Booty Calls – The Holy Guide to Conquer Beaches



A friend told me she never masturbates. Do you know how often I pleasure myself?

  • Once a day

Are you an early bird or more a night owl?

  • There’s nothing better than staying in bed all day with a lovely girl!

Are you staring at me?

  • I’m looking deep in your eyes. The ocean-blue color of your eyes make me so hot right now.

Be honest, are you dating other chicks right now?

  • Yeah, I meet some girls, you know… casual dating.

Did you go to college?

  • I was a pretty fast learner in college.

Do you drink a lot of alcohol?

  • Maybe a bit too much. But I’ll never get too drunk. I always want to stay in control.

Do you enjoy the cheerleaders at the stadium?

  • Yeah, they make a good game even better!

Do you know a cool place for me and my friends to hang out?

  • I’m not from around here, but I’ve heard the beach is a fun place to hang.

Do you like a girl with curves?

  • Who doesn’t? I’m pretty good in handling a curvy ass.

Do you like my uniform?

  • It looks cute on you. It gets me kind of hot.

Do you like open relationships?

  • Nope, if I’m with a girl then I’m only with her! I think everything else is filthy.

Do you like partying?

  • If partying involves you, I’m down with whatever you’re down.

Do you like these big pumped up silicon tits?

  • I really don’t get it; all tits are lovely. Why making bowling balls out of them!

Do you remember how old I am?

  • 20

Do you remember if I use toys when I’m alone?

  • Yes

Do you remember my favorite color?

  • Blue

Do you still talk with any of your ex-girlfriends?

  • Yeah, I keep in touch with some of them.

Have you ever cheated on one of your girlfriends? Be honest!

  • Nope! Never ever!

Have you ever taken advantage of a situation with a drunk girl?

  • Come on! I’m not a jerk!

Have you *** a lot of girls in the past? Err, did I really ask this?! Okay, please tell!

  • I lost count around fifty.

Hey there! How’s it going?

  • I was not having a very good day until I saw you, cutie!

Hey, baby! I was thinking about you.

  • I was thinking about you too, while jerking off.

I have so much studying left to do before the end of the semester.

  • If you need some help, let me know, I was the valedictorian in my year.

I like a man who takes charge. What would you do to show that you’re a real man?

  • I like to carry you in my arms and to throw you onto my bed.

I love it if men have a good sense of humor.

  • Yes, and seeing you smile all the time since we met seems to be a good start.

I love laughing. Do you know any jokes?

  • I’m actually quite a comedian. Maybe we could grab a drink and I’ll make you laugh?

I love the way you dress. What’s your style?

  • It can be anything you like. I catch on to new trends really quick.

I need a guy who can also be my friend.

  • I could talk to you, and then *** your *** to let all your worries disappear.

I told you my favorite season! Do you remember?

  • Fall

I told you when I was born! Do you remember?

  • April

I’m sure you remember attitude regarding anal sex. Do you?

  • Not interested

I’m sure you remember my Cup Size?

  • C

I’m sure you remember my occupation, do you?

  • Student

Is it just me, or does my top feel like it’s shrinking?

  • Man, you’re making me feel like my shorts are shrinking, too.

It’s almost the weekend and I don’t have any plans.

  • I’m home alone and I was wondering if you’d like to watch a movie with me tonight.

It’s so hot outside. I think I’ll go to the beach for some skinny-dipping.

  • The water could cool us both down a bit. Maybe I’ll join you.

I’ve been dreaming of a vacation for a very long time. Meeting new people and see historic places.

  • Me too! Let’s go to the beach and fantasize about an amazing trip to an island with two hills and a clean and juicy beach.

I’ve told you how tall I am! Do you remember?

  • 5’4”

Look at that ***! Her skirt is so short, she is almost naked!

  • Trust me, your ass looks 10 times better!

My outfit is so uncomfortable. Maybe I should change it.

  • I think your outfit is sexy and provocative.

One of my cheerleading friends has a hairy ***, it’s more a jungle than a bush! Do you remember my style?

  • Shaved and juicy.

What are you doing here? Are you lost?

  • I came here hoping to find you.

What are you doing tonight? Want to go out?

  • Sure. What do you have in mind?

What are you looking for in a girl?

  • I like a smart, sexy girl, who can handle me in bed.

What makes you happy?

  • Making some breakfast for my girl on a sunny Sunday morning. And see her wake-up face while cuddling with her.

What would you do if I told you that I’m single?

  • I would give you a hug just to feel your body on mine.

What would you do if you’d win the big 1 million jackpot?

  • You know, I’d buy the beach bar I’m working in and an apartment. And of course, I’d give some money to my family.

What would you do if your girl asked you to visit a vernissage?

  • I would be happy to go with her! And later on, I’ll paint some masterpiece with *** on her tits.

What’s my favorite hobby?

  • Cheerleading

What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?

  • I went out with this *** who only talked about her ex-boyfriend.

What’s your favorite place to take a girl out on a date?

  • To a restaurant, then we should see where that leads us to.

What’s your favorite way to have sex?

  • Really intimate, I like taking my time and making her scream at the top of her lungs.

What’s your idea of a perfect date?

  • Staying at home, ordering pizza and a bottle of wine and watching a movie!

Why are all men so obsessed with asses? My ex was talking about it all the time!

  • He talks about other girls’ asses while being together with you? What an ***!

Why do men think their *** size matters so much?

  • Guys just link size to sexual arousal and pleasure.

Yesterday a friend of mine told me that her boyfriend put his thumbs in her ass! Without any warning!

  • Wow, that’s rude! I would never do that!



Do I know you from somewhere? I remember a cute face when I see one.

  • Yeah, we met last week at the tanning salon. I complimented your ass.

Do you have a car? I could go for a ride.

  • I do, hop in. You could take a few selfies in it, just for me to see.

Do you have a girlfriend? I would love to make her jealous.

  • I’d leave my girlfriend in a second if I could feel your naked body in exchange!

Do you have a job?

  • Yes, I work as an actor for the adult industry.

Do you like hanging out at beach bars?

  • I’m on my way to a bar right now. How about we go together?

Do you like my clothing style?

  • Yeah, you remind me of a well-known actress.

Do you like tanning? I love being tanned.

  • Your tan goes well with your perky boobs.

