Dyson Sphere Program – Guide for Colonizing the Galaxy

This guide is meant to help guide new players through the game with suggested builds and rough goals to help you keep moving forward and avoid common pitfalls. Or at least let you know fast ways of solving the critical failures of your burgeoning planetary factories.

Post ILS (Interstellar Logistics Stations)

Yes we are starting with the late game and its for a good reason. If you know what to build towards then you’ll know roughly how to structure things to help for easier transitions rather than scrapping everything to rebuild it better. Trust me this will save you hours of redoing stuff because you didn’t realize how stupidly overpowered ILSs(Interstellar Logistics Stations) are.

Once you’ve automated the production of ILS (not researched, automated production there is a difference), congrats you’re a big boy/girl now and you’re finally going to spend more time expanding rather than fixing the mess of system failures that was your factory. The only other significant step left for you (logistically) is automated production of Space Warpers which will make moving between systems take an annoying 20 seconds not the 5-10 minute alt-tabbed slog it used to be. Honestly if you even left your home system before Space Warpers that was on you.

At this point there are two types of Planets you should be looking out for Resource Planets and Production Planets. Each type is covered in the sections below.

Post ILS Resource Planets

At this point in the game you’ll run into one of two problems a lack of energy production and lack of resources. If energy is your problem see the Post ILS (Interstellar Logistics Stations) Energy section, this section is for the lack of resources.

When you’ve run out of resources what do you do? Well obviously you find a nice juicy planet with the resources you need and you colonize it like you’re cosplaying a 17th century European country.

Here are the basic steps:

  • Find planet
  • Go to planet
  • Drop an ILS requesting Solar/Wind band Buildings
  • Build Solar/Wind band around Equator

Drop ILS near resource nodes with mines

First open your Starmap (shortcut v) and search for a planet with the resources you need, even better if you can find one with special resources.

Once you’ve selected your planet make sure to activate the indicator so there’s a helpful line pointing you directly towards it.

Next Warp (shortcut caps lock) your Mech to planet and try not to miss, don’t worry after 200 hours of game play you’ll still probably fly past it 50% of the time. Remember you can always hit the Warp key again right before you hit the planet so even if you miss you don’t have to spend more time circling back around than you spent actually flying between systems.

Now that you’ve made landfall on this untouched piece of paradise its time to unleash your inner capitalist and bulldoze it down like the robber baron you are.

Find the Equator (that’s North/South 0 degrees), and if you suffer from OCD like me find East or West 0, 90, or 180 degrees so you can start on a nice even number.

Drop an ILS, and have it request Solar Panels, Wind Turbines, and Foundations. Limit them to about 2k each so you don’t waste too many… or not at this point a few thousand of each should be nothing.

Create your Solar/Wind energy band around the Equator laying foundations as needed. To build a Solar/Wind band drop a Wind Turbine directly on the Equator, then surround it with 8 Solar Panels. Make that a blueprint if you haven’t already and keep pasting it on the Equator until you’ve looped around the planet. Remember that you can blueprint multiple of your Solar/Wind groups to form a long line of them as one blue print, this will save you a lot of time and once you’re done you should be getting somewhere between 300-500 MW of power (depending on planet type and the number of bands you’ve placed) which should be more than enough energy for your Resource planet without any fuel consumption.

Once your energy production is done, drop some ILSs near whatever resources you want, set them to Local Demand and Remote Supply the resource and use your preferred mining method to extract the resource.

Repeat the previous step until you’re mining every resource on the planet or your short attention span gets the better of you, which ever comes first.

Congrats you’ve set up a Resource Planet. Make sure you’ve set the ILS requesting Solar/Wind/Foundations to supply and the all moral quandaries involving colonization and the exploitation of resources while you repeat this on the next planet.

Post ILS Production Planets

Now that you’re harvesting those lovely resources its time to turn them into something useful like the capitalist you are. Its time to make your Production Planet. Why is it called a Production Planet and not something like Manufacturing Planet? Because PP(Production Planet) is a way better acronym than MP(Manufacturing Planet). Obviously.

