Eternal Evolution – EX30/40 Priority Guide

Here you will find a quick guide to EX30/40 priority list.


Priority: High

HeimdallIf your Heimdall is this high evolution, EX30 & 40 aren’t a problem for you, so yeah, grab them.
DominicRaises the DMG of the Mark and makes it AoE. Huge DPS increase and makes Dominic a very versatile DPS for lots of content currently in the game.
NordthionThunder is a great chunk of where Nordthion’s damage comes from.
JainaJaina has one of the highest hitting AOE ultimates in the game and EX30 allows you to chain it.
Esaki Purin10% energy per 10 seconds is a pretty big deal. It can completely alter timings on bosses which can be amazingly helpful. The fact that you don’t get a big chunk of energy at once is also incredibly helpful. There is no loss of excess energy this way.
Sif70% C.DMG is good.
PandemoniumPandemonium is a big enabler for other tank heroes and this is an amazing DPS increase.
KoraxiaRevives Vanguards and Assassins for 20 seconds when they die. Not much to say about this. If you’re rich get this.
MirandaExtra Injection means extra damage. With EX30 Miranda provides more offensive bonuses than Masrani.
AnpuAnpu is sorely needed for Crimson Abyss if you don’t have built out Assassins
which is a necessary place to farm if you want your account to progress.
FionaGreat Damage boost and the second invulnerability cycle can be the difference between life and death. It also allows for bigger bursts on fights if you time it properly.
MotokoNice damage boost if the target is above 50% HP. Great for events that have score because bosses are always at full HP.
ArtemisIf your artemis is this high evolution, EX30 and 40 aren’t a problem for you, so yeah, grab them.
DanielIf your Daniel is awakened 5+ the bear inherits the DMG AMP and more ATK is always good. The actual effect of EX30 though does nothing for Awakened Daniel.
TaecGreat damage increase but only if you’re also playing Kareolis / Nord in team.
JaxidiGreat DMG boost for Anpu/Amat. Doesn’t work for summons.
Kanis50% dmg boost that is calculated at the end of other dmg boost effects. It’s amazing.
SkenoGiving immunity to heroes in PvE can be detrimental to your damage as heroes get energy from incoming damage. However, this can help you survive abilities that aren’t possible otherwise. Also you can put him in the front and minimize the targets that become immune.
Amat10% more DMG is OK.

Priority: Mid

MasraniBoosts the healing and duration of the Heal over Time (HoT) effect of the Ultimate. Masrani is the best healer in the game so EX30 only adds to it.
BarrogNecessary if you want to clear levels 5 and 6 of Thunder Cliff. EX30 is only relevant if Barrog can reliably drop below 70% to enter his Fury State.
RickertGood damage boost since it also adds damage to Dominic’s Ultimate.
RezDecent EX30 option. Allows heroes to cast their common skills faster, which means timings are different compared to EX20.
WomigonThe heal on dragon transformation doesn’t do much for PvE. The stat bonuses however are very useful for survivability and dmg purposes.
KareolisDeactivating common skill in PvE doesn’t do much. The damage increase doesn’t seem to be game changing either so not much point for PvE.
ShinjiNot amazing but he does OK dmg.
AsukaMore cheat deaths doesn’t do much for PvE but her dmg is great and assassins are amazing in PvE so this is a good EX30.
SamaelRevives don’t do much, if anything at all for PvE.
LeoThe stats you get from EX30 are more useful than the effect for PvE.

Priority: Low

OrthanHaving to die in PvE is bad.
ZaneOne extra ulti is whatever.
ClaireInvulnerability is useless for PvE. She’ll never die.
AresLargely irrelevant for PvE. The damage increase is miniscule and only for assassin comps.
BatouThe hero just doesn’t do anything and he certainly doesn’t need to revive in PvE.
TachikomaDoesn’t offer anything for PvE.
ArcadiaLargely irrelevant for PvE. The damage increase is miniscule and it’s hard to land all 3 shots.
SorvaleyMore DMG and Healing which are not things that Sorvaley particularly excells at. Good if you have extra Runes to spare though.
RebeccaNot game changing for PvE. Just gives you a slight boost in the beginning of the fight.
TareshNo use at the moment for PvE. No content requires it. It does boost the damage of Tanks/Vanguards though so it can have some uses.
DorallyNo use at the moment for PvE. No content requires it.
RavennaDecent Damage boost. Ravenna is kind of outdated though.
LukeThe stats you get from EX30 are more useful than the effect for PvE.
EmmaDecent Damage boost. Emma is kind of outdated though.
ZaidaDecent Survivability boost. Zaida is kind of outdated though.
AniruddhaDoesn’t do much for PvE.
MoriamiDecent dmg boost for Moriami and makes enemies take 5% more dmg but Moriami is outdated.
PrigorDecent Damage boost. Prigor is outdated though.
Bailey HudsonDoesn’t do much for PvE unless the target you’re hitting has less attack than your Bailey. This happens a lot in the early game but very soon it falls off.
AzenaDecent Damage boost. Azena is outdated though.
Skooer & HattyDecent Damage boost. S&H are outdated though.
BottaNo use at the moment for PvE. No content requires it.
RiserrisThe stats you get from EX30 are more useful than the effect for PvE.
NadilusVery bad EX30. 19% CDMG for 300 red runes on a VERY outdated hero.
Guan YuNo use at the moment for PvE. No content requires it.
CreteDecent Survivability boost. Crete is outdated though.
MariUseless for PvE and Mari sucks.