Do you mind taking my photo?

  • Sure, I’ll do it. But first, could you kiss me for good luck?

Do you prefer making love or ***?

  • Love is for losers. I like *** young, sexy girls who are sexually open.

Do you remember how old I am?

  • 21

Does my ass look big in this skirt?

  • Not big, but keen. Which is the perfect shape.

Does my ponytail make me look younger?

  • It does, but I would still throw you in my bed tonight.

Hey cutie, are you here alone?

  • Well, now that you ask… Actually, no I’m not. I’m imagining that I’m here with your sexy, curvy ass.

Hey there! Is that a new watch? I love gold.

  • Thanks for noticing, yeah, it’s brand new. Just got in some fresh money. Maybe we should talk over some drinks tonight?

Hey there! Mind if I walk next to you to the beach?

  • Sure, come with me. I’d like to be seen with you in public.

Hey, what’s up? Do you like the beach? I’m such a big fan of it!

  • Yeah, I love it. Almost as much as I like your big fat titties bouncing up and down in my face.

How come I always see you outside my working place?

  • I’m hypnotized by your looks. I want to please you so bad!

I think working out is so rewarding.

  • When you have an ass shaped like that, it is.

I told you my favorite season! Do you remember?

  • Summer

I was wondering when you’d be hitting on me, ’cause I think you’re kind of sexy.

  • Well ***, the universe has shined a light upon your big ass. I’m single and ready to mingle.

If you could choose one, what would your superpower be?

  • The power of pleasing you, until you can’t take it no more.

I’m sure you remember my Cup Size?

  • DD

Is that a flashlight in your pants, or are you happy to see me?

  • Seeing your big titties made me *** already.

It’s obvious that I love a big *** in my naughty ***. But do you remember how often I’m doing it to myself?

  • Once a day.

I’ve told you how tall I am! Do you remember?

  • 5’7”

I’ve told you my weight! Do you remember?

  • 118 lb

Look at me! Adore me!

  • You look great, but your butt is a masterpiece!

My job is so stressful. What should I do to unwind?

  • Sex is the best therapy for me. Let me show you how to have a good time.

So, what was my hobby?

  • Dancing

Some girls like it in the ass, some not. Do you remember to which group I belong?

  • From time to time you enjoy a big *** in your ass!

Too bad I don’t have a sugar daddy yet. So I have to work myself, to get some money. Do you remember what I do for a living?

  • Yeah, you work at that beach boutique as a salesgirl.

Wait a minute, cowboy! Where are you going in such a rush?

  • My girlfriend is waiting for me! Just kidding, I’m all alone with this huge boner. Maybe you could give me a hand with that?

What are you looking for in a woman?

  • Clear blue sky in her eyes, big titties, and passionate about sex.

What do you like doing in your spare time?

  • I’d like to spend it in the company of a sexy girl like you.

What is your biggest fear?

  • That I would never get to know what your *** tastes like.



Can I tell you a secret? I’m a virgin.

  • Don’t worry! We could do other things instead.

Come on. You know me! What part of my body do I love most?

  • Your long, beautiful hair.

Did you ever fall in love?

  • I might, if you go out with me.

Do you like my natural skin color?

  • It looks so good. Your body would go well with the color of my sheets.

Do you like talking dirty in bed?

  • I could call you a lot of dirty names if you’re into that.

Do you like watching the sunset?

  • I think it’s beautiful. And I couldn’t think of a better person to do that with, other than you.

Do you prefer making love or ***?

  • *** is more passionate than love making, right?

Do you remember how old I am?

  • 23

Do you remember if I use toys when I’m alone?

  • No

Every girl treats her pubic hair differently. Do you remember what I do with mine?

  • Yeah, you love your hairy bush, hidden in your pink ***.

Green is such a nice color, but it’s not my favorite. Do you remember what is?

  • Purple

Have I seen you before?

  • Unfortunately not. I would never forget a sexy body like yours.

Have you heard about fisting? What’s that?

  • Fisting is too messy. A sweet girl like you should not know about it yet.

How often do you masturbate?

  • Maybe twice a month. I don’t feel like doing it more.

I just had the longest day. How was yours?

  • Uneventful. Nothing ever happens!

I love the way you dress. How would you describe your style?

  • My style is making girls think I look hot.

I may be a virgin, but I know what I want.

  • Well, I can be strong and gentle. I can touch you tenderly.

I need a guy who can also be my friend.

  • I’ll be your father, your *** and your friend.

I told you my favorite season! Do you remember?

  • Fall

I told you when I was born! Do you remember?

  • November

If I chose to lose my virginity to you, what would you think about that?

  • I think we are so compatible. We could finally do the things I’ve dreamed of doing with you.

I’m thinking about getting a job. What do you think will be best for me?

  • With that sexy body you won’t have to work a day.

I’ve told you how tall I am! Do you remember?

  • 5’8”

My outfit is so uncomfortable. Maybe I should change it.

  • I have a boner just from looking at that ass.

Some girls masturbate often and some very often. Remember in which group I belong?

  • You pleasure yourself once a month. But I have no clue what you do the whole rest of the time.

Stop starring at my boobs. Do you even remember my cup size?

  • D

Want to go for a quick swim with me?

  • Great idea! I will, however, let you know that I only swim naked.

What are you looking for in a woman?

  • I’m looking for a girl who would call me “daddy”.

What is your biggest fear?

  • That I would never get to have children.

What kind of fantasies do you have?

  • To make you beg for my boner.

What would you do if I told you that I’m single?

  • I would definitely ask you to marry me.

What would your dream-girl look like?

  • Feminine, sexy and always down for doing something naughty.

What would your perfect date be like?

  • A movie and enjoying each others bodies.

What’s my favorite hobby?

  • Meditation

Where do you like to spend your time?

  • In my bed, watching TV and chilling with a cute girl like you.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

  • I see us together. But no worries, just good old one on one fun every day.

You know I trust you! I’ve told you a secret regarding my backdoor! Did you keep it a secret?

  • Yes, I’ve told nobody that your ass is still ***.

Aim-E Spark


Can I tell you a secret? I’m a virgin.

  • Don’t worry! I’ll get you through this tutorial.

Did you ever send *** pics to other girls?

