Breeders of the Nephelym – Full Map (Upgrades, Portals, Nephelym and More)

Here you will see the full map of Lycrea and where you will find which Nephelym.

  • Note: You can find all cheat codes here.

The Map

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The Nephelym and Their Location

  • Amorous Hallows / Inside the cave – Bat and Goblin.
  • Climax Peak / Top of the mountain – Colossus.
  • Esoteric Glade / Middle of the field – Malakhim, Elf, Orc and Slime.
  • Hedon Township / Behind the fountain – Amber-Mae, Camilla, Cassie, Romy and The Emissary.
  • Hivelands / Near the cliff – Bee.
  • Homestead / going past Fern – Falene and Fern.
  • Lustwood / At the end near lake – Vulpuss, Sionnach, Lykos and Wulf.
  • Moaning Craig / Close to the volcano – Cambion, Incubus and Succubus.
  • Pleasure Pastures / Near the cliff – Ayrshire and Bull.
  • Cove of Rapture / Near the Pussyportal at the bay – Shark.
  • Sensual Sands / Right of the entrance – Kestrel.
  • Sultry Pleateau / Middle of forest – Tabby.
  • Virgin Breaks / At the curve – Wyvern and Drake.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. when in Hedon take the stone stairs up and right and all the way to the end of that walkway and left to the bath and the mermaid.

  2. For those looking for Orcs, when facing the portal and wall of the Glades, turn around and run into the green grass field, you’ll find the statue.

    Bats are in the cave area of the Hallows, you run into them before reaching the Goblins when running from the Hollows portal to the Glades.

    Slimes appear for me most often in the water by the tree island in the Glades, hope this helps.

  3. I strongly suggest unlocking the Homestead portal first then the Hedon Township second for the portals do not have a set order in the travel list. Doing this will put those two at the top seeing how you will be going there the most to check on your stock and to sell: milk, semen, unneeded stock and to upgrade your ranch.

  4. Oh yeah… found it. Thanks. It’s truely easy to miss there’s an entrance going down … maybe some additional shadowing or a sign or something above the entrance, could make it more clear. I went a hundred times through there and simply wouldn’t notice it!

  5. Fun fact, angels only accept demon fluids, some interesting things to speculate about there.

    Probable idea origin so not really fact, text game Corruption of Champions, imagine this game but Skyrim with quests and fights and transformation items and your actions influence the way people feel about you, oh and you can choose to aid the Goddess or serve the Demon or go rogue and fuck them all.

    The one thing I always felt CoC needed more of was building up your base camp through gathering materials and depicting your recruits doing stuff with what you build.

  6. i just like to say why cant the character that you are playing why cant you take her 2 cassie i like her after you buy all of the buildings that you have a choice to give bj or a fh PS CM Gabriel to get some were in the game so far i get to the foxes and the cow

  7. honestly i like the game. hardest part for me was the hybrid quest for the orcs. oh and the snake lady is in starfallen past the nekos. would like to see more positions and acquirable traits for pc, but otherwise the game is going great.

  8. Walk the trail to the pastures where the cows are, walk past the small stream or canal and look left, you will see a break in the wall of vines, go through and be prepared, the bunnies run at you like they haven’t seen life in forever, hehe

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