ELDEN RING – Guide to Buffs

Quick guide to all weapon/incantation/sorcery/consumable and miscellaneous buffs your character can gain.


To make things easier to explain, buffs separate into a handful of categories. Here are the most important ones:

  • Body Buffs
  • Aura Buffs
  • Weapon Buffs
  • Regeneration Buffs
  • Unique Buffs

When stacking buffs, take in mind you can only have: 1 active Body buff, 1 active Aura buff, 1 active Weapon buff on each weapon wielded, 1 Regeneration buff. Unique buffs do not overwrite each other, meaning you can stack as many of them as you’d like!

AOW Buffs

WeaponCragblade1.15x physical AR and 1.1x poise damage; attacks deal 1.5x stamina damage.60
WeaponWar Cry1.075x physical AR and +5 strength to player stats. Grants altered R2s.40
WeaponBarbaric Roar1.075x physical AR and +5 strength to player stats. Grants altered R2s.40
WeaponBraggart’s Roar1.1x physical AR, increases damage negation by 10%; grants +10/s stamina recovery. Grants altered R2s.60
WeaponDeterminationNext attack deals 1.6x damage and 3x stamina damage. Damage for critical hits has an additional 0.75x modifier.10
WeaponRoyal Knight’s ResolveNext attack deals 1.8x damage and 4x stamina damage. Damage for critical hits has an additional 0.75x modifier.10
WeaponFlaming StrikeAdds 90 fire AR to weapon40
WeaponSacred BladeAdds 90 holy AR to weapon40
WeaponLightning SlashAdds 85 lightning AR to weapon40
WeaponPoisonous MistAdds 60 poison buildup to weapon. Poison buildup is affected by arcane provided the weapon has arcane scaling.40
WeaponChilling MistAdds 60 frost buildup to weapon40
WeaponSeppukuAdds 30 physical AR and 30 base bleed buildup to weapon. Bleed buildup is affected by arcane provided the weapon has arcane scaling.60
WeaponSacred OrderArmaments deal 1.1x damage and 2x damage to Those Who Live in Death. Prevents skeletons from reviving; buff applies to armaments held in other hand.60
AuraRallying Standard1.2x damage and increases damage negation by 20%30
AuraGolden Vow1.115x damage and increases damage negation by 7.5%45
AuraShared Order1.1x damage and 1.5x damage against Those Who Live in Death. Prevents skeletons from reviving; affects allies.60
AuraLast RitesAdds 25 holy AR to armaments; Armaments deal 1.1x damage and 2x damage against Those Who Live in Death. Prevents skeletons from reviving; affects allies.60
UniqueContagious Fury1.2x damage. Shield needs to be held in either hand for the buff to remain active.30
UniqueHoly GroundIncreases damage negation by 20% and restores 17 HP/s while standing in the sigil35
UniqueOath of VeneganceIncreases all attributes by 5; grants Endure for 5 seconds60
UniqueEndureIncreases damage negation by 45%; Grants immunity to all Damage Levels. Does not grant immunity to grab attacks; cast speed varies per weapon type.3
WeaponMists of SlumberAdds 20 sleep buildup30
WeaponDeath FlareAdds 30 death blight buildup and 65 holy AR45
WeaponRuinous GhostflameAdds 80 frost buildup and 110 magic AR60
WeaponSpinning Slash/Ice Lightning SwordAdds 80 frost buildup and 160 lightning AR45
WeaponMoonlight GreatswordAdds 35 frost buildup and 65 magic AR. Grants altered R2s.60
WeaponRegal Roar1.075x physical AR and +5 strength to player stats. Grants altered R2s.40
WeaponShriek of Milos1.075x physical AR and +5 strength to player stats. Grants altered R2s.40
WeaponBloodboon RitualAdds 30 fire AR and bleed buildup to weapon; the 2 bleed ticks 10/s for 2 seconds (19 total ticks)20
WeaponThunderstormAdds 120 lightning AR40

