Death Must Die – A Guide to Success for Dummies

Firstly, the game is supposed to be hard for the first few hours until you get fully geared with somewhat decent items. After dying 6-7 times you unlock all the gods and then you can start playing the game properly.

Newbies Guide

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Tips for success in order of importance:

  1. Alteration/Reroll/Banish charges, alteration is best, Reroll is 2nd best, Banish is needed to make the other 2 work properly, you want to banish the bad skills immediately, that will make your success much more likely.
  2. Proper god synergies – There are several good combinations, but until you learn the game and its mechanics stick to the overpowered stuff. Always pick Mort Soulstealers (at the highest rarity you can), Mayhem (available after you have soulstealers picked), Justice (armor, regen, divine shield). After you play a bit with Soulstealers and build up Mayhem’s bonus damage (at around 12 to 15 minutes) pick Ravens and/or Necromancy (skeletons). From here on out your win is 100% guaranteed.
  3. If you don’t like your skills after 1-2 minutes end run and start again, this will reset the shop and let you pick a better item (especially useful early on).
  4. Try out a different hero and/or a different sign for it.
  5. Check out the achievements and try to do the easiest ones, they will unlock signs for the heroes which in some cases are insanely powerful.
  6. Don’t stop moving and picking up shrines, picking up enough shrines in a run increases your success chance by a lot if you are not that experienced.
  7. Open up all the chests (except graves and fallen heroes, they often give -Luck).
  8. Go on the discord (opens when you click ingame on the Menu) and ask people specific questions if something is not covered here.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 6883 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. What would you consider a “bad skill?” Because outside a couple of the Summer skills, I think most skills have good synergy within the god’s pool and certain synergies without.

    • Bad skills are ones with limited use that block good choices when you level up –
      In Justice the bad ones are – Celestial Wings, Purification, Reprisal at low rarity
      On other gods it depends a lot on build, but there are some bad ones on a case by case basis

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