Elden’s controls The input modalities for the character’s mobility, combat, and interactions are displayed in Ring. The default configuration for Playstation 4/5 is detailed below.
Steed Summoning: Equip the Spectral Steed Whistle that Melina gives you in your quickslots and press square to call Torrent (your horse / spirit steed) (like a consumable). Press L3 or pick the Spectral Steel Whistle one again to dismount.
Controls for PS4 / PS5
- Hold Triangle and R1 to two-hand your weapon
- L2: Skill
- L1: Guard (LH Armament)
- D-Pad Up: Switch Sorcery/lncantation
- D-Pad Left: Switch Left-Hand Armament
- D-Pad Right: Switch Right-Hand Armament
- D-Pad Down: Switch Item
- Left Stick: Movement
- L3: Crouch/Stand Up
- Mid Panel: Map
- R2: Strong Attack (RH & 2H Armament)
- R1: Attack (RH & Two-Handed Armament)
- Triangle: Event action (Examine, Open, etc.)
- Square: Use Item
- Circle: Backstep, Dodge Roll, Dash
- X: Jump
- Right Stick: Camera / Change Target
- R3: Camera, Lock On/Remove Target
- Options: Main Menu PC Keys Information Go Here

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