Build Guide for Swordmaster
By QueenOfKelp.
- Swordmaster – Longsword – Crossbow
Set Affixes:
Storm Rage level 2 (25 points) and Drunk Alchemist level 1 (15 points)
Other Stats:
Mostly focusing on stacking physical damage with a lesser focus on electric damage and getting just enough will for Healing Scabbard (one of the swordmaster abilities).
Open every fight with a flask throw (either thunder or incendiary flask) and then a crossbow shot. Then go in for a melee hit or two. Once you get your melee hit(s) – and while you still have the speed boost, back away from the fight and reload the crossbow if possible. If you need healing, then use the speed boost to fully charge your sword throw. Ideally you will stall for time as much as possible while backing up to allow for both drunk alchemist and storm rage to recharge. Only go in for melee if storm rage is available unless you have no other choice. Basically just be a camping shitter the entire fight.
The idea is that whenever you go in for melee attacks you should deal a ton of damage in just 1 or 2 hits and then use storm rage to back up so they never have time to trade hits. Then when the ability isn’t up and ready you spam projectiles to stay as safe as possible because this is a glass cannon build.
Also in teams it would be really good because instead of just speed boosting away from the enemy you can speed boost into the back line to be protected by your tank, and also you could potentially hit your own tank on purpose to get the speed boost and launch yourself into the enemy pyromancer or cryomancer to kill them before their team can stop you.
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