When selecting your PP its important to take into account certain factors. Unlike RP(Resource Planets) you can’t just pick a PP willy nilly. I mean you can but you’ll pay for it later. And the goal of this guide is to help you avoid things that you need to pay for later.

High Construction Area %. Anything higher than 90% is the aim. More Construction Area means less wasting Foundations and Soil. Clear open areas leave you with a clear open mind that can focus on what to build not how to fit it.

Proximity to star. The closer to the star the better. While not obvious at first it is VERY IMPORTANT. A planet that’s close to the star can build Ray Receivers on the poles that are up 100% of the time. This is done by building a maximum diameter Dyson Sphere or at least having frames at the North and South Pole of the Dyson Sphere. Ray Receivers can get 15MW of power, which is 50 Wind Turbines or 83 Solar Panels (Solar Panels are down 50% of time because of day/night cycles). This will be your main free energy source and if you can cheese your way into 100% up time then you should. (NOTE: Once you are relying on Artificial Stars to power your PPs you can ignore this and instead have a planet dedicated to producing Critical Photons. Artificial Stars are beyond end game though, as if you are regularly using them for power you should have already finished the last tech research and ‘won’ the game)

Proximity to Home System. This is the least important but something you should consider. If your PP is in the center of the galaxy that means less travel time for resupplies. Though as long as you’re not a complete idiot you can mostly forget this.

Planetary type. Certain planet types are advantageous, others are not. Lava planet means Geothermal Power Stations. Barren Desert means 0% Wind production. Just make sure you look at the Solar and Wind energy ratios and check for lava before you start building so you can account for irregularities and plan around them.

Building on your PP

Constructing on your PP is easy. First follow the steps to create a RP to get started. Once you have the Solar/Wind band around your PP giving you a modest amount of energy you can start building for real.

I’d suggest having two types of PPs, Assembling Machine PP and Smelter PP. The difference is simple AM(Assembling Machine) PPs produce anything that requires a Assembling Machine and Smelter PPs produce anything requiring a Smelter.

The reason for this is simple as follows. When you start your PP drop an ILS with Demands for Belts, Sorters, Tesla Towers, Smelters or Assembling Machines, and Space Warpers. This single ILS will supply you with 95% of the materials you’ll need for this planet. These are things you will run out of most while building and Space Warpers(see ILS and Space Warpers below). This setup will save you a ton of travel time as you build your PPs.

Now that your building supplies are taken care of you can go buck wild. Drop an ILS set the 1st slot to Supply whatever product you want, slots 2-4 to demand the needed materials. Set up your production (I’m not hand holding you through that as thats like 80% of the fun of the game) and now you never have to think about producing the thing again… Until you need to expand production. Repeat for every. SINGLE. THING. Congrats your now produce all the things. Expand production as needed and keep repeating. Eventually head back to your first world and look on the spaghetti of belts and production buildings in horror as you realize what a plebeian you used to be.

Note: some things like Oil Extractors and Oil Refineries need 4 materials to make. Just use 2 ILSs. A lot of them like Oil Extractors and Oil Refineries share the exact same required materials which you can just pair up to make things easier.

Keep in mind that the closer you are to the poles (and by definition farther from the equator) the harder it is to build production chains. At certain points north and south you’ll see the building grid shift to small squares. Try to avoid building on the lines where the shifts happen and plan builds either above or below them. The top (and bottom) 15 degrees of the planet should be for Ray Receivers or EM-Rail Ejectors as they massively benefit from those locations, also blueprints not designed for those areas break horrendously.

ILS and Space Warpers

In order to efficiently transport your goods past the Distance to enable Warp every ILS will need a steady stream of Space Warpers and to do that you need one slot set to Demand Space Warpers. I suggest the 5th slot to keep it out of the way. Have one ILS on each planet set to Local Supply and Remote Demand. Every other ILS should be set to Local Demand and Remote Storage, with a limit of 100 or 200 depending on your preference. Congrats your Logistics Vessels will now Warp while your only worry is now making sure your production of Space Warpers outpaces demand. If you ships ever stop Warping just double check your Space Warper production and you’ll be good to go.

