Guides on Epic Skills that shouldn’t be overlooked: They are powerful, useful and best of all, free!
Mettle Epic Skill
By The Professor.
Mettle: The Little Heal that Could

Why Use Mettle and Not Tenacity?
There are 3 reasons why you should use Mettle and not Tenacity. The first one is because Mettle simply recovers more than Tenacity does. If you want raw Recovery power, Mettle wins. The other reason is that Mettle synergizes with Fortification and Safe Haven a lot better, making those Skills even stronger. Plus it’s Free!

Back of the Book Answers
- Mettle is worse than Tenacity in a 1v1, but ties it in every other situation. If you 4* Mettle, it is 37% stronger than the base Tenacity. Mettle is a decent Skill to invest Epic Scrolls into (increased to an excellent choice on Frederick/Sheba with Safe Haven).
- Mettle is free. Tenacity is going to cost you A Wishing Card reward (or 8k Coins). Both give very similar amounts of Recovery, so if you are only using one, just use Mettle instead of Tenacity.
- You can go both, to double up on the Recovery, but if you are going to buy a Legendary Skill, buy Safe Haven instead. Or better yet, spend the Wishing Card reward on the 20 Legendary Skill Scrolls.
- On Queen of Sheba and Frederick Barbarossa, a strong combination is to take Mettle and Safe Haven. Mettle activates Safe Haven more often than Tenacity does! (50% uptime vs 33% uptime). If you are taking Safe Haven on either Frederick or Sheba, investing Epic Scrolls into Mettle is a very worthwhile investment.
- Note: Multiple Safe Havens don’t stack, so be mindful of doubling them up when combining Frederick, Sheba and Alexander the Great (currently unreleased)(untested).
- This also works with Fortification on Queen of Sheba and is one of her stronger combinations, with the added benefit of not requiring any further investment. You can invest those Coins/Wishing Card rewards somewhere else.
- On Joan of Arc Fearless Retribution and either Vigilance or Mettle is a good option for only a 8k Coin investment. Don’t bother buying Tenacity.

Should I 4* My Mettle?
- You absolutely can! But I would only rate it as mid priority. Giving Mettle 4* will increase the potency of the Recovery effect by about 37%, which is substantial.
- Other Skills (such as Fortification or War Drums) would rank higher in priority due to the impactfulness of their effects.
- However, placing stars on Mettle is MUCH easier and cheaper than placing them on Tenacity (which is itself a low-priority Skill) and you are practically guaranteed to be using Mettle, so it is a solid investment that will likely never go out of Meta.
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