Garry’s Mod – ULX Commands

ULX is a free and open-source admin mod for Garry’s Mod created by Team Ulysses. 

A list of every standard ULX command. Different usergroups can use different commands. To view the commands that are accessible to you, run ulx help.


ulx armor <players> <armor: 0<=x<=255> - Sets the armor for target(s). (say: !armor)
ulx blind <players> [<amount: 0<=x<=255, default 255>] - Blinds target(s). (say: !blind) (opposite: ulx unblind)
ulx cloak [<players, defaults to self>] [<amount: 0<=x<=255, default 255>] - Cloaks target(s). (say: !cloak) (opposite: ulx uncloak)
ulx freeze <players> - Freezes target(s). (say: !freeze) (opposite: ulx unfreeze)
ulx god [<players, defaults to self>] - Grants god mode to target(s). (say: !god) (opposite: ulx ungod)
ulx hp <players> <hp: 1<=x<=2147483647> - Sets the hp for target(s). (say: !hp)
ulx ignite <players> [<seconds: 1<=x<=300, default 300>] - Ignites target(s). (say: !ignite) (opposite: ulx unignite)
ulx jail <players> [<seconds, 0 is forever: 0<=x, default 0>] - Jails target(s). (say: !jail) (opposite: ulx unjail)
ulx jailtp <player> [<seconds, 0 is forever: 0<=x, default 0>] - Teleports, then jails target(s). (say: !jailtp)
ulx maul <players> - Maul target(s). (say: !maul)
ulx playsound <sound> - Plays a sound (relative to sound dir).
ulx ragdoll <players> - Ragdolls target(s). (say: !ragdoll) (opposite: ulx unragdoll)
ulx slap <players> [<damage: 0<=x, default 0>] - Slaps target(s) with given damage. (say: !slap)
ulx slay <players> - Slays target(s). (say: !slay)
ulx sslay <players> - Silently slays target(s). (say: !sslay)
ulx strip <players> - Strip weapons from target(s). (say: !strip)
ulx unigniteall - Extinguishes all players and all entities. (say: !unigniteall)
ulx whip <players> [<times: 2<=x<=100, default 10>] [<damage: 0<=x, default 0>] - Slaps target(s) x times with given damage each time. (say: !whip)


ulx cexec <players> {command} - Run a command on console of target(s). (say: !cexec)
ulx ent <classname> [{<flag> : <value> |}] - Spawn an ent, separate flag and value with ‘:’, flag:value pairs with ‘|’.
ulx exec <file> - Execute a file from the cfg directory on the server.
ulx luarun {command} - Executes lua in server console. (Use ‘=’ for output)
ulx rcon {command} - Execute command on server console. (say: !rcon)

User Management

ulx addgroup <group> [<inherits from>] - Create a new group with optional inheritance.
ulx adduser <player> <group> - Add a user to specified group.
ulx adduserid <SteamID, IP, or UniqueID> <group> - Add a user by ID to specified group.
ulx groupallow <group> <command> [<access tag>] - Add to a group’s access.
ulx groupdeny <group> <command> - Remove from a group’s access.
ulx removegroup <group> - Removes a group. USE WITH CAUTION.
ulx removeuser <player> - Permanently removes a user’s access.
ulx removeuserid <SteamID, IP, or UniqueID> - Permanently removes a user’s access by ID.
ulx renamegroup <current group> <new group> - Renames a group.
ulx setgroupcantarget <group> [<target string>] - Sets what a group is allowed to target
ulx userallow <player> <command> [<access tag>] - Add to a user’s access.
ulx userallowid <SteamID, IP, or UniqueID> <command> [<access tag>] - Add to a user’s access.
ulx userdeny <player> <command> [<remove explicit allow or deny instead of outright denying: 0/1>] - Remove from a user’s access.
ulx userdenyid <SteamID, IP, or UniqueID> <command> [<remove explicit allow or deny instead of outright denying: 0/1>] - Remove from a user’s access.
ulx usermanagementhelp - See the user management help.


ulx ban <player> [<minutes, 0 for perma: 0<=x, default 0>] [{reason}] - Bans target. (say: !ban)
ulx banid <steamid> [<minutes, 0 for perma: 0<=x, default 0>] [{reason}] - Bans steamid.
ulx debuginfo - Dump some debug information.
ulx help - Shows this help.
ulx kick <player> [{reason}] - Kicks target. (say: !kick)
ulx map <map> [<gamemode>] - Changes map and gamemode. (say: !map)
ulx noclip [<players, defaults to self>] - Toggles noclip on target(s). (say: !noclip)
ulx resettodefaults [<string>] - Resets ALL ULX and ULib configuration!
ulx spectate <player> - Spectate target. (say: !spectate)
ulx unban <steamid> - Unbans steamid.
ulx version - See version information. (say: !version)
ulx who [<steamid>] - See information about currently online users.


ulx asay {message} - Send a message to currently connected admins. (say: @)
ulx csay {message} - Send a message to everyone in the middle of their screen. (say: @@@)
ulx gag <players> - Gag target(s), disables microphone. (say: !gag) (opposite: ulx ungag)
ulx gimp <players> - Gimps target(s) so they are unable to chat normally. (say: !gimp) (opposite: ulx ungimp)
ulx mute <players> - Mutes target(s) so they are unable to chat. (say: !mute) (opposite: ulx unmute)
ulx psay <player> {message} - Send a private message to target. (say: !p)
ulx thetime - Shows you the server time. (say: !thetime)
ulx tsay {message} - Send a message to everyone in the chat box. (say: @@)


ulx stopvote - Stops a vote in progress. (say: !stopvote)
ulx veto - Veto a successful votemap. (say: !veto)
ulx vote <title> {options} - Starts a public vote. (say: !vote)
ulx voteban <player> [<minutes: 0<=x, default 1440>] [{reason}] - Starts a public ban vote against target. (say: !voteban)
ulx votekick <player> [{reason}] - Starts a public kick vote against target. (say: !votekick)
ulx votemap [{map}] - Vote for a map, no args lists available maps. (say: !votemap)
ulx votemap2 {map} - Starts a public map vote. (say: !votemap2)


ulx bring <players> - Brings target(s) to you. (say: !bring)
ulx goto <player> - Goto target. (say: !goto)
ulx return [<player, defaults to self>] - Returns target to last position before a teleport. (say: !return)
ulx send <player> <player> - Goto target. (say: !send)
ulx teleport [<player, defaults to self>] - Teleports target. (say: !tp)


ulx motd - Show the message of the day. (say: !motd)
xgui <show, hide, toggle> - Opens and/or closes XGUI. (say: !xgui, !menu) (alias: ulx menu)
xgui fban <player> - Opens the add ban window, freezes the specified player, and fills out the Name/SteamID automatically. (say: !fban)
xgui xban <player> - Opens the add ban window and fills out Name/SteamID automatically if a player was specified. (say: !xban)
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 13989 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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