Priority: High

HeimdallIf your Heimdall is this high evolution, EX30 & 40 aren’t a problem for you, so yeah, grab them.
KoraxiaReviving your team sounds nice.
AsukaTon of survivability and more DMG. Great EX30.
ArtemisThe damage is kinda whatever, even though it’s a lot. The main selling point here is the invincibility dispelling which is just insane.
ClaireGreat for PvP. Must get.
PandemoniumMore damage and more Knockdowns.
JainaIf your jaina is left unchecked she can chain ultimates.
FionaCrazy good for PvP. The second invulnerability is game winning and the damage boost is big.
WomigonInsane for PvP as if your womigon is allowed to transform, he can solo entire teams on his own.
KareolisDeactivating common skills in PvP is pretty big.
CarabyneAmazing when the enemy has low HP targets in the backline.
DanielExtra Duration isn’t something to rely on for PvP as it’s very easy for your bear to die instantly. If your Daniel is awakened 5+ though the bear inherits the DMG AMP and more ATK is always good. The actual effect of EX30 though does nothing for Awakened Daniel.
LeoLeo fell off with all the new super powerful heroes that have been released but now he is back due to Awakening. The EX30 effect is okay, nothing amazing. You mostly want it for the stats.
AmatExecute effects are great for PvP.
MirandaSecond Injection means more overall damage, and a free ultimate. Miranda enables a lot of heroes in PvP.
RebeccaMaking your hunters starting with half full energy (90% with Resonant) is game changing.
AnpuMore explosions means more damage.
Esaki Purin10% energy per 10 seconds is a pretty big deal. The fact that you don’t get a big chunk of energy at once is also incredibly helpful. There is no loss of excess energy this way.
NordthionThunder damage is not amazing for PvP but it is notable. Having extra stats on a hero that is as impactful as Nordthion is very helpful. If you have Nordthion he should be EX30 for PvE so it only adds to PvP.
RiserrisReviving with full energy and fearing everyone around you is game changing. Only get if you’re planning to also get Rebecca EX30 and Arcadia EX30.
ArcadiaBig damage boost for PvP.
LukeThe second projectile can be immensely helpful not only for DMG, but also to remove buffs like Rebecca’s Layers from heroes.
Samael2 more revives are a must.
TaecGreat damage increase but only if you’re also playing Kareolis / Nord in team.
JaxidiGreat DMG boost for Anpu/Amat. Doesn’t work for summons.
Kanis50% dmg boost that is calculated at the end of other dmg boost effects. It’s amazing.
SkenoImmunities in PvP are great. Duh.

Priority: Mid

MasraniMore healing is good. Sometimes.
BarrogDecent EX30 if your barrog doesn’t instantly die. He needs to reliably be below 70% to proc it.
TareshGreat boost for your heroes in back row. Remember that these heroes don’t necessarily need to stay in back row. You can put heroes like pande/womigon/ares/barrog there and that HP boost is going to be huge for them.
RezSpeeds up animations alongisde decreasing cooldown of common skills. Can be impactful.
DorallyDoraggon is much more susceptible to dying in PvP so this can be good. You will still hard lose to energy though.
AniruddhaAniruddha is only viable in PvP with EX30 and only in specific niche situations.
DominicDominic is very versatile and the AoE of the mark can sometimes be impactful.
AresThe extra charges can be a nice damage boost. Only relevant in Assassin comp.
MotokoGood EX30 but not a priority for PvP as the hero itself is very squishy.
TachikomaGood EX30 under specific circumstances. In many cases it might not do anything. Avoid if F2P.

Priority: Low

OrthanThe spirits die very easily. If they don’t, however, they’re great.
ZaneOne extra ulti is whatever but vanguards like any extra stats they can get.
SorvaleyMore DMG and Healing which are not things that Sorvaley particularly excells at. Good if you have extra Runes to spare though.
RickertMore of a “WIN MORE” EX30. If a hero dies from EX30 ulti they most likely would also die with EX20. If a hero doesn’t die from EX20 ulti, then you most likely have no chance against them.
RavennaRavenna is outdated.
EmmaEmma is outdated and Full Hunter teams don’t have much success in PvP atm.
ZaidaDecent Survivability boost. Zaida is kind of outdated though.
MoriamiMoriami is outdated and Full Hunter teams don’t have much success in PvP atm.
PrigorPrigor is outdated and Full Hunter teams don’t have much success in PvP atm.
Bailey HudsonGood DMG Boost in PvP if your hudson has higher attack than his targets. Bailey Hudson is outdated though.
AzenaAzena is outdated and Full Hunter teams don’t have much success in PvP atm.
Skooer & HattyGood DMG boost in PvP but S&H are outdated.
BottaBotta is almost never played.
NadilusNadilus is never played.
Guan YuGuan Yu killing an enemy with his ultimate is highly unlikely and even then it’s pointless.
CreteDecent Survivability boost. Crete is outdated though.
SifDoesn’t do much for PvP.
BatouGood EX30 but the hero is useless.
MariMari sucks.
ShinjiThe hero is not good enough for PvP. He’s only useful to give energy to others at start.

That’s all! I really appreciate it if you’ve made it this far. See you in the game!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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