Incantation / Sorcery Buffs

WeaponScholar’s ArmamentAdds magic AR to weapon (0.75 * Spell Buff; only uses intelligence scaling)90
WeaponFrozen ArmamentAdds 63 frost buildup to weapon60
WeaponUnseen BladeMakes weapon invisible45
WeaponBlack Flame BladeAdds fire AR to weapon (0.65 * Spell Buff; only uses faith scaling); damages target for ⌊MaxHP * 0.001⌋ + 1 (ticks 10/s for 2 seconds; 19 total ticks)7
WeaponElectrify ArmamentAdds lightning AR to weapon (0.75 * Spell Buff; only uses faith scaling)90
Weapon + BodyVyke’s DragonboltAdds lightning AR to weapon (0.75 * Spell Buff; only uses faith scaling), increases equip load by 1.15x, and decreases lightning damage negation by -35%70
WeaponOrder’s BladeAdds holy AR to weapon (0.75 * Spell Buff; only uses faith scaling) and does 2x damage to Those Who Live in Death90
WeaponBloodflame BladeAdds fire AR to weapon (0.4 * Spell Buff; only uses faith scaling) and bleed buildup to weapon; the 2 bleed ticks 10/s for 2 seconds (19 total ticks). Buildup is NOT affected by arcane.60
WeaponPoison ArmamentAdds 70 poison buildup to weapon70
WeaponScholar’s ShieldIncreases shield magic damage negation by 70%, other damage negation by 30%, and multiplies stamina damage recieved by 0.6560
WeaponImmutable ShieldShield blocks 100% of elemental damage and status build-up30
BodyMagic FortificationIncreases magic damage negation by 35%90
BodyFlame FortificationIncreases fire damage negation by 35%90
BodyLightning FortificationIncreases lightning damage negation by 35%90
BodyDivine FortificationIncreases holy damage negation by 35%90
BodyLord’s Divine FortificationIncreases holy damage negation by 60%70
BodyGolden Lightning FortificationIncreases lightning damage negation by 60%70
BodyBarrier of GoldIncreases magic damage negation by 60%70
BodyFlame, Protect MeIncreases fire damage negation by 60%70
BodyProtection of the ErdtreeIncreases magic, fire, lightning, and holy damage negation by 30%70
BodyFlame, Grant Me Strength1.2x physical and fire damage and +5 stamina regen per second30
BodyHowl of ShabririCaster does 1.25x damage and has decreased damage negation by -30% with additional -20% damage negation during cast. Applies madness buildup to the caster.40
BodyDragonbolt BlessingdefFlickPower 70 (some attacks are deflected), increases resistances by 30, and decreases lightning damage negation by -35%70
BodyBlack Flame’s ProtectionIncreases physical absortpions by 35%; decreases healing by 0.8x70
AuraGolden Vow1.15x damage and increases damage negation by 10%80
RegenBestial VitalityHeals caster for 5 HP/s120
RegenBlessing’s BoonHeals caster for 8 HP/s; also damages Those Who Live in Death for ⌊MaxHP * 0.03⌋ + 10/s for 30 seconds90
RegenBlessing of the ErdtreeHeals caster for 12 HP/s; also damages Those Who Live in Death for ⌊MaxHP * 0.03⌋ + 10/s for 30 seconds90
UniqueAssassin’s ApproachMakes caster transparent and makes footsteps silent30
UniqueTerra Magica1.35x magic damage while standing in sigil; lingers for 1.5 seconds30
UniqueUnseen FormMakes caster transparent30

Consumable Buffs

BodyBoiled CrabIncreases physical damage negations by 20%60
BodyBoiled PrawnIncreases physical damage negations by 15%60
BodySpellproof Dried LiverIncreases magic damage negation by 15%120
BodyFireproof Dried LiverIncreases fire damage negation by 15%120
BodyLightningproof Dried LiverIncreases lightning damage negation by 15%120
BodyHolyproof Dried LiverIncreases holy damage negation by 15%120
BodyImmunizing Cured MeatIncreases immunity by 10060
BodyInvigorating Cured MeatIncreases robustnes by 10060
BodyClarifying Cured MeatIncreases focus by 10060
BodyDappled Cured MeatIncreases immunity, robustness, and focus by 100
BodyImmunizing White Cured MeatIncreases immunity by 75120
BodyInvigorating White Cured MeatIncreases immunity by 75120
BodyClarifying White Cured MeatIncreases robustnes by 75120
BodyDappled White Cured MeatIncreases focus by 75120
BodyExalted Flesh1.2x physical damage30
BodyBloodboil Aromatic1.3x physical damage, 1.2x max stamina, +5/s stamina regen, and -25% to all damage negations60
BodyIronjar AromaticIncreases physical damage negations by 40% (reduces lightning by -60%), increases all resistances by 45, defFlickPower 90, and prevents stagger from Damage Level 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 11 with reduced stagger from Damage Level 4, 6, 7, 9, and 1040
BodyBaldachin’s BlessingIncreases physical damage negations by 35%, poise/0.66, and prevents stagger from Damage Level 0, 1, and 8 attacks15
BodyRadiant Baldachin’s BlessingIncreases physical damage negations by 35%, poise/0.55, and prevents stagger from Damage Level 0, 1, and 8 attacks70
WeaponFire GreaseAdds 85 fire AR to weapon60
WeaponMagic GreaseAdds 85 magic AR to weapon60
WeaponLightning GreaseAdds 85 lightning AR to weapon60
WeaponHoly GreaseAdds 85 holy AR to weapon60
WeaponPoison GreaseAdds 63 poison buildup to weapon60
WeaponRot GreaseAdds 63 scarlet rot buildup to weapon60
WeaponBlood GreaseAdds 30 bleed buildup to weapon60
WeaponFreezing GreaseAdds 63 frost buildup to weapon60
WeaponSoporific GreaseAdds 33 sleep buildup to weapon60
WeaponDragonwound Grease1.2x damage to Ancient Draconic enemies and 1.3x damage to Draconic enemies60
WeaponShield GreaseIncreases guard damage negation by 20% and 0.65x stamina damage recieved60
WeaponDrawstring Fire GreaseAdds 110 fire AR to weapon11
WeaponDrawstring Magic GreaseAdds 110 magic AR to weapon11
WeaponDrawstring Lightning GreaseAdds 110 lightning AR to weapon11
WeaponDrawstring Holy GreaseAdds 110 holy AR to weapon11
WeaponDrawstring Poison GreaseAdds 80 poison buildup to weapon15
WeaponDrawstring Rot GreaseAdds 80 scarlet rot buildup to weapon15
WeaponDrawstring Blood GreaseAdds 38 bleed buildup to weapon15
WeaponDrawstring Soporific GreaseAdds 42 sleep buildup to weapon15
Aura (Bubble is Unique)Uplifting Aromatic1.1x physical damage and increases absorption by 90% for one hit40
AuraGolden Great ArrowCasts Golden Vow when fired; 1.115x damage and +7.5% damage negation45
BodyPickled Turtle NeckIncreases stamina regen by 10/s60
UniqueSoft CottonRemoves produced sound and fall damage (will not protect from fatal falls)20
UniqueGold-Pickled Fowl Foot1.3x rune gain180
UniqueSilver-Pickled Fowl FootIncreases discovery by 50180
UniqueWarming StoneRestores 25 HP per second to all targets in range30
UniqueFrenzyflame StoneRestores 35 HP per second to chaos followers in range; builds 15 madness per second to all targets in range30
UniqueStarlight ShardRestores 2 FP per second60