Post ILS Energy or How I Stopped Worrying and Love the Dyson Sphere

Well you’re mining like its the California Gold rush and producing like its the Industrial Revolution. Nothing can stop you now… except the power going out. Which it keeps doing… Its going to feel like half your time is spent not expanding production but expanding your energy production. Every time you finish a new product line you see that dreaded orange colored percentile, which slows down your PP(Production Planet) to a crawl. How do you manage this nightmare? You need every square foot for production buildings and lets be honest Wind Turbines and Solar Panels just aren’t useful anymore. The solution to your problems is simple, The Dyson Sphere.

Hopefully you’re reading this before you’ve even built your first ILS, because I’ve got some real bad news for you otherwise. This is going to take a while. Building a Dyson Sphere isn’t something you can do quickly. In fact its going to take hours. Even with massive production chains and dozens of VLSs(Vertical Launching Silo’s) this is gonna take a bit. So hopefully the moment you hit Purple tech you started thinking about the hidden (5.5th) tech of the game Small Carrier Rockets which are the final missing piece needed to build your Dyson Sphere.

To build your Dyson Sphere open your Dyson Sphere menu (shotcut y). Once in the Dyson Sphere menu build Nodes and connect them with Frames. Enclose a small area with Frames and you can use the Dyson Shell button to fill in the area with Solar Sails increasing energy production. This process happens automatically as long as you are launching Solar Sails with the EM-Rail Ejector. Also note a Dyson Node can only acquire 40 Solar Sails at a time. So make sure you have lots of Nodes to absorb as many Solar Sails as you are flinging into orbit.

One neat little trick you can do when setting up your PPs(Production Planets) is to add a Dyson Sphere Layer that has the maximum Orbit Radius. Make sure you have Nodes/Frames at the North and Southern Pole of your new Dyson Sphere layer, and Ray Receivers at the Northern and Southern pole of your PP. If your planet is close enough to the sun your Ray Receivers should have 100% up time because they are in constant view of the Dyson Sphere. Assuming your Dyson Sphere has enough material in it (and your Ray Transmission Efficiency is decent) this is the best way of getting Energy that requires zero consumables. You can stop producing literally everything and you’ll still get energy.

Eventually you’ll want to transition to Artificial Stars but those do cost some materials that are not infinite/renewable, that being Titanium Alloy and Annihilation Constraint Sphere (Processors and Particle Containers).

After you’ve gotten Purple Tech you should regularly be increasing your Dyson Sphere Production. Every time you finish increasing your Tech Matrices, make sure to increase your production of Dyson Sphere components and by the time you realize you need more Energy your Dyson Sphere will have plenty of extra production for you.

Finally once you’ve decided to expand to new systems for new PPs make sure your first step in the new system is to set up your Dyson Sphere and Vertical Launching Silos to start building it out. Trust me this will save you a lot of time.

The Energy / Space Conundrum… or Which Tier of Tech Do I Use?

SPACE the final frontier… Wait not that space. I meant space as in your construction area, not SPACE space. Every building takes up space, wait this is getting confusing. Effectively each planet has a surface area that is displayed as a grid when you open the build option. Pretty much every tiered production building has a fun conundrum you’ll find out as you play the game. The better the tier the faster they produce and the more energy it takes. However the ratio of production to energy gets worse the higher the tier. (We’re going to ignore the construction costs as you either have them automated or not, in other words you can actually use them at volume or not)

Let me show you, as of Oct. 2023 these are the specs of AMs(Assembler Machines) and Smelters. Note: these have been consistent for a VERY long time, so they will probably remain so for a long time.

