Planet Zoo – Species Appeal Rank List

This ranking is in order of species appeal of animals.

Species Appeal

Each animal has a species appeal. It’s higher when the animals are juveniles. This ranking is based on species appeal of adult.


  1. African Elephant 6750
  2. West African Lion 6750
  3. Western Lowland Gorilla 6750
  4. Bornean Orangutan 6375
  5. Western Chimpanzee 6375
  6. Bonobo 6000
  7. Indian Elephant 6000
  8. Bengal Tiger 5625
  9. Cheetah 5625
  10. Giant Panda 5625
  11. Siberian Tiger 5625
  12. Reticulated Giraffe 5250
  13. Snow Leopard 4875
  14. Hippopotamus 4500
  15. Indian Rhinoceros 4500
  16. Pygmy Hippo (*) 4500
  17. Mandrill 4125
  18. Formosan Black Bear 3750
  19. Himalayan Brown Bear 3750
  20. Red Panda 3750
  21. Grizzly Bear 3375
  22. Aardvark 3000
  23. Bactrian Camel 3000
  24. Gharial 2625
  25. Saltwater Crocodile 2625
  26. Spotted Hyena 2250
  27. Aldabra Giant Tortoise 1875
  28. Galapagos Giant Tortoise 1875
  29. Japanese Macaque 1875
  30. Red Ruffed Lemur 1875
  31. African Buffalo 1500
  32. African Wild Dog 1500
  33. American Bison 1500
  34. Komodo Dragon (*) 1500
  35. Nile Monitor 1500
  36. Ring Tailed Lemur 1500
  37. Timber Wolf 1500
  38. Baird’s Tapir 1125
  39. Black Wildebeest 1125
  40. Bongo 1125
  41. Chinese Pangolin 1125
  42. Common Ostrich 1125
  43. Gemsbok 1125
  44. Nyala 1125
  45. Okapi 1125
  46. Plains Zebra 1125
  47. Pronghorn Antelope 1125
  48. Sable Antelope 1125
  49. Springbok 1125
  50. Thomson’s Gazelle (*) 1125
  51. Common Warthog 750
  52. Greater Flamingo 750
  53. Indian Peafowl 750

(*) In Deluxe Edition


  1. Boa Constrictor 2250
  2. Common Death Adder 2250
  3. Eastern Brown Snake 2250
  4. Gila Monster 2250
  5. Green Iguana 2250
  6. Lesser Antillean Iguana 2250
  7. Puff Adder 2250
  8. Western Diamondback Rattlesnake 2250
  9. Yellow Anaconda 2250
  10. Brazilian Salmon Pink Tarantula 1875
  11. Brazilian Wandering Spider 1875
  12. Giant Desert Hairy Scorpion 1875
  13. Giant Forest Scorpion 1875
  14. Goliath Birdeater 1875
  15. Mexican Red Knee Tarantula 1875
  16. Amazonian Giant Centipede 1500
  17. Giant Tiger Land Snail 1500
  18. Goliath Beetle 1500
  19. Goliath Frog 1500
  20. Titan Beetle 1500
  21. Giant Burrowing Cockroach 1125
  22. Golden Poison Frog 1125
  23. Lehmann’s Poison Frog 1125
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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