the gear icon. This action usually directs you to the Settings/Fetish section. On the right, the second item on the list is Futanari. Click on it, and you will find options that include “Replace Males”. Select this option to ensure no males spawn.
How to delete old saves?
If you want to manually delete the old saves, you go to:
- Bee Girls = Dexterity
- Fox Girls = Dexterity
- Wolf Girls= Strength
- Bunny Girls=Fertility
- Seraphim = Allure
- Elf Girls = Willpower
- Drenaigirls = Fertility
- Featheredharpy = Willpower
- Bat Harpy = Dexterity
- Nekogirls = Allure
- Horsegirls = Fertility and Dexterity
- Sharkgirls = Dexterity
- Cambrions = Willpower
- Succubi = Allure
Fetish Menu (Cheats)
Fetishes are accessible through the Settings menu. If you find them objectionable, you may toggle them off.
Fetish | Description |
Body Composition | Makes all wild Nephelym bodies random (and allows you to change them via items?). |
Hybrids | Unique variants can be produced that are a mix of each parent’s race. |
Hominal Females | Female and futa Nephelym can have a trait that alter their appearance to be more human than monster. |
Exotic Females | Female and futa Nephelym can have a trait that alter their appearance to be more monster than human.Males are always exotic. |
Futanari | Female Nephelym and NPCs can have a fully functional dick. |
All Males are Futas | With the exception of the male breeder, all male Nephelym will be replaced by futas. |
Only Futas | With the exception of the breeders all other characters are futas. |
Pregnancy | Female Nephelym will take 4 days to summon their offspring, and the belly will morph to reflect this. |
Surprise Sex | Allows consensual surprise sex. |
Racial Body Fluid. | Each race has unique colors for their body fluids. If disabled human colors will be used. |
Cum Inflation | Female body will swell in proportion to the amount of cum received. |
would be nice if there was a map. other then that the game is awesome.
the first time i played it i was like wow and then realise that the incest in the game work i told myself nice i can trade trait between my breed without having to go search in the wild and then quit playing for while for personal reasons i came back yesterday and no more incest ? fuck i cant have my kink and the usefulness and laugh anymore
Maybe kinda late, But you can still enable incest by making a file named imma with extension degenerate “imma.degenerate”.
If you don’t know how to do this, make a new textfile and open it. Don’t write anything in it just immediately “Save as” and then where it says “Textdocuments *.txt” click on “All files *.*” and then file name “imma.degenerate”
Too late for them, but just in time for me, thank you!
Do any of the cheat codes remove the ability to learn from Pawsmaati?
I have imma lazy sack, add favor, and add money on my “just for play” world. I’m only getting the 2 introductory dialogues for Pawsmaati and I can’t learn or play with her.
How do I open/use the portals no matter what I do it doesn’t work. I have no option to unlock it 🙁 the only way I’ve been able to open them is by using a cheat code but I don’t want to do that !
the way to do it without cheats is to head to the desert and talk to the lamia by the portal after that they will open
the desert is past the forest with the nekos
Facing Amber-Mae, look left and you will see stairs. Follow them and you’ll see a pool on your left, along that walkway.
when in Hedon take the stone stairs up and right and all the way to the end of that walkway and left to the bath and the mermaid.
For those looking for Orcs, when facing the portal and wall of the Glades, turn around and run into the green grass field, you’ll find the statue.
Bats are in the cave area of the Hallows, you run into them before reaching the Goblins when running from the Hollows portal to the Glades.
Slimes appear for me most often in the water by the tree island in the Glades, hope this helps.
I strongly suggest unlocking the Homestead portal first then the Hedon Township second for the portals do not have a set order in the travel list. Doing this will put those two at the top seeing how you will be going there the most to check on your stock and to sell: milk, semen, unneeded stock and to upgrade your ranch.
I can’t unlock portals and I don’t know why 🙁
Got any suggestions ? I can only use the portals when I use a cheat code but I don’t want to do that !
up the hill in the town theres a building with a door if your going to see cassie it will be on your right its easy to miss cuz it in the mountain
I strongly suggest unlocking the Homestead portal first then the Hedon Township second for the portals do not have a set order in the travel list. Doing this will put those two at the top seeing how you will be going there the most to check on your stock and to sell: milk, semen, unneeded stock and to upgrade your ranch.
Oh yeah… found it. Thanks. It’s truely easy to miss there’s an entrance going down … maybe some additional shadowing or a sign or something above the entrance, could make it more clear. I went a hundred times through there and simply wouldn’t notice it!
Fun fact, angels only accept demon fluids, some interesting things to speculate about there.
Probable idea origin so not really fact, text game Corruption of Champions, imagine this game but Skyrim with quests and fights and transformation items and your actions influence the way people feel about you, oh and you can choose to aid the Goddess or serve the Demon or go rogue and f*ck them all.
The one thing I always felt CoC needed more of was building up your base camp through gathering materials and depicting your recruits doing stuff with what you build.
Potential ideas for this game or a future endeavor? One can fervently hope!
As far as I can tell, [haven’t played in a while] you need to unlock the ability to fast travel. It seems that it will unlock after you get either your first or after a few keystone[s]. I’m not sure if the dev made it where each port has their own spot on the list or if it is in order of unlocked as in you go to the dragon local first and unlock the port it will be at the top of the list for the rest of the game? As of now [@this is why events unnerve me] I would just play through the story[?], follow the track the game wants you to take and keep in mind that grabbing homestead first is the best idea.
After “this game suck” I first thought it was a pun 😀 The game doesn’t suck more or less than before, it’s still very cool. If one fails at the gates, google can help. It’s no masterclass riddle or something.If one can’t figure out how to open the gates, that might not be the games fault. And even “then” one could still look it up, or where the stones are. “this game is bad because I don’t know what to do” is not utterly convincing. It’s a great game for what it tries to be.
i just like to say why cant the character that you are playing why cant you take her 2 cassie i like her after you buy all of the buildings that you have a choice to give bj or a fh PS CM Gabriel to get some were in the game so far i get to the foxes and the cow
honestly i like the game. hardest part for me was the hybrid quest for the orcs. oh and the snake lady is in starfallen past the nekos. would like to see more positions and acquirable traits for pc, but otherwise the game is going great.
Walk the trail to the pastures where the cows are, walk past the small stream or canal and look left, you will see a break in the wall of vines, go through and be prepared, the bunnies run at you like they haven’t seen life in forever, hehe
max trait level isnt working
so for some reason win surprise sex is not working anyone know way?
It’s win wild sex now, an updated list is available on the games patreon
Apologies, meant to say DC
Thanks bro! Everything has been fixed.
does anybody else not see the actual codes
The cheat “All portals” does not work
due to the newest update with the cockblock gates, it doesn’t work
try immalazysack