  • Assembler Machines: T1, T2, T3
  • Production Speed: 0.75, 1, 1.5
  • Energy Consumption: 270kW, 540kW, 1.08MW
  • Smelters: T1, T2
  • Production Speed: 1, 2
  • Energy Consumption: 360kW, 1.44MW

As you can see Energy Consumption increases much faster than Production Speed. Two T1AMs have the same Energy Consumption as a single T2AM but will produce 0.5 more. However two T1AMs cost twice as much space(construction area). Thus we get to the title of this section: The Energy/Space Conundrum. This boils down to you needing to decide if it is worth it to use more energy or more space in your builds. As you build your Dyson Spheres around your PPs(Production Planets) you will more easily be able to supply energy to your PPs. First through your Ray Receivers directly producing energy and later by them producing Critical Photons for Antimatter Fuel Rods that will power your Artificial Stars. This boils down to bigger Dyson Sphere more space saving. Or as I like to say, “More SPACE equals more space”. So yes SPACE is the final frontier after all.

Game Start and Blue Tech (Electromagnetic Matrix)

You’re just starting out and don’t know what to do. Well read the earlier Sections title Post ILS(Interstellar Logistics Station) so you know what your end game is. Right now you’re a baby fumbling around with no clue of how the galaxy works or your place in it. That’s okay. We all start ignorant, its your job to experiment and have fun with it. Gather resources and research tech, mistakes at this part of the game cost you virtually nothing, so this is the best time to learn. At this point you have 2 goals.

  1. Research everything that doesn’t require a Matrix. (There are currently only 5 techs with this description.
  2. Start automatically producing Blue Tech (Electromagnetic Matrix) and feed them into Matrix Labs for automatic research.

In order to this start building small automation chains. Belts are the most important as you’ll need hundreds of them. After that, Sorters, (Arc) Smelters, and Assembling Machines, in no particular order. Other automation chains to consider are Wind Turbines, Tesla Towers, and Foundations. If you really want to take your time with things Mining Machines are also nice to have but generally you can just manually build them.

You will absolutely need automated production of Magnetic Coils and Circuit Boards but generally by having production chains of the other buildings you’ll have automated production of these Intermediate Products. To have a nice supply of these of these items constantly building up, you can add a Storage Mk.1 to a belt with either of these products with a Sorter pulling items into the chest upstream from a Sorter depositing the items back onto the belt. This allows a overflow items to build up in the chest without disrupting production.

Red Tech (Energy Matrix)

Get ready to embrace your inner Italian because you’re getting Spaghetti and whole lot of it. Belt Spaghetti that is. In order to produce Red Tech (Energy Matrix) you’ll need Hydrogen which means Oil Extractors. This means lots of Belts everywhere to get things across the starting planet.

This is the first point where you NEED to rush a technology or suffer for it. X-Ray Cracking is very important for not getting stuck. It allows you to take Refined Oil and actually use it for something. And not just anything no, Refined Oil and Hydrogen get you Energetic Graphite and more Hydrogen. Which if you’re paying attention are the exact ingredients for Red Tech. No more Coal needed.

This is the stage where you should be learning how to use and abuse Splitters. Priority inputs, Priority output, and the different configurations of Splitters (hit tab while building a Splitter before you’ve placed it). How do you make sure you have enough Hydrogen in your refining loop? Priority input/output Splitters. Have excess Refined Oil? Priority output Splitter and Thermal Power Plants will save you. Too much Hydrogen and not enough Graphite or vice-versa? Priority output Splitter and Thermal Power Plants. I’ll leave the details to you to work out but Splitters are pretty much the answer to every new problem you’ll find at this point.

After you’ve had your fun with Splitters and the Belt Spaghetti its time for the next stage. Yellow Tech (Structure Matrix).

