GTA 5 – Sourcing Top Range Vehicles

Quick tip on the how to always source Top Range cars and how the Vehicle Cargo system works. 

The Process

By becoming a CEO and acquiring a 40-car Vehicle Cargo garage you can step into the buisness of managing and selling cars. Cars are gathered by completing Ad-Hawk sourcing missions that take place in the GTA V Freeroam world. I won’t go into detail on the missions themselves, but rather how to set your buisness up so you’d always source the most valuable cars.

There are 32 different car models you can get in the game. Each model comes in 3 different colors. While you need specific car and color combinations to finish collections and get bonus money, the game mainly cares about the 32 base models.

The cars are split into 3 groups based on how much they’re worth:

  • Standard Range: 10 models, lowest profit
  • Mid Range: 10 models, medium profit
  • Top Range: 12 models, highest profit

The more expensive the car group, the more money you make from it.

By owning any variant of a model you guarantee that you won’t source that vehicle model again until you’ve exported it. Using this knowledge, you can guarantee to continiously source Top Range vehicles by owning one variant of each car in the Standard and Mid Range. This means that by having all 20 Standard and Mid Range cars, your next sourced vehicle will be one of the unowned 12 Top Range cars.

Keep in mind that if you own a model of each of the 32 cars, your next sourced vehicles will be chosen at random, from any value range!

To better illustrate how cars are divided, here is how I keep track of them:

To clarify, the cars marked in this table are all the before mentioned acquireable car models in the Import/Export buisness.

This method will also make completing collections much easier, since if you own a model of each of the 32 cars, by exporting one of them, your next sourced vehicle will be forced to be the same model car, with a 1/3 chance to be the correct color variant.

Sourcing 32 vehicles might take a bit of work, but it’s not much to ask considering the profit you’ll make by exporting the high end vehicles. Get to grinding!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 4515 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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