What is KR?
KR is currency in Krunker, you can buy with it skins, graffiti, premium and more. U wanna get some of it?
First Way
First way is playing Krunker on OFFICIAL servers. If u play on custom servers u will not get kr (not so many). You can play on “challenge mode” which makes playing harder (50% hp, hp dont regen) but it give us 150% of normal KR for game. (If u get 10 KR, on “challenge mode” u will get 15 etc.)
Second Way
Second way is investing / sniping / selling skins.
- Investing – You have to buy some skins and sell it with profit (when u sell skins u must pay fee so if u buy skins for 50 u have to sell it for 60-65 to profit).
- Sniping – Some people sell their Legendary or Relic (yellow and red) skins really cheap. If you snipe it, u will get profit for mostly 400 KR if Legendary and 900 if Relic.
- Selling Skins – If you get skins that you dont use, just sell or quicksell it. For example I do 100 KR from only green skins that I dont use.
Third Way
Giveaways. Some of people just do giveaways on Krunker Hub / Instagram (Krunker account on Instagram, they are giveawaying thousands of KR).
In krunker hub you can join in giveaways and dont pay for it. Just follow and like post.
I recommend to use Krunker Hub. It’s really useful!
- https://www.instagram.com/official_krunker/
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