Yellow Tech (Structure Matrix)

Did you have fun with the Belt Spaghetti and Splitters? Good cause they’re about to become obsolete. If you haven’t already its time to take your first steps into SPACE. In your Starmap (shortcut v) find a planet in your star system with Silicon Ore and Titanium Ore. Load up on Coal and prepare to make the journey. Make sure you stock up on everything you’ll need. At least 2 stacks of each of the following Smelters, AMs(Assembling Machines), Wind Turbines, Sorters, and Belts. Honestly you’ll want many stacks of Belts. Many, many stacks. Set up automatic Titanium production and Silicone production. (If you’re really smart you’ll also automate Processors) Smile happily at what you’ve accomplished.Really breathe it in. Done breathing it in? Good, now you get the frustrating and boring job of playing pack mule. Grab as much Titanium Ingot and High-Purity Silicone as you can carry and head back home.

Home, sweet home. Not really. I promise you something is broken. There’s been a critical failure of something and now your production lines have ground to a halt. Maybe you already realized this because you are no longer researching anything despite the fact that you should be researching something. Whatever broke take the time to fix it and come back once that’s done.

Have you fixed your home planet? Great, set up some Hydrogen Fuel Rod production. Your new life in this section of the game is interplanetary pack mule. Its not a glorious job but someones got to do it and this is a single player game so either you do it or it doesn’t get done. Dump some stacks of Titanium Ingots into a chest and ignore the pained feelings in your chest from the knowledge that eventually you’ll need to come back and fix this because its not truly automated.

Now that you finally have a decent fuel source your number one goal is automated production of PLS(Planetary Logistics Stations). But the best way to get automated production of PLSs is to use PLSs. Its a catch 22 but just take a deep breathe and remember the good old days of Blue Tech and manual construction. Where you smart and automate your Processor production on your second planet? No? Pack mule time. Yes? Great you saved a trip… maybe. How many Processors did you bring back? You’ll need 40 Processors for one PLS and you’ll want 5 Logistics Drones for each PLS for a total of 50 Processors per PLS. That gives you 4 PLSs for a full stack of Processors. And 2 PLSs for each full stack of Titanium. How many PLSs do you need? Do you have enough stacks of each or is it pack mule time? Thank god your Hydrogen Fuel Rods are ready for you should make the trip less precarious. Also keep an eye on your star map, the trip between planets can change drastically depending on the planetary orbits.

Once you have a automated supply of PLSs its time for Yellow Tech. Good news Spaghetti is a thing of the past. Drop a PLS set Supply to your output material and Demand for your input materials. Need more Iron or Copper? No problem drop a PLS with Demand for the ore, Supply for the ingots, and build out your Smelters. Need a new ore mine? Drop a PLS next to your new mining location and set the ore to Supply. Boom problem solved. No more Belt Spaghetti. No more Belts crossing the whole planet. Life is easy… Except for the fact you have to be a pack mule for anything involving Titanium or Silicone.

After you’ve set up Yellow tech its time to rush another tech. Any guesses what it is? If you said Interstellar Logistics System for ILSs(Interstellar Logistics Stations) then you’d be right. Purple Tech(Information Matrix) can wait. You need to off load pack mule duties and this is how its done. Rush to ILSs and set up automated production, shake off the deja-vu at least this time the only new resource you need is Sulfuric Acid to make Titanium Alloy. (Although Logistic Vessels do need Electromagnetic Turbines but that shouldn’t be too hard to set up right?)

Congrats you’ve done it. You’ve automated ILSs and are now Post ILS. Go reread the previous sections if you haven’t already. Otherwise its on to Purple Tech.

Purple Tech (Information Matrix) or Whether or Not You Should Boldly Go

Welp, if you’ve made it this far you’re Post ILS(Interstellar Logistics Station). Or at least you should be. If you’re thinking about Purple Tech and you haven’t automated ILSs you’ve been cosplaying an interplanetary pack mule for too long. Its time to shed your pack mule persona. Evolve as a galaxy colonizer and give that job to someone else, like the wonderful INTERSTELLAR LOGISTICS STATIONS that will do it 10x better than you, because you can have thousands of Logistics Vessels do it.

