Build Guides
By Kᴉzɐw.
The below build guides showcase min-maxxed equipment to showcase what’s within the realm of possible for a variety of playstyles & loadouts. Your mileage may vary & there may be better gear/perk choices depending on your gear & preferences.
Set Master
Usage: Prioritize targets based on your weapons damage type & enemy hull value (highest to lowest) for higher Symphony of Destruction damage. Hold your primary fire button, and don’t let go until everything is dead. Stack destabilizer missiles for very tanky targets (bosses). Support Devices enable you to maintain appropriate distance, and Warfare Devices are there to lock down targets, generate energy orbs, & provide stacks of Reactive Armor on demand.
There are several viable options for your primary damage weapon: Standard Gauss Cannon for energy damage, Shredder for armor damage, Perfect Hatred (with a good Chaos roll), and also Grim Reaper (with a good Chaos roll). Grim Reaper will require a different sensor for the 20% blaster damage attribute.
- High single target DPS.
- Low APM (hold left click & win).
- Reliant on high kill speed to maintain ULT.
Corrosion Master
Usage: Prioritize targets from weakest to strongest to quickly spread Corrosion Injector to as many targets as possible & to maintain Reactive Armor for defense. Unload Destabilizer Missiles on harder targets (tormentor, overseers, Capital ships) – they stack, which will let you quickly dispose of them. Teleporter & Fusion Hook are great for gap closers as well as for making quick escapes, while also providing you shield restoration via the passive. EMP and Teleporter both provide AOE crowd control. Device Chargers and Void Swarm can be used aggressively to maximize device damage, or defensively to maintain stacks of Reactive Armor. Overall, a very fast-paced “high-risk, high reward” build/playstyle.
Weapons for this build are entirely flexible & can be swapped around based on preference. Both the Vigilante set or finishing out the Blightmonger set are solid choices. Can also easily add in Thundercore for more AOE damage, or Equilibrium for easier energy management. If comfortable with device management (for reactive armor), change lvl 30 perk to Symphony of Destruction for more AOE damage.
Also works great on a Sentinel with the device oriented passives (warfare device cooldown & kill reduce random device cooldown), trading some damage output for much higher survivability
- High single target and AOE damage
- Crowd Control via EMP + Teleporter
- Target choice significance: using Corrosion Injector on the wrong target can lead to Reactive Armor falling off
- Outlaw Vipers: immune to corrosion
Stealth Sniper
Usage: This loadout focuses on maximizing the damage for the Last Rights rail gun. Prioritize close targets to keep enemies as distanct as possible. The mobility devices provide the means to quickly create space while avoiding boosting to stay cloaked via Pango’s Pride. Cloak Field Generator can be used in a pinch as both an offensive & defensive consumable. Magnetic Repulsor enemies that quickly close the gap (such as teleporter drones). Figure of Eight, Bird’s Nest, or Zero-K Boomer can be used in place of the Scorpion Missile to help maintain distance. Certainly not the fastest clear times, but still a very powerful build that offers a strong alternative to the standard dog-fighting builds.
- High damage per shot
- Multiple methods for quick escape & decoys
- Incredibly frail
- Slower clear times
- Walled in Rifts by energy shield boss mutator
Usage: Very similar loadout to the interceptor’s set master but very different feel. Build focuses on maximizing the weapon damage for the Devotion legendary coil gun. Use the Chaos catalyst and roll for raw kinetic & energy damage – the other stats & card dps don’t matter. By getting kills with as few wasted shots as possible to maintain a steady stream of ULT energy, the Gunship is able to fire the Devotion endlessly. Fully charged shots with Executioner will prime targets with a hefty amount of destabilize. Excessive Force & Ride the lightning can be taken in place of Crit happens & Symphony of Destruction to further increase single target damage.
- High damage & survivability
- Forgetting your ‘G’ key exists is a good thing (streamers rejoice!)
- Requires accuracy to pull off
- Falls off in high lunacy rifts as kill rate slows
Usage: Use Missile Defense System and Final Reckoning to increase secondary weapon damage. Cycle through your swarm missiles after each salvo. Try not to fall out of your chair from cackling maniacally while everything on your screen explodes.
- Very easy to use
- High single target & AOE
- Requires 3x good Rituals
- Damage falls off at very high lunacy rifts
- Ritual won’t seek Ancient Beacons (can swap one for Zero-K)
Hopefully this guide helped you!
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