Dungeonborne – Fighter Tech Guide to Dominating Dorks in the Dungeon

Quick Guide to Fighter

By Vesper.

I was a Pyro main who took up the mantle of Fighter and put in great effort to figure out, practice, and apply various tech and tactics. I’ve discovered many tricks, tips, and secret forbidden skills that have allowed me to go nearly undefeated for my sojourns into the dungeons and I’m here to share them with you.

Note that most of my time has been spent in Solos, not groups. Your mileage may vary.

First, buckle up because we don’t use the 2h sword in this household. We use the Sword and Shield. “But Vesper,” I hear you say, clenching your soy latte and wiping the dorito dust from your lips, “The 2h sword is the superior option!

And the cornerstone ability of the fighter requires it!” You are very astute, now shut up. The Sword and Shield is immensely underrated and underestimated. It is capable of putting tremendous pressure at a distance or at close range while weathering any storm your opponent throws at you. This is your neutral game weapon.

Here is an overview of the tech you should master with the S&S:

  1. The S&S can charge a heavy attack while blocking
  2. S&S heavy attack is a long forward dash followed by a powerful stab. This can be followed up with a double strike on the next attack. This combination will hereby be called the 123 strike and deals a terrifying 350-400 damage if all blows connect.
  3. While dashing forward with the heavy attack you will have automatically parry any incoming attacks from the front, similar to a 2h sword perfect guard. Parrying an attack this way boosts the damage of the following stab.
  4. You can hold the heavy attack fully charged for several seconds. You can use your E dash ability while holding the heavy attack. E dash into heavy attack dash can take you across entire rooms.
  5. Did i mention your heavy attack cannot be blocked? Only a perfect parry can stop it.
  6. While holding your heavy attack you can turn around and E dash backwards to feint and dodge enemy attacks, then spin around and heavy attack dash to punish. This almost always catches people off guard and the 123 strike will rarely fail. I call this the Spaghetti Surprise.
  7. You can block Pyro firebolts but not the full pyroblast.
  8. You can block an entire Fighter spin attack and land a nasty Riposte 123 strike most of the time.

There are other techs for you to discover on your own, but the main takeaway is this: ABC. Always be charging. Any time you have downtime in a fight, start charging your heavy attack. It can’t be blocked, and it beats the range of any other melee weapon. Utilize the insane pressure of your heavy attack dash and 123 strike to control the fight and never let them back off. If they are aggressive, remember ABC. Their combo will end, and you can punish.


Focus dexterity first, strength or stamina second. The movement speed of dex is monumental, and the guaranteed crit passive pairs perfectly with your S&S. Always bring shield potions. They give you almost an entire HP potion of bonus hp. Invaluable. Damage to attacker on block is also very fun.

When do you use the 2h sword? Its kind of a Trump card. If things look dicey you can pull it out with the Q ability to buy you time or gain the upperhand, but never engage with it; it’s too predictable.

Classes You Should Worry About


Pyromancer is the biggest one. Never engage with your E. Try to start the fight with a shield pot so you can eat 1 pyroblast for free. Use your heavy dash to get in close – when they push you back, use your E to get back in. At close range you should win, but a smart pyro will be able to kite with ice. Take your time.

Death Knight:

DK can be scary, but the moment you see him use his aoe, you can counter with your spin, or run away and re-engage when it wears off. Try not to fight him in his aoe.


What do you do vs a druid? I actually very, very rarely encounter druids so I don’t have much experience fighting them. But I’ve never lost to one. Most fighters only use the 2h sword, which is the bad choice against casters.

The shield can block the fire staff, and it simultaneously charges the heavy attack. The S&S heavy attack lunge is significantly bigger than than 2h sword lunge, making it great for chasing casters while they’re in the middle of using a staff or charging a spell. That’s usually what I do. Charge the heavy attack, wait for the opportunity to let it go. This always results in a nasty 130 damage hit. If they flee or knock me back, I immediately chase with E while charging another heavy attack.

Most players don’t realize just how mobile the fighter is, and most fighters don’t take advantage of their mobility. That being said, i have seen my friend use the druid so I know how effectively they can flee and jump around. I think I could get one or two good hits, just catching them off guard, but ultimately I wouldn’t be able to catch if they committed to fleeing- similarly to the rogue. But that’s fine, I just health potion and wait, or keep moving. Most fighters also use the whirlwind without thinking. They get monke brain neuron activation and use it the very second they get close. This is foolish. About 75% of my fights I win without ever swapping to the 2h sword, or using the spin.

It’s time to sheathe your 2h sword, drop the crutch of your spin to win, renounce the shameful ways of the Rogue and embrace the gigachad S&S Fighter.

Secret Forbidden S&S Techs

Here’s a video showcasing two Secret Forbidden S&S techs. These are not to be used lightly; Use them only when facing Elite Gamers who know how to parry.

The First Forbidden Tech: Stromboli Sidewinder

Notice how your heavy attack can be parried by an Elite Gamer who is ready for it using the 2h sword, followed up by a nasty riposte. Use the Stromboli Sidewinder technique to charge past him, and flick your mouse to stab him in the back. This cannot be parried unless they turn themselves instantly. You can even see his sword turn white, indicating a parry attempt but it failed; In a regular fight, parrying it will never happen. The Stromboli Sidewinder is sure to leave your opponents discombobulated and confused, giving you the advantage

The Second Forbidden Tech: Spaghetti Strike

Notice how, later on, you cannot block a 2h sword’s heavy attack. It will knock you out of your own charge up. But if you time it right, you can charge into his, parry it, and hit him back (I missed the followup hit, but you can see it work.)

However, sometimes he’ll start charging first. In this case, you can deploy the Spaghetti Strike. Wait for him to lunge at you, then use your E to dash past him, flick the mouse and use your own charged heavy to counter attack. In the clip, he still hit me, but he said the only reason he hit me was because he knew it was coming and spun around instantly. A normal player will never see this coming, and you will successfully retake the initiative.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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