Beneath Oresa – Virus Class Guide with Tips

Guide to Virus Class

Сrеdit gоеs to Gifts Ungiven!

Virus cards are mostly a negative cost, but they greatly accelerate the power level of all your other cards and abilities in the process. Key to not ruining your draws is to lean on deck manipulation through discard/mill, draw effects, and monitoring when and what you shuffle. Most Virus additions go to your discard pile first, so depending on the size of your deck you might not even see the first Virus drawn until turn 4-5+. Many of the strongest passive/powers (the blue cards) rely on some degree of Viral presence, and many of the best cards for the faction gain multipliers for the Virus cards in hand or in deck, so try and utilize those as much as possible. Choose cards/relics and upgrades with effects that add Anchor to key cards or that interact with your discard pile, like ones that guarantee you draw an attack card every turn, etc.

While the Companion you choose makes a big difference in how you approach the run, you can generalize the 3 Virus leads as such:


Push as fast to V8 as possible, using your V5 turn to setup the rest of your passives if needed. Slow down and manage your Virus additions from there, unless you’re looking to push for an immediate win turn and need the V15 effect to closer it out.


Every attack adds Virus + Power, and every combat early on is just a DPS race between you and your first deck shuffle. This is where you really want to find ways to gain value out of huge Viral draw turns, but when you do you’ll probably win the game faster and easier with this dude than you’ve ever done before.


Try to add 1V per turn for the free mana, and leverage the massive power spike that have 4AP per turn starting Floor 1 grants you to take risky picks that help scale you into the late game. This is probably the character you’d most want to maintain sub-10 Virus counts on, but the extra mana she generates gives you plenty of room to play effects that help you do so. She used to be able to scale into absurd draw piles with enough Virus in your deck, but they fixed the bug in her unique blue card so she no longer needs Jokun-levels of Virus to pop off, imo.

Here’s some screenshots from a run I had with Issandre on Curse lvl. 10:

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 7604 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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