Fish Farm Tips
How you should use it depends on what is your goal in game.
If your goal is to simply beat game ASAP – keep only the most expensive fishes and sell everything else to maximize profit.
If your goal is some completionism like every dish level 10 then you should always keep 2 of each fish(and more of the more rare ones if density allows) and send to kitchen the remainder., ideally 3 star and sell everything else. Once dish is maxed – you can butcher or sell the remainder of that fish if you wish.
The main trick is that as long as density is below 100%(99% or lower) – you will be able to multiply any amount of new fish just fine as there is no limit to how much you can overkill the density.
My record is ~320% density.
My usual daily routine is to check on fishes every morning and lower fish density to ~99% while making sure to keep 2 of each fish I need and for the most rare fish I try to let them stack to at least ~8.
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