Fallout 76 – Overseer’s Mission Guide

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  • C.A.M.P. Building Guide.
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  • How to Find Unique Excavator Power Armor.
  • How to Find Alien Blaster Pistol (Unique Weapon).
  • How to Find Black Powder Rifle (Unique Weapon).
  • How to Manage the Stash and Carry Capacity.

This guide will showcase how to complete the side quest ‘Overseer’s Mission’ in Fallout 76, with map markers and information about where to find the Overseer’s logs in certain locations.


This guide is here to provide you with the information necessary to complete the side quest ‘Overseer’s Mission’ which requires you to find all the overseer’s logs all around Appalachia.

I will only warn this right now, there will be some spoilers within this guide, so unless you want to complete the quest yourself, then avoid this guide. Other than that, lets get to it!

The Map

Here is the map I’ve created to showcase you the areas of Fallout 76, with individual markers of where certain Overseer’s Logs are located. These are in chronological order of the story as it was intended at the start of the game.

Click to enlarge…

Overseer’s Logs

1) Overseer’s Log – C.A.M.P

This is likely the first Overseer’s Log you find within the game and is straight forward. Open the container located in the Overseer’s C.A.M.P and loot the holotape.

2) Overseer’s Log – Flatwoods

This log is found within the church located in Flatwoods. It is also the area where you will start progressing through the story of the Responders, so you can’t miss this area.

3) Overseer’s Log – Morgantown

To find this log, you will have to progress through the Morgantown Airport inside of the main building. It will be found on the second floor of the building.

To get up to the second floor, You will have to go to the basement area and look for a hole in the wall. A dead body will be holding a keycard that is needed to access the second floor of the building.

4) Overseer’s Log – Firehouse

This log is located in the reception area of the Charleston Fire Department, which is pretty straight forward.

5) Overseer’s Log – Top of the World

The next log is located at Top of the World, and is just outside the elevator of the building.

6) Overseer’s Log – Free States

This log is located outside of a marked location called Abbie’s Bunker.

You can go inside this area to get access to two other quests, one which is necessary for future logs. Make sure to read through Abbie’s terminal on fort defiance.

7) Overseer’s Log – Camp Venture

To get access to this log, you will have to travel to Camp Venture. Unfortunately, you will have to get a password to a terminal in order to get inside. The password is located in the basement of one of the smaller buildings outside of the main camp. You’ll need a key to access a room in the bunker in order to get to the password, which is located in a 0 skill locked locker in the barracks.

8) Overseer’s Log – Allegheny

This log is located on the third floor of Fort Defiance. Be wary, since this place is a maze to get through. I suggest watching a video to understand where to go in this building, since there are a lot of things that need to be done to access the overseer’s log.

9) Overseer’s Log – McClintock

This log is located within the Camp McClintock main building. I recommend following the recruitment blues quest and completing this area’s quest in order to get access to a future log.

10) Overseer’s Log – Charleston

This next log is located in the Charleston Capital Building in the eastern section (DMV). This log is located in an area that is required for the recruitment blues quest, and it is on your left as soon as you enter the front entrance.

11) Overseer’s Log – Fort Defiance

Once the recruitment blues quest is complete and you have a military ID card, you will be able to access the fourth floor of Fort Defiance, in which the log is located right in front of the elevator doors when you get up there.

12) Overseer’s Log – Grafton

This log is located next to the Grafton Mayor. You will more than likely have already picked this up if you went along with the Grafton quests when you started the game.

13) Overseer’s Log – Site Alpha

This log is located in the small shack that houses the elevator to the Alpha Silo.

14) Overseer’s Log – Site Bravo

This log is located in the small building that houses the elevator to the Bravo silo

15) Overseer’s Log – Site Charlie

This log is located in the general area of the elevator to the Charlie silo

16) Overseer’s Log – Nuke Launch

To access this log, you will have to get to Site Alpha if a nuke has been launched in your world. It will not appear if there hasn’t been a nuke launched and is only there when the effect of the nuke is still active.

17) Overseer’s Log – Mountainside

This is the final log you will need to collect, it will be located outside of the Mountainside Bed & Breakfast building. The log is a preface of what is to come at this location


Once you have collected all Overseer’s Logs, you can take them all over to the Overseer’s Home in Sutton, which will be marked on your map if you have the quest tracked. When you visit the overseer, you will get a nice reward of 100 legendary scrips, 300 caps and some extra items.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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