Rover Missions Guides
Dependent on length of mission you have the possibility to earn:
- DM
- Boosts: Planet, Production, Time Warps
- Managers: Public School (50 DM), Private School (200 DM), Brilliant Manager (500 DM)
- Resource Stars: 2, 4, 7
Rover Mission project is unlocked fairly early in the Project Tree. There is the choice of two (2) Rover Missions once the project is opened. The Rover is sent out to a planet to scan for valuable resources (i.e., rewards). Projects further into the Project Tree increase the rate of scanning on planets by x2.5 and x5.0
There are four levels of difficulty for Rover Missions:
- L1: 4 hours
- L2: 12 hours
- L3: 24 hours
- L4: 48 hours (Available after Robotics room is at Level 4 or higher)
Rover Missions
DO__ transfer with you to a new galaxy. Make sure to research the project in order to claim Rover rewards when mission is completed!
- You begin with the ability to choose from two missions, but later in the project tree you can unlock the ability to get a 3rd.
- There is no single best thing to pick for the rover missions.
- Keep in mind that the longer missions have a slightly higher value of DM/hour and usually a higher chance of getting additional rewards.
- Also, keep in mind whether you will be online when the rover returns.
- Rover mission duration time can be decreased via the.
Rover missions can only go towards planets currently open, so if you’re approaching tournaments or challenges it may be worth it to push your farming run further to get a more useful rover planet.
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