Tips to Defeat Chapter 8 Final Boss
- Lion Heart: bigger AoE for summons makes it easier to deal with groups.
- Energy Drain: Your primary healing method. Equip Lvl 1 water summon because it’s cheap.
- Gale: Makes your launcher and aerials cover more distance.
- Grand slash: makes launcher more effective and makes it stronger.
- Air Tackle: surprisingly good for building ST when airborne.
- Dash+Jump Boots+Air Raid: essential mobility passives, never leave home without them.
- Demon’s right Hand + Wrestler: Increased range plus pushback effect will keep enemies at bay while hitting more of them at once and building ST faster.
- Aegis + Recovery guard: Cheap combo. You get a huge chunk of hp from perfect guarding.
- Super armor + Second Wind: You can’t get pushed into attacks, and you get a little more invincibility, which will save you more than you know.
That about covers the essential skills. The strategy is spamming your launcher plus upwards aerial attack to deal damage meter and spamming summons. the lvl1 summon is your panic button for when you’re low on health, just use it and jump into an attack.
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