  • I’m not sure if they were all girls. I love sending *** pics to random numbers.

Did you pay attention when I told you my age?

  • 19

Do you like adult games?

  • Oh yeah, of course! It’s always fun.

Do you like girls my height?

  • Definitely! I love tall girls!

Do you like having anal sex?

  • Hmmm… I’m excited already, my little sexy geek.

Do you like my boobs?

  • I love them. I’m hypnotized!

Do you like my hair?

  • I really like it a lot! You’re so stylish!

Do you like my outfit?

  • You look great. It totally fits your personality.

Do you remember how I style my pubic hair? I bet you do.

  • In the shape of your gamer tag.

Do you remember what I told you about anal sex?

  • Maybe.

Do you think I’m too young for you?

  • Of course not! You’re just the right age.

Do you think you’re a good kisser?

  • Well, I think you should try it and find out.

Do you want to hit the mall for a bit?

  • That’d be cool, but I’d rather play a co-op game with you!

Have you ever fallen in love?

  • I might, if you go out with me!

Have you ever hooked up with a coworker?

  • If I worked with you, I definitely would.

Have you ever thought of having sex in public?

  • I’ve done it in a few places, I think it’s really exciting.

Here’s another little secret: I shave my pubic hair in the shape of my clan logo.

  • I can already picture the scene in my mind, and it’s making me excited!

Hey, did you miss me?

  • Of course, my cute little nerd.

Hey, do you remember my favorite color?

  • Of course, it’s your hair color! Green!

How about we play something? If I win, we can finger me together to celebrate. What do you think?

  • I’d love to play with you. You’re so good, I just know you’ll win.

How much do I weigh?

  • 113 lb

How tall am I?

  • You’re 5’9” – just the right height for me!

I bet this is obvious: what’s my favorite thing in the world?

  • Hm… Let me guess… Is it… Gaming?

I enjoy gaming. How about you?

  • I do, too! I play games all day long.

I know you love looking, so this should be a fun question: how big are my boobs?

  • You have beautiful A cup breasts.

I know you loved hearing about this, so tell me: how often do I pleasure myself?

  • Every time you win an online match.

I’ve told you about my favorite lovers, right? Do you remember?

  • Yeah, you love having cybersex with strangers. I like it too!

Today’s the launch of a hot new game. Maybe if you come to the store I’ll give you a special gift. What do you say?

  • I’ll definitely be there! I’d never miss a delicious gift like this.

Want to know another little secret of mine? I love to masturbate when I win a game.

  • Wow… I imagine you win quite often.

What color lingerie would make you the most excited?

  • It would definitely be delicious to see you wearing green!

What do I do for a living?

  • You work at the game store in the mall!

What do you like to wear to bed?

  • What’s important is the company, and preferably naked.

What do you think about cybersex?

  • It’s very exciting, especially with someone like you!

What do you think of our date so far?

  • I think you’re very interesting.

What part of my body do you like the most?

  • You’re amazing all over.

What’s my best feature?

  • You’re a brilliant player, naturally.



Are you more of an ass person or a boobs person?

  • Boobs are my happiness. I can’t imagine something more beautiful than a sexy pair of boobs.

Can you remember in what month I was born?

  • Of course! September, silly.

Did we talk about my opinion toward anal sex?

  • I heard you don’t mind it sometimes.

Do you enjoy blowjobs?

  • Who doesn’t? I love it when a woman puts her soft lips around my boner.

Do you have any hobbies?

  • No, but I like women with interesting hobbies. Do you have any?

Do you live alone?

  • I’m currently moving out of a shared apartment. I was living with a friend. That was just too much for me.

Do you prefer a clean shaved *** or a hairy one?

  • I think a little bit of hair doesn’t hurt. I mean, come on… Who doesn’t like a cute landing strip?

Do you prefer making love or having sex?

  • Love is for losers. I like *** young, sexy girls who are sexually open minded.

Does my ass look big in these pants?

  • Nah, baby, it’s absolutely perfect! Why don’t you unbutton a little?

Hey there, stud! Are you out shopping?

  • Hey, beautiful! I’m actually looking for a nice girl like you.

How do you spend your free time?

  • I prefer spending my free time in the company of a sexy lady like you. What do you say?

How often do I masturbate? Do you remember?

  • About once every two days, right?

How often do you masturbate?

  • Not often enough. I rarely have the time.

How should a pair of boobs look in your opinion?

  • The bigger, the better. I mean, look at you! Yours are just perfect!

How tall am I?

  • You’re about 5’5”!

I did tell you about my pubic hair style, right?

  • It’s a cute landing strip!

I give amazing massages. Where would you like one?

  • My tight abs have been waiting for a woman’s touch for some time now.

I know I don’t look like it, but how old am I?

  • I’m sure you’re 24, even though it’s hard to believe.

I love trying on new lingerie. What item of clothing do you like the most?

  • I like boxer shorts. I think it’s the sexiest item for men.

I need a guy who can also be my friend.

  • I could be there for you, talk to you, and then I could *** your *** and make all your worries fade away.

Oh my, I found the sexiest dress! But it would look so much better in my favorite color. Do you remember what color that is?

  • You love red!

Tell me, my hobby is…?

  • Well, you collect panties!

There’s one season of the year I love the most. Do you know which one?

  • Your favorite season is fall.

Those two perfect breasts need a perfect bra! Which size do I need again?

  • You need an awesome H cup for those perfect titties!

What do you do for fun?

  • I like going out and meet new, hot and *** girls, such as you.

What would your dream-girl look like?

  • Well, I should put a mirror in front of you.

What’s the longest relationship you’ve ever had?

  • Six months. But I would love to try to beat that with a girl who deserves it.

What’s your favorite place to take a girl out on a date?

  • A restaurant. Then we can see where that leads us.

What’s your favorite way to have sex?

  • Really intimate, I like taking my time and making her scream at the top of her lungs.

What’s your style?

  • It can be anything you like. I catch on to new trends really quick.

When did you lose your virginity?

  • On my 21st birthday party. A girl I used to have fantasies with gave me the best sex of my life.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

  • I see us together. No worries, just good ol’ one-on-one fun every day.

Which fantasies do you have?

  • To play with your titties all night!

Would you mind grabbing a coffee with me real quick?

