This ranking is in order of species appeal of animals.
Species Appeal
Each animal has a species appeal. It’s higher when the animals are juveniles. This ranking is based on species appeal of adult.
- African Elephant 6750
- West African Lion 6750
- Western Lowland Gorilla 6750
- Bornean Orangutan 6375
- Western Chimpanzee 6375
- Bonobo 6000
- Indian Elephant 6000
- Bengal Tiger 5625
- Cheetah 5625
- Giant Panda 5625
- Siberian Tiger 5625
- Reticulated Giraffe 5250
- Snow Leopard 4875
- Hippopotamus 4500
- Indian Rhinoceros 4500
- Pygmy Hippo (*) 4500
- Mandrill 4125
- Formosan Black Bear 3750
- Himalayan Brown Bear 3750
- Red Panda 3750
- Grizzly Bear 3375
- Aardvark 3000
- Bactrian Camel 3000
- Gharial 2625
- Saltwater Crocodile 2625
- Spotted Hyena 2250
- Aldabra Giant Tortoise 1875
- Galapagos Giant Tortoise 1875
- Japanese Macaque 1875
- Red Ruffed Lemur 1875
- African Buffalo 1500
- African Wild Dog 1500
- American Bison 1500
- Komodo Dragon (*) 1500
- Nile Monitor 1500
- Ring Tailed Lemur 1500
- Timber Wolf 1500
- Baird’s Tapir 1125
- Black Wildebeest 1125
- Bongo 1125
- Chinese Pangolin 1125
- Common Ostrich 1125
- Gemsbok 1125
- Nyala 1125
- Okapi 1125
- Plains Zebra 1125
- Pronghorn Antelope 1125
- Sable Antelope 1125
- Springbok 1125
- Thomson’s Gazelle (*) 1125
- Common Warthog 750
- Greater Flamingo 750
- Indian Peafowl 750
(*) In Deluxe Edition
- Boa Constrictor 2250
- Common Death Adder 2250
- Eastern Brown Snake 2250
- Gila Monster 2250
- Green Iguana 2250
- Lesser Antillean Iguana 2250
- Puff Adder 2250
- Western Diamondback Rattlesnake 2250
- Yellow Anaconda 2250
- Brazilian Salmon Pink Tarantula 1875
- Brazilian Wandering Spider 1875
- Giant Desert Hairy Scorpion 1875
- Giant Forest Scorpion 1875
- Goliath Birdeater 1875
- Mexican Red Knee Tarantula 1875
- Amazonian Giant Centipede 1500
- Giant Tiger Land Snail 1500
- Goliath Beetle 1500
- Goliath Frog 1500
- Titan Beetle 1500
- Giant Burrowing Cockroach 1125
- Golden Poison Frog 1125
- Lehmann’s Poison Frog 1125
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