Now that you’re post ILS its time to start thinking about the games namesake. Dyson Spheres. I know you’ve probably already dabbled in the Dyson Swarm, that was your loss. Just a bunch of wasted time and resources. You’re never getting those Solar Sails back. Just accept it and move on. Its might be the end of the world but not the end of your world… After all you’ve got a whole system at your beck and call and soon you’ll have multiple systems. So now is when you take stock. Are you playing at 1x resource and getting dangerously low on Silicon Ore yet? Or maybe your Iron and Copper Ore is starting to get sparse? Is the star system starting to feel small and barren? Then I, your wise all knowing guide, have the answer. Time to get Space Warpers. And that means you need Deuterium.

You’ve got two options: the first is easy on the brain but hard on the research, the second… well better be ready to learn a new complicated system and I hope you remember your Splitters.

  1. Nice and easy just get Gas Giants Exploitation and build a bunch of Orbital Collectors on the Gas Giant your home planet has been orbiting. Yep that big annoying ball of gas is finally good for something besides getting in your way. Who knew?
  2. Fractionator loops.They’re a new fun way to use Splitters. Oh and a good way to use/burn through all your excess Hydrogen. (You’re still going to wanna get Gas Giants Exploitation for the extra Hydrogen eventually, but now you can produce enough Deuterium for Mini Fusion Power Plants. God knows you’ll need the power they provide)

Now that you have Space Warpers (with Deuteron Fuel Rods) and can actually travel to other systems without it taking hours of your time your goal has shifted. Purple Tech is meh. You’re much better spending your time going out and getting new RPs(Resource Planets). Especially those planets with special rare resources. The two big ones you should be on the lookout for are Fire Ice and Spiniform (Spiniform Stalagmite Crystal). A gas giant with Fire Ice means you get an unlimited supply of Graphene as long as you make sure to burn the excess Hydrogen. A Spiniform mine means much easier production of Particle Broadband and Frame Material. Which are important for Purple Tech and Dyson Sphere Frames respectively. Both of which are what you should be thinking about right now.

Other resources you should look for are:

All the gas giants. Just get all the Orbital Collectors on every Gas Giant you can. Hydrogen and Deuterium are two things you will never get enough of. And if you are getting enough of them you should be build power plants for more energy.

Sulfuric Acid Ocean, on Volcanic Ash planet. Drop some Water Pumps in this nasty yellow goo connect them to a ILS and never worry about Sulfuric Acid again. Kinda like you never worry about water.

Organic Crystal. Yep, you can straight mine this obnoxious resource. No more annoying build that takes two Chemical Plants. (One for Plastic and one for the Organic Crystal)

Kimberlite Ore. Nice to grab if its easy to get to for the easy Diamond production but honestly not a priority.

Fractal Silicon. Again nice to have if its an easy grab for easy Crystal Silicon but again not a priority.

At some point you’ll realize you have tons of resources coming in from all your shiny new RPs and decide to build an PP(Production Planet). Build out your production chains for Blue, Red, and Yellow Tech, then realize the Purple Tech you’ve been putting off isn’t that much of a stretch anymore. Go ahead and build out that production line. (No one will blame you if you Google a Dyson Sphere Program production planner. I personally like the Factorio Lab one. Set Purple Matrix’s to 60 per minute and let it do the hard work of telling you how many of each production building you need).

Now that you have automated Purple Tech you need to get Vertical Launching Silo researched to get your Dyson Sphere started. Don’t think about Green Tech until you’ve got your Dyson Sphere planned (shortcut y) and at least got at least 6 Vertical Launching Silo going at once with production to support them. Preferably more. Once that’s set up you can finally start shooting Solar Sails into system orbit… or at least stop wasting them. Make sure every system that has a PP is building its own Dyson Sphere and now you’re ready to think about Green Tech(Gravity Matrix).

