Mafia: Definitive Edition – All Mystery Foxes Locations

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Mystery Foxes Collectibles Locations

North County (01-11)

Fox #1 is at the parking lot of the Lost Haven Airport on the southeast side of North County.

Fox #2 is on an ad sign on the east side of Heaven’s Peak.

Fox #3 is on top of a pile of rocks on the norheast side of Heaven’s Peak.

Fox #4 is by a tree at the crossroads on the north side of Heaven’s Peak.

Fox #5 is by a house on the northwest side of North County.

Fox #6 is under a small bridge on the northwest side of North County.

Fox #7 is on a small wooden boat by a house on the northwest side of North County.

Fox #8 is in a small hut at the Westbank Mill on the north side of North County.

Fox #9 is in a small house on the northeast side of North County.

Fox #10 is on the second floor balcony of the Clarke’s Motel in the “Ordinary Routine” mission.

Fox #11 is in a shed by the end of the farm in the “A Trip To The Country” mission.

Chinatown (12-14)

Fox #12 is in a small shed on the most northeast tip of Chinatown (you need to jump over a wall to get here).

Fox #13 is on the east side of Chinatown.

Fox #14 is under the railway tracks on the most northwest point of Chinatown (you need to jump over a wall to get here).

Little Italy (15-18)

Fox #15 is by a small shack on the east side of Little Italy (you need to jump over a wall to get here).

Fox #16 is on the north side of Little Italy (you need to jump over a wall to get here).

Fox #17 is on the southeast side of Little Italy (you need to jump over a wall to get here).

Fox #18 is in Ralphie’s office in the garage in Salieri’s Bar.

Works Quarter (19-25)

Fox #19 is in a yard in the center of Works Quarter (you need to jump over a wall to get here).

Fox #20 is in a yard in the center of Works Quarter (you need to jump over a wall to get here).

Fox #21 is on the east side of Works Quarter (you need to jump over a wall to get here).

Fox #22 is by some abandoned empty houses on the east side of Works Quarter.

Fox #23 is in a loading bay on the southeast side of Works Quarter (you need to jump over a wall to get here).

Fox #24 is in a small hut on the south side of Works Quarter.

Fox #25 is on top of a water tower at the harbour in the “You Lucky Bastard” mission.

Central Island (26-31)

Fox #26 is above the West River Tunnel exit on the northwest side of Central Island (you need to jump down from where the sign is to get this fox).

Fox #27 is on top of of a small shack on the east side of Central Island (you need to climb the hut to get this fox).

Fox #28 is at the lighthouse on the southeast side of Central Island.

Fox #29 is on the northmost point of the St. Peter’s Dock in Central Island.

Fox #30 is in the room on the first floor where you meet the sailor that gives you the key to the toilet in the “Happy Birthday” mission.

Fox #31 is at the bottom of the staircase that leads into the guard tower in the “Election Campaign” mission.

North Park (32-34)

Fox #32 is in a small shack on the west side of North Park.

Fox #33 is in a small yard on the north side of North Park (you need to jump over a wall to get here).

Fox #34 is in a small alleyway next to Morello’s Bar in North Park.

Holbrook (35-39)

Fox #35 is under the train tracks on the north side of Holbrook (you need to jump over a wall to get here).

Fox #36 is in a small yard on the east side of Holbrook (you need to jump over a wall to get here).

Fox #37 is in a small yard on the east side of Holbrook (you need to jump over a wall to get here).

Fox #38 is on a chair in the middle of Holbrook Park in the center of Holbrook.

Fox #39 is in a small alley on the most southwest point of Holbrook.

Downtown (40-42)

Fox #40 is on the west side of Lucas Bertone’s workshop.

Fox #41 is under an angel statue on the north side of Downtown.

Fox #42 is by the west wall of St. Micheal’s Church in the center of Downtown.

Beech Hill (43-46)

Fox #43 is on a well in the garden of a house on the west side of Beech Hill.

Fox #44 is in a hut on a dirt road between Beech Hill and Holbrook.

Fox #45 is by an abandoned house on your way to the lighthouse on the most south point of Beech Hill.

Fox #46 is in a small room on the second floor of the prosecutor’s mansion in the “Visiting Rich People” mission.

Oakwood (47-50)

Fox #47 is on a porch of a house on the northeast side of Oakwood.

Fox #48 is in the backyard of Tommy’s house in the center of Oakwood.

Fox #49 is in a small yard on the west side of Oakwood.

Fox #50 is on the rocks by the beach of Oakwood (you need to jump down to get there).

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3640 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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