Other Buffs (Primarily Crystal Tears)

UniqueCrimson Crystal TearRestores ⌊MaxHP * 0.5⌋ HPN/A
UniqueCrimsonspill Crystal Tear⌊MaxHP * 1.1⌋180
RegenCrimsonburst Crystal TearRestores 7 HP/s180
UniqueCerulean Crystal TearRestores ⌊MaxFP * 0.5⌋ FPN/A
UniqueGreenspill Crystal Tear⌊MaxStamina * 1.15⌋180
UniqueGreenburst Crystal TearIncreases stamina regen by 15/s180
UniqueStrength-knot Crystal TearIncrease str by 10180
UniqueDexterity-knot Crystal TearIncrease dex by 10180
UniqueIntelligence-knot Crystal TearIncrease int by 10180
UniqueFaith-knot Crystal TearIncrease faith by 10180
UniqueOpaline HardtearIncrease all damage negation by 15%180
UniqueSpeckled HardtearIncrease resistances by 90 and sets build-up to 0180
UniqueLeaden HardtearPrevents stagger from Damage Level 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8 attacks10
UniqueMagic-Shrouding Cracked Tear1.2x magic damage180
UniqueFlame-Shrouding Cracked Tear1.2x fire damage180
UniqueLightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear1.2x lightning damage180
UniqueHoly-Shrouding Cracked Tear1.2x holy damage180
UniqueStonebarb Cracked Tear1.3x poise damage and 1.3x stamina damage30
UniqueSpiked Cracked Tear1.15x charged R2 damage180
UniqueThorny Cracked Tear1.09x/1.13x/1.2x damage with continuous attacks180
UniqueTwiggy Cracked TearSelf-explanatory180
UniqueWinged Crystal TearMaxEquipLoad * 4.5180
UniqueWindy Crystal TearAdds 3 iframes (30 fps) to roll; -15% damage negations. Does not stack with the Crucible Feather Talisman.180
UniqueCrimson BubbletearRestores ⌊MaxHP * 0.3⌋ HP when below 21% MaxHP. Effect ends when triggered.180
UniqueCrimsonwhorl BubbletearRestores ⌊MaxHP * 0.05⌋ HP when hit15
UniqueOpaline BubbletearIncrease damage negation by 90%. Effects end when hit.180
UniqueCerulean Hidden TearConsume no FP for duration15
UniquePurifying Crystal TearPrevents blood loss during Mohg’s phase 2 transition
UniqueRuptured Crystal TearExplode after 2.7 seconds; 2.9 if both equipped. 800 holy attack, 135 stamina damage, and 10 poise damage (1750/450/15 if both); 300 damage to user (700 if both).2.7 | 2.9
UniqueRuptured Crystal TearExplode after 2.7 seconds; 2.9 if both equipped. 800 holy attack, 135 stamina damage, and 10 poise damage (1750/450/15 if both); 300 damage to user (700 if both).2,9
AuraStormhawk Deenh1.2x physical damage, 1.2x stamina damage, 1.2x poise damage. Deenh’s squawk will cast the buff.30

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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