Mortal Kombat 11 – Test Your Luck Tower Guide

Guide to Test Your Luck Tower

What is Test Your Luck

Test your Luck is a Summoned Tower in Towers of Time, to get the key for it you must first complete any other Summoned Tower.

This is the Test your Luck Key Icon.

Test Your Luck Platform consists of 8 Towers, 4 are 4 fights vs 4 different characters (1 Round wins) and 4 are Boss Fights.

You cannot use any modifiers in these fights and the AI has a ton, thankfully the ai is between medium and hard difficulty, also on the boss fights the bosses have armor at about 20% life.

  • These Towers are Survival Mode Towers so you have 1 life bar for each 4 Fight Tower.
  • Once a Tower is completed with a high enough score you unlock the Brutal Difficulty of that tower.
  • In order to do a tower in Brutal Diff you must resummon the entire platform, because these towers can only be done once per key.
  • However the 1st Boss fight in this platform rewards a Test your Luck Key so you can chain them easily.

Test your Luck Platform Stays for 720 Hours, so you have plenty of time to fiddle with them.

Each 4 Fight tower after the 1st one will cost you currency to attempt:

  • The 3rd Tower is 1Million Coins.
  • The 5th is 9000 Souls.
  • The 7th is 2500 Hearts.


Test your luck will reward a new Consumable called Elixir that turns you completely invincible, but that’s not the good reward, the good rewards are Auspicious Rewards which can even be Kombat League rewards for either random or specific characters, also you get a ton of lvl 4 Augments including Jinsei lvl 4 augments. Finally the best rewards are the 2 Blood Augments one called Luckality and the other Lucky Blows these augments will give you 2/4/6/8% chance to insta kill on Brutality move or Krushing Blow move respectively.

  • Luckality: (Character-Specific) Your Brutalities have a 2/4/6/8% chance to trigger automatically and Instant Kill. You earn no Gear XP.

  • Lucky Blows: (Character-Specific) Your Krushing Blows have a 2/4/6/8% chance to Instant KO. You earn no Gear XP.

  • Elixir: Gain full Invincibility for a shot duration (3 Slots).


This is the Best build I’ve found so far in order to beat these towers.

4 Dragon Blood Augments

  • Fit to Kill: You can perform your Krushing Blows once per Round. Your Krushing Blows deal 50% less damage.
  • Smoke and Mirrors: Your Krushing Blows deal no damage. You can perform Krushing Blows without limit.
  • Luckality: (Character-Specific) Your Brutalities have a 2/4/6/8% chance to trigger automatically and Instant Kill. You earn no Gear XP.
  • Lucky Blows: (Character-Specific) Your Krushing Blows have a 2/4/6/8% chance to Instant KO. You earn no Gear XP.

1 Soul Augment

  • Lucky Rabbit’s Foot: Increases your Luck by 100%.
  • This augment does the following: It greatly increases your chances of obtaining level 4 augments. We’re getting level 4 augments constantly, especially since playing 6Character Towers Brutal difficulty. Also, it decreases the a.i’s. chances of hitting you with Krushing Blows, Konsumables, performing perfect blocks, and more.

1 Order Crystal

  • Armor Clad: You start each Match with 1/2/3/4 hit(s) of Recharge Armor. Your Recharge Armor regenerates 1 hit every 10 seconds.

Using these 6 Augments just Spam your Brutality and Krushing Blow Moves and you will get through it in no time. You can just Spam Uppercut in a loop til AI dies.

If you want to have a bit more fun and cheese less you can use the 2 Nether Flame Augments

  • Fire Sale: Your Offensive Gauge costs are 12.5/25/37.5/50% cheaper.
  • Free Refill: Your Offensive Gauge refills 25/50/75/100% faster.

Instead of the 2 Krushing blow augments and spam big comboes using your Offensive Bar.

For Jinsei Augments I would use one that would help your character do a Brutality, for Example 4 more tick on Scorpions Toasty will give you 4 more chances to proc the Brutality.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 4645 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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