  • A coffee? With you? Hell, yeah! I might as well be dreaming.

You know I love it when I get complimented on my… You know what, right?

  • Your breasts, of course!

You know what type of lover I prefer, don’t you?

  • You’re utterly into businessmen!

You look good. Do you work out or do any sports?

  • Yeah, gym in the morning and football practice at noon. Want to touch these pecs?



Are you open to trying something new in bed?

  • Always. If it’s with you, it’s even better.

Do you like a girl with curves?

  • I like big tits and an even bigger ass.

Do you like ass play?

  • Are you kidding me? If your ass is involved, I would *** it all night long!

Do you like hanging out at beach bars?

  • Yeah, but it’s too hot during the summer.

Do you like watching the sunset?

  • Sunrise, sunset, anything involving drinks!

Do you live alone?

  • Yeah, I can’t stand roommates. I’m all alone and I do whatever I want, whenever I want.

Do you prefer making love or having sex?

  • Love is for losers. I like *** young, sexy girls who are sexually open.

Do you remember how old I am?

  • 24

Do you remember if I use toys when I’m alone?

  • Almost always

Do you remember my favorite color?

  • Brown

Have you ever done it with two girls at the same time?

  • No, but it’s one of my biggest fantasies.

Hey! I’m unsure if I should restyle my pubic hair. What do you think?

  • Of course not! I love your trimmed triangle.

How often do you masturbate?

  • Not often enough!

I do yoga for recreation. Do you think I should continue?

  • Oh, yes, please! You’re probably pretty flexible, right?

I get a lot of compliments! Do you know what compliment I like the most?

  • That’s easy, it’s your ass! That lovely back door.

I like a man who takes charge. What do you do to be a real man?

  • I’ll spank your ass and talk dirty to you!

I like having good toys to play with, if you catch my drift!

  • Me too. They make sex more interesting and uninhibited.

I love the way you dress. What’s your style?

  • I’m a man! I only wear clothes when I’m not having sex.

I told you my favorite season! Do you remember?

  • Fall

Is it just me, or does my shirt feel like it’s shrinking?

  • Rip off your clothes. I’d love to see your tits and ass bouncing freely.

I’ve told you my weight! Do you remember?

  • 98 lb

I’ve told you the month of my birthday! Do you remember?

  • November

My job is so stressful. What should I do to unwind?

  • Sex is the best therapy for me. Let me show you how to have a good time.

Tell me, my hobby is…?

  • You’re into reading!

Want to join me for a quick dip?

  • Sure! Maybe some beach volleyball, too.

What about some dirty talk in bed? Have you done it before?

  • Oh, yes! I love it! I could call you all kinds of kinky things.

What do you like doing in your spare time?

  • I like to sneak up to your window and watch you get undressed.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

  • I like going to the gym. A healthy body is very important to me.

What kind of fantasies do you have?

  • To make you beg for my boner.

What type of girl do you like?

  • Just like you. Energetic, sexy as hell, and ready for anything.

What would you do if I told you I’m single?

  • I would slap your ass and pinch your nipples.

What would your perfect date be like?

  • A nice restaurant, a fine meal, and lots of sex as dessert.

What’s the biggest compliment you’ve ever received?

  • A girl complimented my sex technique. I enjoyed that compliment very much.

What’s the longest relationship you’ve ever been in?

  • One year, I think. I remember it wasn’t all that fun.

Yesterday a guy asked me if these two bad boys were DDs. Are they?

  • Come on. Really? How can he not see that this is a full natural E! The best size for tit ***!

You wanted to know if I masturbate. I hope you remember my answer, or at least wrote it in your diary!

  • Baby, I don’t have to write down that you masturbate at least twice a day. I know that for sure.

You’ve already asked me if I like anal. Do you remember my answer?

  • Yes, you love a big *** in your ass.



Can you handle your drink?

  • I can drink and party all night long with you besides me.

Did we talk about anal?

  • Yeah, you told me that you love a big *** in your ass!

Do you enjoy oral sex?

  • I love it! The one thing I love even more is when I get to lick your wet ***.

Do you know a cool place for me and my friends to hang out?

  • Yeah, it’s called “my pants,” and there’s a VIP room just for you.

Do you like hanging out at the beach bars?

  • I like hanging out wherever your pointy nipples hang out.

Do you like to be dominated by a real woman?

  • I love it. Want to try it on me?

Do you remember my favorite color?

  • Red

Every girl treats her pubic hair differently. Do you remember what I do with mine?

  • You have a perfectly-shaped landing strip guiding guys like me directly to your pleasure spot.

Hey! How is your day going so far?

  • I forgot all about it from the moment I saw you.

How often do you masturbate?

  • Once a week. If I see a girl with big boobs like yours, twice a day.

I get a lot of compliments! Do you know what compliment I like the most?

  • You love compliments about your perfectly shaped boobs with their big nipples.

I like a man who takes charge. What do you do, to show that you’re a real man?

  • I would spank your ass and talk to you dirty.

I told you when I was born! Do you remember?

  • October

I want to check if you really listen to me or just stare at my hard nipples! What do I do for a living?

  • Nothing! You stay at home as a housewife and let your husband work!

I want you to come inside me and give me an orgasm.

  • I’ll get you all hot and moist from my ***. You like that?

I’m an experienced woman. Do you remember how old I am?

  • 36

I’m shopping all day. What do you do?

  • I’m drooling over your perky breasts every time I see them.

I’m sure you remember my Cup Size?

  • DD

I’m thinking about shaving my pubic hair. Any suggestions?

  • A landing strip will look amazing on that pink ***.

I’ve told you my weight! Do you remember?

  • 130 lb

Most people have at least one preferred hobby. Remembering mine?

  • I’m not sure if drinking is a real hobby!

My husband thinks that my breasts are too big.

  • I love them as they are. I can’t stop staring at them.

Some people judge me for not being monogamous. But I think life is too short for this. Do you know which of my lovers the world would hate me most for?

  • Yeah, you *** your BFF’s husband. Maybe I should *** her, to make things fair for everyone.

There are two types of girls. The ones that masturbates and the ones who are telling lies. Do you remember how often I masturbate?

  • I know and you do it at least once a day. No matter if you got *** before.

What are you doing tonight? Want to go out for drinks?