Green Tech (Gravity Matrix) or The Hidden Final Boss

You’re Post ILS. You’re building your Dyson Spheres. You’ve got your PPs(Production Planets) ramping. You look up Green Tech(Gravity Matrix) and say “Oh its just a Gravity Lens and a Quantum Chip. And a Quantum Chip is just 2 Processors and 2 of these other things, I got this.” You are wrong. You don’t got this. Because this is the hidden final boss that sneaks up and ganks you when you’re least suspecting. Plane Filters will mess you up if you aren’t prepared. Why? Because after you go 3 steps down and finally look up what the heck a Casimir Crystal is you’ll realize that they take 12 Hydrogen each. The math boils down to 2 Hydrogen a second for each T2AM(tier 2 Assembling Machine). But to hit that nice 60 Green Tech a minute (one every second) you’ll need to make sure you’re producing an extra 22 Hydrogen a second. And if you aren’t your whole interplanetary system of logistics is going to come to a screeching halt. Why? Because EVERYTHING is linked to Hydrogen. Go on try to find something besides Blue Tech(Electromagnetic Matrix) that isn’t in some way tied to Hydrogen, I’ll wait. You can’t and no they don’t use Hydrogen but they put off Hydrogen and if you don’t use that Hydrogen your whole logistics system reaches a critical failure because there’s nowhere for the Hydrogen to go and things stop producing. So what did you do? You got rid of the Hydrogen any way you could. Power plants, Deuterium production, literally anything so things would keep running smoothly. Well now you know why you were producing so much Hydrogen for this monstrosity called Quantum Chip.

Now that you’ve read this guide you’re forewarned. And forewarned is forearmed. Honestly the rest of Green Tech is a bit of a joke. Just ramp up your production and find as many special resources (aka short cuts) as you can and you should be fine. Your PPs are literally made to just add more production at the drop of a hat.

Once you’ve got reliable Green Tech, use that to make Space Warpers. Now every Graviton Lens produces 8 Space Warpers instead of 1. Now just keep expanding your Dyson Sphere production while you research everything that doesn’t require White Tech(Universe Matrix). (Note: If you aren’t actively expanding your Dyson Sphere you are wrong. If you’ve finished a layer completely build another. If you’re not actively shooting Small Carrier Rockets for frames you are wrong. It will bite you later.) Once that’s done you’re ready for the final steps of the game.

White Tech (Universe Matrix) or The Dyson Sphere Check

Have you been building your Dyson Sphere? Is it glorious? It better be because you’ll need it. You literally have no other option. White Tech(Universe Matrix) needs Antimatter and one of every other Tech to be produced. How do you get Antimatter? Ray Receivers set to “Photon” mode will make Critical Photons which can be put through a Miniature Particle Collider to create Antimatter.

Antimatter is also how you make Antimatter Fuel Rods. The best fuel in game at 7.2GJ, which also is used to power Artificial Stars. Antimatter Fuel Rods in an Artificial Star produce 72MW for 100 seconds. This is how you power your PPs(Production Planets) without using all of your space on energy production buildings. Heck you can put all your Ray Receivers in a completely different star system convert all that juicy energy into Critical Photons, ship that somewhere else to make Antimatter Fuel Rods, then ship those wherever they are needed. Your need for energy to be produced on planet is a thing of the past. (And yes technically you could have done this with Deuteron but 15MW per Mini Fusion Power Plant for only 60 seconds is pathetic when a single Ray Receiver can reach 15 MW with some minor prior planning.)

Once your Antimatter production is good enough and you’ve researched everything not White Tech, swap up your research (Matrix) Labs to producing White Tech since they’re already designed to get all 6 Techs. Build some new research Labs and get the final research (Mission Completed!). Congrats you’ve ‘beat’ the game.

Now keep playing for that sweet Metadata. Keep researching whatever you’d like. Expand as needed and get your Tech production per minute up as high as you can. Or just enjoy exploring all the systems you haven’t visited yet. Maybe go touch a black hole, surely that will be fine right? Whatever you want after all you’re not rushing for anything any more.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7966 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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