Beginners Guide to Pets
Is it worth having a pet asap or farm better one?
Absolutely. In fact, pet is an additional equipment slot that gives more stats to your character than any expensive weapon/gear. And currently it’s the only source in the game that boosts your “Movement speed” (drastically reduces traveling time between locations and moderately reduces hunting timer).
Should I battle all the World Bosses (WB) available to increase chance of dropping pet or collecting more pets?
Answer based on overall progression efficiency: no. You’ll spend most of your game time traveling between locations to catch all the WB. That will stop your other skills progression. Suggestion: focus 1-2 highest WB you can farm with your combat level. It can take days/weeks but eventually you’ll have some eggs. You can set alarms to not miss WB you need.
If your goal is to “catch ‘em all” feel free to spend your time on this but progressing in your skills will allow you to earn more gold that can be spent later buying missed pets from the market.
Which pet’s stats are more important?
“Movement speed” is the most desired stat as it helps to reduce time spent for traveling and hunting. And time is the most valuable resource in any idle game. Other stats are up to you. They are added to your character stats so pick up what you need more. I’d suggest “Attack” as priority. “Health”, “Happiness” and “Hunger” are purely quality of life stats and have no impact on your character.
How to hatch a pet?
Tap on egg in your inventory then tap “Use” button. Egg will disappear from your inventory but will appear on “Pets” page with hatching timer.
How to send a pet to battle?
You should unequip your pet first with an appropriate button on its page. Then “Battle” button becomes active.
I’ve lost my pet. Cannot interact with it.
The most popular reason is leaving your pet battling in one location and moving your character to another location. To pick your pet up you should go back to the location where it was battling.
Pet mastery
This skill increases all your pets’ stats with each level. Unfortunately there’s no open data available to calculate exact bonus it gives. This skill affects all the pets in the game. So if you hatched new pet his stats already includes bonuses from your skill level.
How this works: through your “Pets” page you send each pet fighting with “Battle” button. Pet starts battling with countdown timer. After it’s over your pet receives combat XP and your character receives “Pet Mastery” XP. After battle pet always has 0 HP and should be fed with food to send him to the next battle.
Here’s example of pet with 96 combat level and 84 pet mastery. You can compare stats to base stats without pet mastery from table above.

On reaching “Pet Mastery” level 40 you’ll be able to send your pets hunting (finding mobs for you) instead of your character. That allows your character to not interrupt your current skill action (gathering, crafting) but does not give you “Hunting” skill XP.
Requirements for pet battling
Each location has requirement to your pet level and provides different XP/sec rates for both pet’s battle XP and your “Pet Mastery” XP.
You can find table of locations with requirements and XP rates below:

Is it worth to raise “Pet Mastey” right from the beginning?
Suggestion: no. Stat bonus given by the skill is not so high to spend much time for this in the beginning of the game. Also it requires tons of food to replenish your pets’ HP after each battle. It makes sense to plan raising this skill once you have some pet of better quality (green or above) since bonus bonus depends on pet’s base stats. And later you have more abilities to prepare stable food supply with your cooking skill or market.
Useful Tips
You can send up to 5 pets to battle simultaneously. This will increase your “Pet Mastery” XP/sec by about 500%. But be ready to prepare tons of food.
Quantity over quality
XP/sec rates for both pet battle XP and your “Pet Mastery” XP do not depend on pet stats. Stats affect battle duration only. This means you can farm or buy 5 cheap low tier (grey) pets and you’ll still have the same XP/sec as with 5 legendary or mythic pets. The only drawback is you have to refresh battles more frequently since lower pets have lower battle duration.
Food saving
Use “Max” button while feeding your pets wisely. Currently “Max” button will set number of food items to fill pet’s HP to 100%. In this case you can waste one unit food with less efficiency. Like after feeding 4 cooked crabs your pet still has 2HP missing. But “Max” button suggests to feed 5 items. So 5th item which can heal way more than 2HP is wasted in fact.
So the good practice here is:
- Tap “Feed” on pet’s apge
- Select food required
- Tap “Max” button on quantity selection pop-up
- Tap “-” one time to remove one food item
- Tap “Use
This will allow you to save some part of resources or gold spent on food.
Dungeons or pet battling
If you have much gold and are going to raise your pets combat level in dungeons be aware that 5 pets battling will receive more total XP than one pet taken to dungeon for the same period of time.
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