  • Not a bad idea. Which bar do you have in mind?

What are you looking for in a woman?

  • I’m not looking for a commitment right now.

What do you like doing in your spare time?

  • Is masturbating an alternative?

What do you think about blonde-haired, blue-eyed girls, such as me?

  • They are extremely sexy. The best thing about them is seeing them naked.

What if my husband finds out about you?

  • Maybe he’ll find out about me while I’m giving you the orgasm of your life in your bed.

What kind of activities do you prefer?

  • Meeting new girls that are open to new sexual experiences.

What kind of fantasies do you have?

  • Mine are pretty normal: anal, oral, this kind of stuff.

What would you do if I told you that I’m single?

  • I would slap your ass and pinch your nipples.

What’s your favorite place to take a girl out on a date?

  • At my place. I have all the right toys for the perfect date.

What’s your favorite way to have sex?

  • My warm *** should be dripping from her head to her toes.

Where do you like to spend your time?

  • Having new experiences, wherever they would take me.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

  • Having my own company and enjoying life to the fullest.

Would you go out with me?

  • We could go out drinking at any club, and then I want to see you naked on my bed.



Are you ready to find out which of us is more experienced?

  • It’s going to be amazing to experience this with you!

Do you ever play with yourself?

  • When I think about you, I get the urge to masturbate every time.

Do you know when I celebrate my birthday?

  • Of course, absolutely. It’s in March.

Do you like my perfume?

  • Yes, gorgeous! It makes me completely enthralled.

Do you remember how tall I am with these new human legs?

  • You’re a sensational 6’1” tall witch.

Do you remember my favorite type of lover?

  • Yes, of course. You like drowning sailors and keeping them in your palace as pets.

Do you remember that conversation we had about anal?

  • Yes, you’re a virgin when it comes to anal, but you want to try it.

Do you remember what I like to do for fun back home?

  • You lure sailors down into the depths, right? I confess this makes you even more hypnotizing.

Do you remember what I told you about masturbation?

  • Yes, ever since you’ve gotten these human legs, you can’t help but masturbate every day.

Do you think I look seductive?

  • Seductive? You look absolutely mind-blowing!

Do you think my legs are nicer than Andriella’s?

  • Your legs are simply breathtaking! I’ve never seen a hotter pair.

Do you think you know how to give a girl pleasure?

  • Oh yeah, I’m the best at it! You should try me.

Do you want to play with magic?

  • Yes, well, I think you’ve already cast a spell on me.

Have you ever dated two girls at the same time?

  • It’s hard enough to date one girl, let alone two!

Have you ever dreamed about me?

  • Yes, ever since Andriella mentioned you, I haven’t stopped dreaming about you!

Hey, do you remember my favorite season of the year?

  • Of course, my lady! It’s summer, the most delicious season!

How can I know you’ll treat me the way I deserve?

  • By making all your deepest dreams come true.

How do you like to be touched?

  • I like touching and being touched in so many ways. We could discover which one is our favorite. How about it?

How do you prefer women down there?

  • Let me take another look at yours so I know how to answer.

How many people have you slept with?

  • To be honest, I don’t know the exact number.

I bet you remember this one: what’s my pubic hair like?

  • You have a tiny patch of scales.

If you had one day left to live, what would you want to do?

  • I’d like to spend it with a certain deep sea witch, of course!

If you realized that someone was watching you have sex, would you stop or would you keep going?

  • I’d ask them to join us! Wouldn’t you?

If you wanted to make me happy, what would you tell me?

  • I would definitely talk about how beautiful and unique your hair tentacles are.

I’m sure you remember what I told you about my age, right?

  • Yes, you’re a 500-year old witch.

Tell me, gorgeous, do you remember my breast size?

  • How could I forget? They’re DDs, the perfect size.

Well, tell me: do you remember what my favorite color is?

  • Of course, it’s purple, like your underwater castle.

What do you need to happen for your orgasm to be absolutely mind-blowing?

  • Why don’t we jump in bed and I can show you exactly what I like?

What do you think of my hair?

  • It’s gorgeous! It suits you very well.

What do you want to do with me right now?

  • I want to fulfill all your fantasies. How do you want to start?

What is your favorite part of my body?

  • Your hot, tight, wet ***, of course!

What was your first impression of me?

  • I knew I had finally met the perfect woman.

What’s your favorite sexual position?

  • I like finding out when I’m with a girl. Whatever way makes her *** the most.

What’s your personal record for the number of times you’ve had sex in one night?

  • I lost track after half a dozen, but I’m eager to break that record with you.

Where was the craziest place you’ve ever had sex?

  • At the bottom of the ocean! Oh wait, that’s where I want to have sex…

Would you ever have an orgy?

  • As long as you’re in it with me, it would be spectacular.

Would you like to be tied up?

  • Sounds sexy! Was that a suggestion?



A few friends keep telling me my breasts are too large. What do you think?

  • They’re large and they’re amazing! I can’t focus on anything else right now.

A friend of mine caught her boyfriend cheating on her. What do you think she should do?

  • She should leave that scumbag. He doesn’t deserve her.

Are you looking for a relationship?

  • Not now. I think *** without any commitment is best for me for now.

Can I tell you a secret? I’m a virgin.

  • You’re kidding, right?

Do you enjoy licking ***?

  • I sure do. And if it’s freshly shaved, even better!

Do you know a cool place for me and my friends to hang out?

  • I’m not from around here, but I’ve heard the beach is a fun place to hang out.

Do you like anal?

  • I do! I’ve tried it a couple of times. It’s so hot!

Do you like my natural skin color?

  • Yeah, it’s very sexy. You look like a million dollars!

Do you like my outfit?

  • Yeah, you look pretty sexy! You’d look even better if you were naked…

Do you like receiving blowjobs?

  • If it’s from you, then I’d enjoy it very much. I love your lips!

Do you like talking dirty in bed?

  • Yes

Have you ever tried fisting a girl?

  • Just once, after she asked me. It felt somehow strange and hot.

How often do you masturbate?

  • Not often enough!

I give amazing massages. What part of your body would you like me to massage?

  • My shoulder are just so tense. I think my boner has something to do with it.

I have a good relationship with my mom. What about you?

  • I think keeping your family close is important. They’re the ones who’ve got your back.

