Fabledom – Best Seeds

A quick guide to Fabledom with the best seeds for the best start!

Best Seed Codes

Seed #1: Perfect Start


This one has no lakes and ocean on the edges. One big hill. No lakes. Tons of trees despite what the map says. Theres also 4 large stone nodes clustered together.

Seed #2: Flatlands


Flatlands? Flatlands!

Seed #3


Large area with few hills/dense trees or this med island with two hills and ocean surrounding.

Seed #4: Bob!


Yes, only one symbol, and it’s a 6. This is the seed where Bob is between the two hills.

Seed #5: Island


Island with a couple of kingdoms.

Seed #6: Beautiful Waterfalls


If anyone likes waterfalls on their hills then this seed has a really pretty hill area with 5 waterfalls. Also has a fair few lakes if you like a lake. Seed in Mirlenas.

Seed #7


Another nice large seed I’ve started on Griweth. One very minimal hill on the edge of one of the sides but a really nice hill with 6 waterfalls that could make for a nice keep area as it’s surprisingly central (just more towards the top and side of the map). 2 very pretty lakes.

Seed #8


The hill is quite large, next to a starting tile, the Kingodm’s name is Gerin in the middle of the map.

Seed #9


Found a very pretty seed with a very large hill where a palace and then some fits. It’s also pretty close to the starting area, and there is a very beautiful lake + 2 waterfalls in front of it. Ghilanna!

Seed #10


Mirlenas (with hills turned off) – no lakes, lots of coast, nice 2 bays cutting bulk of the land off from map’s edge – perfect for coastal kingdoms.

Seed #11


Found a large map with a large hill, near the starting point, and doesn’t get cut off the edge of the map. Ulker!

Seed #12


Really beautiful seed. A lot of water. A huge hill with three waterfalls and mutliple streams that fits entire palace area and accessories. Draebanor!

Seed #13


A beautiful large hill with 5 waterfalls. Breheiman!

How to Find Out My Seed Code?

  • You can view your seed from the settings portion of the escape menu from within a save.
  • It’s at the top and clicking it will copy it to the clipboard.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


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