Nixi Assassin Build Guide (D100)
Talent Tree
It’s basically the Half Moon Nixi one, only added some poison for additional status. We want the movement speed, we want the added strike slot, we want the damage from empty strike slot: we have other means to deal damage.
Greed is good to make Shadow dance attacks deal crit. No need to over invest in it, in the first minute you’ll have enough gold to 100% crit chance.
There’s an argument if Endless Night is better than Finesse as ultimate talent: I guess it depends on how we feel more confident. I use Endless Night for personal preference.

This part requires a huge lot of grinding: Half Moons where you find them; Evasive maneuvres; curse of weakness; a weapon that applies a status. These are mostly non negotiable, even if I took out the EM jewel to farm d30, forgot to put it back for d100 and won a couple of runs like that too…
Other things to consider: general and power duration to make shadowshift last longer; cooldown to have it ready sooner. These are the reason why it takes a lot of farming: we need all these things, a bit more here a bit less there, but we need them, like badly.
Black Lightnings are the cherry on the cake. I know 6% chance to proc is not fantastic, but when you manage to constantly have 4 to 6 moons flying around you’ll often see your screen go dark from lightnings clearing everything, lol.
(If you happen to get some lifesteal that wouldn’t hurt: I had to take it out because of the black lightning head, but heh…)

Gods / Blessings
I’ll write here my personal favorite combo and the reasons. Keep in mind I won d100 with a bunch of other gods in the team, like Time and Summer and Mort. But these 3 are the ones that make me feel safer and almost invincible.
- Winter: Frost Ring for CC (and it also unlocks Serendipity), Shivers to make Shadowshift last longer. Frozen Zones is a very good cast too, I wouldn’t sleep on that. Also, Thaw, Icebound, Dive… There are a lot of incredible tools available here and I won’t even start with her legendaries… Oh I almost Forgot: Path of Frost! I use it whenever I can to increase movement speed and to add more chill. Coupled with my chill applying knife it’s very very good at keeping mobs distant.
- Leigong: Lightning Bolts and Urgency. These two should be enough to convince anyone. If that’s not enough I’ll add Lightning Orbs and Haste.
- Krom: The attack scales like crazy and War Pact helps taking down the harder dudes faster. If we get Fatality the moons will clear the screen at the speed of light. If we get God of War too then the bosses will melt. What’s not to like here? Oh and Blades, of course…
Go for duration. Go for Cooldown. Go for movement speed. Go for attack damage (half moons scale with that). Don’t be afraid to lose some area to get damage and/or duration: it’s totally fine and worth it.
Oh and don’t even think about it twice: 100% heal from kill first, 1% heal from attack after.
Early game… That’s a problem: it needs to get rolling. We have to be good avoiding taking too much damage from the early heavy hitters (fire archers are a nightmare, focus on taking them out ASAP).
So, to wrap things up: this is the build I worked so hard to put together.
But I’m totally happy and satisfied because it works, it’s fun, it’s more powerful than I’d ever dreamt it could be.
I don’t think I’ll stop min/maxing it soon, since there’s always room for improvement. But for now, seeing how consistently it wins D100 I’m totally satisfied.
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