I have a lot of studying to do this weekend. Should I care this much about college?

  • Yes, you should. Your degree is important, so you have to put effort into it.

I love having my pubes shaved. What “hairstyle” do you find most attractive?

  • It’s cool. Shaved, smooth and pink. That’s just how I like it.

I’m thinking of getting a job. What do you think would be best for me?

  • With a sexy body like yours? You won’t have to work a day in your life!

What do you do for fun?

  • I love hanging out with friends, meeting new people and going to clubs.

What kind of fantasies do you have?

  • Mine are pretty normal: anal, oral, that kind of stuff.

What would your dream girl look like?

  • I can stop dreaming about her, because I’ve just found her!

I enjoy racing cars. How about you?

  • I do too



Am I too young or too old for you? Hmm, do you even remember my age?

  • 22

Are you an ass man or a boobs man?

  • If it’s about you, then I’m an ass and a titties guy. You look too good to be true.

Can you see yourself dating a younger woman?

  • If we get along just fine, then age is just a number for me.

Did we talk about anal?

  • Yes, you told me that you’re waiting for the right guy to try this out.

Do you come here often?

  • Whenever I have the time. I usually come here twice a week.

Do you have a girlfriend? I would love to make her jealous.

  • Actually, I’m meeting her in 5 minutes.

Do you like music?

  • Sure. I like all kinds of music.

Do you like what I’m wearing?

  • Oh my god! I can see your guitar tattoo. Wow! Is all I can say.

Do you live alone?

  • I live with my best friend from college. We have the same interests, plus I’m not alone all the time.

Do you play any instruments?

  • No, but I’m fascinated with live bands. I think they deserve more then what they get.

Do you prefer making love or having sex?

  • Sex is more passionate than love making, right?

Do you remember my favorite color?

  • Blue

Does my ass look big in these pants?

  • Are you kidding me? Your ass is magnificent!

Hello, baby! How’s it going?

  • Hey, sexy! I’m doing good now that you’re here.

Hey, stud? What are you up to?

  • I was thinking that I was going to do stuff, but no inspiration.

How do you feel about masturbation?

  • I think it’s normal for a guy to masturbate as often as he has the time.

How often do you masturbate?

  • As much as I can, it’s natural and you get to know yourself by doing it.

I get a lot of compliments! Do you know what compliment I like the most?

  • You love compliments about your cute guitar tattoo.

I have a groupie who is stalking me. What do you think I should do about it?

  • Show him to me. I’ll take care of him. Nobody is messing with you from now on.

I like a man who takes charge. What do you do to be a real man?

  • I would spank your ass and talk to you dirty.

I love the way you dress. What’s your style?

  • It can be anything you like. I catch new trends real quick.

I told you my favorite season! Do you remember?

  • Winter

I told you when I was born! Do you remember?

  • May

If a girl was willing to try anal, would you do it?

  • Yeah, sure. I’ve tried it a few times now. A girl with your sexy ass should try it.

I’m so happy to get paid for what I love to do. Do you remember?

  • Of course my little rock chick. After your gig I’m visiting your backstage.

It’s so hot outside. I think I’ll go to the beach for a skinny-dipping.

  • Let’s go to the Juicy Bar! They have ice cold drinks!

I’ve told you how tall I am! Do you remember?

  • 5’2”

Name one thing that you love about my cup size.

  • I love your D cup. It fits perfect to my ***.

What are you looking for in a girl?

  • I’d love a dirty girl who you can party with all day and have sex all night.

What do you do for work?

  • I travel a lot and invest in people’s ideas.

What is you favorite type of sports?

  • I love Beach Volleyball. I think girls playing this are so energetic.

What is your biggest fear?

  • Fear is for the weak and the poor.

What is your plan in case of an apocalypse?

  • I’ll just grab my girl, and go as far as I can. I should keep her safe at all times.

Where do you like to hang out?

  • I like bars and clubs. You meet all kinds of people there.

You know how it looks down there, don’t you?

  • Your *** is clean, like your ass. All well shaved.

You know, I prefer making my own experiences. So I’m not tight to guys only.

  • It’s fine. I know that you play around with this cute fangirl of yours.

You told me you masturbate a lot. Guess how often I’m doing it to myself.

  • Once or twice a day is perfect for you.



Are you currently dating any other girls?

  • Actually, I am getting to know some other girls. I’m looking for someone special.

Are you excited about going on a date with me?

  • Wow! Of course!

Are you good at math?

  • I’d say so, though I would love some private lessons from you.

Are you into toys?

  • Hm… They make everything hotter!

Do you know my favorite color?

  • It’s definitely yellow, like your hair!

Do you like piercings?

  • I love them! Especially bellybutton rings.

Do you remember my favorite hobby?

  • You love photography, and you’re so good at it!

Do you think professional success is important?

  • Yes, it’s pivotal for good quality of life.

Do you think there’s such a thing as soulmates?

  • Of course! There will always be someone special for each of us.

Do you think you can satisfy my desires?

  • I’d love to work really hard to do that.

Do you want to learn some new things?

  • Absolutely! I’m a great student!

Does the thought of having sex in public excite you?

  • A lot! I bet with you it would be even better.

Have you ever dated one of your teachers?

  • To tell you the truth, no, I haven’t, but I’ve thought about it…

Have you ever had a wet dream about me?

  • Of course! And I hope they come true!

Here’s a sexy question… How do I style my pubic hair?

  • You keep it completely and deliciously shaved.

I hope you get this one right! How much do I weigh?

  • You’re just perfect at 106 lb!

I live on my own. Is that something you find interesting?

  • Yes, it makes us independent.

I love taking photos in my spare time! Do you?

  • Taking pictures is amazing. Photography is an art!

I think it’d be interesting to give you some homework now, if you know what I mean!

  • Hm… I definitely need to take some private lessons from you.

I want to tell you a secret: I bleached my ass once.

  • Hm! I love imagining that!

Let’s get more intimate! I love masturbating. What about you?

  • Hmm, that’s so hot! I do too!

Let’s heat things up. Do you remember what I told you about masturbation?

  • How could I forget? You masturbate once a day.

Let’s see if you were paying attention! When was I born?

  • I always pay attention to you, baby. You were born in May.

Summer’s my favorite time of year! Do you like it?

