Rani Vs Guan Yu
By Ragib
As we know, Lu Bu is on the way and people are confused about what to use with Lu Bu and Attila.
Basically, there’s only 2 options… either Guan Yu or Rani.
Let me clarify what’s the basic difference between Guan and Rani is for Lu Bu. First is the Base Stat, I’ve attached the base stat of both Rani and Guan Yu at level 120 in The picture
While Rani has way higher base stat as you can see in the picture and better commander skill which will boost Lu Bu directly by giving him huge boost in double Attack
On the other hand, Guan Yu is a egoistic and his Primary skill doesn’t directly Boost Lu Bu or Attila.
But the thing is, you need to consider the Signature Skill of Lu Bu when you’re comparing Guan Yu Vs Rani.
Signature skill of Lu Bu
Makes all of the hero’s skills deal critical strikes and raises the hero’s critical strike rate by 5.96% to 6.32%. The damage of Lü Bu’s subsequent customized skill is increased by 5.96% 6.32% if any of your heroes delivers a critical strike, and there is a 20.86% 22.12% chance that Lü Bu will deliver one additional regular attack. The effect lasts for three seconds, stacks up to once, and is unaffected by the double attack effect.
So basically speaking, Rani is like a Artillery who, when fires, does huge damage with Lu Bu but Guan yu is like a Machine gun who don’t really do that burst artillery damage but what he does, does it continuously with Lu Bu.
If you’re using Rani, You’re going for the Double Attack state but with Guan Yu you’re going with the Crit advantage.
If you have the money to buy Rani and get that Cannon fire, go with Rani.
But if you don’t have Rani, don’t ne discouraged because I honestly don’t think Having Rani over Guan Yu will be a game changer.
I’m making this guide assuming that guy guys already know what the skills of Rani, Attila and Guan Yu is and that’s why I didn’t get into those details.

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