Farming Simulator 22 – How to Adjust the Production Values

Just using the sawmill and carpentry shops as an example, but this can be done with any of the productions.

Guide to Adjust the Production Values

The Problem

If, like me, you selected 28 day months, cuz realism, then fed your sawmill oodles and oodles of massive logs only to learn 60 “l” (liters?! wood is measured in liters?) translates into 80 l of boards per cycle, you learned a cycle is a day, and your sawmill won’t produce a pallet until it has 1000 liters! That’s 12.5 game days before you get a single measly pallet. This isn’t enough to pay the mortgage.

Side note: In real life wood is measured in board feet and an 10 foot log of 13 inch diameter produces roughly 70 board feet of planks. A 2x4x10/12 is 6.667 board feet. So 70 board feet will yield 10 planks of 10 foot length, but the plank pallets in the game are def not 10 foot, mebbe 4-5, so guaranteed production output should theoretically be at least double and most likely triple.).

The Solution (or Workaround)

Sawmill Example

To tweak production values I did the following:

  1. Locate:
    x:\Steam\steamapps\common\Farming Simulator 22\data\placeables\MapUS\sawmill\sawmill.xml
  2. Make a copy to sawmill.xml.bak or similar.
  3. Open sawmill.xml in an editor, preferably notepadd++.
  4. Find the following section:
<production id="boards" name="%s (%s)" params="$l10n_fillType_wood|$l10n_fillType_boards" cyclesPerHour="1" costsPerActiveHour="2">
<input fillType="WOOD" amount="60" />
<output fillType="BOARDS" amount="80" />
<output fillType="WOODCHIPS" amount="3" />

You can play with the values, but I changed the cyclesPerHour and Boards amount to:

<production id="boards" name="%s (%s)" params="$l10n_fillType_wood|$l10n_fillType_boards" cyclesPerHour="2" costsPerActiveHour="2">
<input fillType="WOOD" amount="60" />
<output fillType="BOARDS" amount="180" />
<output fillType="WOODCHIPS" amount="3" />

Save, then start your game, your sawmill production has now increased.

Carpentry Shop Example

For my carpentry shop I did something similar but note the different file location:

  1. Locate:
    x:\Steam\steamapps\common\Farming Simulator 22\data\placeables\lizard\productionPoints\carpenterUS\carpenterUS.xml
  2. Make a backup.
  3. Find the following section:
<production id="furnitureWood" name="%s (%s)" params="$l10n_fillType_furniture|$l10n_fillType_wood" cyclesPerHour="1" costsPerActiveHour="3">
<input fillType="WOOD" amount="36" />
<output fillType="FURNITURE" amount="45" />
<output fillType="WOODCHIPS" amount="1.2" />

And again, fiddle with cyclesPerHour and “FURNITURE” amount. In my case I adjusted like so:

<production id="furnitureWood" name="%s (%s)" params="$l10n_fillType_furniture|$l10n_fillType_wood" cyclesPerHour="2" costsPerActiveHour="3">
<input fillType="WOOD" amount="36" />
<output fillType="FURNITURE" amount="145" />
<output fillType="WOODCHIPS" amount="1.2" />

Save, then start your game and now your furniture shop is slightly more productive.

Obviously you’ll need to do this for the map you want, and you’ll need to explore for the production placeable you want. Have a look in these folders and it’ll become clear.

Unsure if the game will eventually detect and/or overwrite these changes but so far so good. Also, obviously this is subject to change if the devs reorganize the files in later updates.

Happy imagining.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 4311 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. One cycle is not one day.
    The number of cycles determines how often the “Recipe” will be produced per hour.
    EG: The bakery can run 2 cycles per hour. That means it will turn 90 flour into 45 bread two times per hour, meaning you will get 90 bread per hour.

    • I think you missed the part about 28 day months. When set to 28 day months the sawmill literally puts out only 80 boards/planks per day by default. It produces 2-3 per hour.

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