  • Certainly! Everyone feels happier and more cheerful!

There’s one specific season that makes me very happy. Do you know what it is?

  • Of course! Summer makes you very excited!

This one’s a little harder! Do you know my height?

  • Of course! You’re the perfect height: 5’8”

This one’s easy! How old am I?

  • It sure is! You are a delicious 36-year old babe!

What about toys? Do you remember what I told you?

  • You like using toys in bed sometimes… that’s so hot!

What color lingerie do you think would look best on me?

  • Yellow, like the sun.

What did you think of my outfit?

  • Very sexy. It suits you!

What do I do for a living?

  • You’re a teacher – one of the most beautiful ones I’ve ever seen.

What do you know about my favorite lovers?

  • Oh, I’m well aware that you prefer successful older men.

What do you think about my lips?

  • They look delicious! I love your succulent lips.

What do you think about strong, independent women?

  • I find them extremely exciting.

What part of a woman’s personality makes you most excited?

  • Her strength!

What part of my body do you like the most?

  • You’re amazing everywhere!

Where would you like to kiss me first?

  • Anywhere that makes you really excited!



Are you scared of the ocean?

  • Not particularly. It’s impressive, and I respect it a lot, though.

Boobs? Butts? Which do you prefer?

  • Boobs, of course! I particularly like yours.

Can you remember what I told you about mermaids and anal?

  • Not only can you do it, you enjoy it!

Can you tell me how long I am?

  • I don’t have a tape measure, but you said 5’11”, right?

Do people wear bikinis and things all the time, or just at the beach and pool?

  • No, no, there’s a whole range of fashion that humans wear for all sorts of different situations.

Do you know what my favorite season is?

  • You like the warmth of the summer.

Do you like girls with high libidos?

  • Absolutely! My favorite thing is to match them, orgasm for orgasm!

Do you like to bring toys when you play? And by play, I mean have sex!

  • All the time. Toys add a whole new dimension to sex.

Do you remember how big my boobs are?

  • You told me they were C-cups!

Do you remember how I feel about masturbation?

  • You’re a fan. Sometimes you can’t even help yourself!

Do you remember my favorite color? Hehehe!

  • Hah! You like all of them!

Do you think mermaids and humans can fall in love?

  • Why not? It’s a big world out there, anything can happen!

Ever had sex in a pool or underwater?

  • Not yet, but I sure am looking forward to it! Should I bring some scuba gear?

Have you ever had a sexy dream about me?

  • All the time. It’s hard to keep you out of my mind!

Have you ever traveled into the ocean before, like on a boat or scuba diving?

  • Yeah, a few times. I enjoy boat trips out on the open water.

Hehehe, do you remember my age?

  • You were around… 152, right?

Hey, you remember what my job is, right?

  • How could I forget? You’re a princess!

How do you feel about anal… with me?

  • I’d certainly like to try it. I’m always up for new experiences!

How do you feel about extra-species girls like mermaids and fairies?

  • I’m a big fan. They all bring something really fun to the table – and to the bedroom.

I told you about how I feel about sex toys, right?

  • You’ve got a whole collection of your own, and want more!

I told you my birthday, right?

  • It’s sometime around… May?

If you could, would you become a merman to have fun with me?

  • Yeah, at least for a while! I think that’d be a lot of fun!

Remember what I said about my… experiences?

  • You love to have lots of fun, with lots of people.

So what’s your opinion on mermaids?

  • I’m a big fan, especially after Andriella has helped me out!

What do you like to do at the beach?

  • Swim, relax, everything people tend to do, you know? Meeting cute mermaids is also fun.

What do you think is my best feature?

  • Your tail is gorgeous. Your fins look so delicate and beautiful, like a gown!

What kind of girls are you attracted to?

  • I like bubbly, cheerful girls that have plenty of energy.

What sort of man would you consider yourself?

  • The sort that likes to meet new girls and give them the time of their lives.

What sort of outfit would you like to see me in?

  • I’ve always wanted to see you in a coconut bikini…

What was your first impression of me?

  • I was impressed with how cute and cheerful you were.

What’s it like being a human?

  • Every day is different. I can do just about whatever I want as long as I don’t cause trouble. There’s a ton to do in this town, too!

What’s your favorite aquatic animal?

  • I love fish! They’re so varied and colorful!

What’s your favorite game to play?

  • Whatever the newest game on the shelf is. I love trying new games!

What’s your favorite kind of date?

  • A sweet date with lots of laughs and lots of fun.

What’s your favorite position for sex?

  • It’s hard to choose. I like to be adventurous!

You remember what my hobby is, right? Right?

  • Yeah, you like to take care of the sea animals that you find.

You’re not put off by me being related to Andriella… are you?

  • Why would I? I think it’s awesome that I get to meet two hot sisters.



Can you handle a drink?

  • I can drink and party all night long with you at my side.

Can you remember what I do for a living?

  • You’re the CEO of your own company.

Do you like being dominated by a real woman?

  • That whole BDSM stuff never worked for me.

Do you like my natural skin color?

  • It looks so good. Your body would go well with the color of my bedsheets.

Do you live alone?

  • I live with my parents. They’re a lot of fun!

Do you remember my favorite season?

  • It’s summer, of course!

Do you remember what I told you about my toys?

  • You only use them when you masturbate!

Have you ever fallen in love?

  • I might, if you go out with me.

Hey! How’s your day going so far?

  • Good, but it’s even better now that you’re here!

How often do I masturbate? Do you remember?

  • About every two days.

How often do you masturbate?

  • Usually once a week, but if a see a girl with hot big boobs like you… Twice a day!

How tall am I? Do you remember?

  • 5’7”

How would you describe your perfect date?

  • Dates are overrated. We should *** at first sight.

I got a new dress in my favorite color! You remember what it is, right?

  • Red!

I like going out. How about you?

  • Are you kidding me? Everyone at the club knows me by name!

I love the way you dress. What’s your style?

  • It can be anything you like. I catch on to new trends really quick.

I need someone who’s understanding. Would you fit that profile?

  • Sure. I’m very open-minded about every topic and I like trying out new things.

I want you to come inside me and give me an orgasm!

  • I’ll make you all hot and moist from my ***. You like that?

I work as the CEO of my own company. Are you intimidated by that?

  • No. I think a woman can achieve anything she wants!

I’m so into karaoke. Would you take me out to a karaoke bar?

  • I’m making reservations as we speak!

In your opinion, what would you consider a perfect date?

  • A candlelit dinner, a glass of expensive wine, and a visit to your bedroom.

My bathroom scale is nice to me! Do you know what number it shows me?

  • A lightweight 115 lb!

My birthday month is the best month of the year! Which was it?

  • The hottest month of the year – July!

My daughter doesn’t really help out around the house. What do you think I should do?

  • Well, I’m sure it’s just a phase. We’ve all been through it. You’re a wonderful mom.

What are you doing tonight? Want to go out for drinks?

  • Not a bad idea. Which bar do you have in mind?

What do you recall about me and anal sex?

  • You sometimes enjoy it.

What do you think of girls who take it in the ass?

  • I see nothing wrong there. Sex is meant to be fun, not inhibited.

What hair style do I prefer “downstairs?”

  • How could I forget that it’s a cute landing strip?

What is your biggest fear?

  • Fear is for the weak and the poor.

What kind of fantasies do you have?

  • I’d love to have sex with an older woman, a real cougar.

What would you do if I told you I’m single?

  • I would slap your ass and pinch your nipples.

What’s your best advice for a single parent?

  • Don’t be the parent you wouldn’t want to have.

What’s your favorite way to have sex?

  • Really intimate, I like taking my time and making her scream at the top of her lungs.

Where do you like to spend your free time?

  • Having new experiences, wherever they take me.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

  • With you, baby!

You know what I love to do as my hobby?

  • You love karaoke!

You remember my cup size, right?

  • Oh my – these are DDs for sure!



Are you open to trying new things?

  • Definitely. Especially together with you! I know there’s so many human things you want to try out!

Are you possessive of the girls you date?

  • Not at all. It turns me on to know a girl is getting her horny self satisfied out there!

Are you romantically interested in me?

  • After spending so much time with you, I’ve really fallen for how cute, sexy, and just flat out amazing you are!

Are you worried about dating a princess?

  • A little, since you’re so perfect, but I think I’ll be able to keep up with you… I’ll try not to disappoint!

Do you prefer to be more dominant or submissive?

  • I’m not too extreme in either direction, and I find it sexy when a girl can go either way too!

Do you remember how tall I am?

  • 5’6”. The same length you were when you had a tail… I think that’s the perfect height!

Do you remember what I said about masturbation?

  • You love playing around with yourself and your sexy new human legs!

Do you remember what I said about sex toys?

  • All these new human toys excite you so much, there’s so many toys but so little ***!

Do you remember what I said about sexual lovers?

  • You haven’t been able to have any up to this point, so you’re horny and hungry for ’em now!

Do you remember what my favorite color is?

  • Sea foam green. I want to go swimming with you so I can see it underwater!

Do you remember what my job is?

  • You work hard as a Princess! You won’t rest until you’ve become a Land Princess!

Do you remember when I was born?

  • July, because it’s the same time as when your loyal friends, the fish, hatch from their eggs!

Do you think I make a cute human?

  • The absolute cutest! But you would make a cute ANYTHING. Human, mermaid, vampire, giraffe…

Do you think our friendship would change if we dated?

  • Not at all. You’ll always be my sexy wingman, and I’ll do my best to be the same for you!

Have you ever had a sex dream about me?

  • So many! I can’t wait to try them all out with you, like kissing your legs all the way up to your ***…

How do you feel about group sex?

  • It’s amazing, and I think everyone should try it! There’s so many sexy people out in the world for us to ***!

How do you feel about me having sex with other girls?

  • So hot. It makes me really hard, and I just want to watch you lick each other’s ***…

How do you feel about me not being invisible to others anymore?

  • Amazing. I’ve been wanting to show you off and let other people get jealous of us touching…

How do you feel about sex in public?

  • It makes me so hard being watched when I’m ***, especially when it’s a hot girl watching!

How do you like to be seduced?

  • I go crazy when a girl struts her long, sexy legs in front of me… Makes me want to just grab em and ***!

I hope you didn’t forget how much I weigh…

  • 130 lb. Don’t worry, I won’t ask you again. I have it memorized!

I hope you remember how big my breasts are!

  • They’re G Cups! Or two puffer fish. Either way, I think they’re big and sexy!

I hope you remember how I feel about anal!

  • I can’t help but watch your pretty little ass when you walk away… I know you love it, and so do I!

I hope you remembered what my favorite season is!

  • Summer, because of how hot it gets – perfect for a hot babe like you!

If I ever had to transform back into a mermaid, would you do it with me?

  • In a heart beat. I think I’d make a sexy merman, and together we’ll bang all the mermaids of the sea!

If you could change anything about my outfit, what would you change?

  • I’d give you a tiny top and a tight skirt wrapped around that fat ass! You’re hiding your sexy body under that dress!

If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?

  • I would make myself a better swimmer so we could *** while gliding through the waves!

If you could change one thing about me, what would you change?

  • I would turn you into a Land Princess, because you deserve it, and the land needs a hot leader!

If you could do anything to me right now, what would you do?

  • I’d pick you up and wrap your legs around me, fill up your sweet *** with my meat and make you scream…

If you could have sex anywhere, where would it be?

  • Let’s do it in the ocean! I want to know what it’s like to *** like a couple of horny mermaids!

Is there anything you want to know about mermaids?

  • I’ve heard they get extra horny in the summer, in time for breeding season… I’d like to see that!

What’s the sexiest part of a woman’s body?

  • It’s so hard to choose… fat tits, sexy legs, and a nice ass… You have all of those, so I’m in heaven already!

What’s your favorite sex position?

  • A hot pile driver with her legs split in the air! I like to hold onto them and plow right in!

What’s your favorite thing about me?

  • You just go out and get whatever you want! Legs? Got it. ***? Yup! Want to *** everyone? Absolutely!

What’s your fetish?

  • Sex! I like trying all kinds of new things with beautiful women… You should know that!

What’s your ideal girlfriend like?

  • A cute girl who really knows me and is always there for me, and who loves getting laid as much as I do!

You remember what I do for fun, right?

  • You like to take long walks on the beach… That’s a sexy sight I want to see!
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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