Hades – Chamber Guide

Tartarus Guide

By Lili and Kontorabasukurarinetto.


Move through the room clearing out red first, and then orange. In between waves, stand in blue to prevent backspawns down at red.

If backspawns at red occur, try to clear out red and then orange again to spawn manip in blue for the following waves.


Small and simple room. Try to clear the room starting from the left (indicated in red) and moving towards the right in order to end near the exit.


Spawn manips don’t work very effectively in this room. You can try to stay in one of the corners (indicated in orange) in between waves but be prepared to check the entire room anyways. Try to clear towards the exit (indicated in red).


Clear the room moving to the right and stand in the far right orange box next to the trap between waves. This will prevent spawns from occurring far left across the gap.


Spawns occur in the two indicated corners. Depending on your weapon, you may choose to stand in one corner and clear before moving on OR standing in the middle to easily clear both.


You can stand in the middle.


Simple room. Generally you want to clear out blue and make your way to orange. Orange corner is best for spawn manipping between waves but be prepared to double check blue anyways.


Try to stay near the exit but sometimes you can’t stop them from spawning all the way at the bottom. You can also just stay near the center.


You can stand in the middle.


You can stand in the middle.


Clear towards the exit. Spawn manip in the orange corner whenever you can to avoid far backspawns.


Clear towards the exit and spawn manip in the orange circle. This helps prevent backspawns over the lake which are difficult to get to if you spawn manip near the exits.


Follow the blue arrows and clear the room ending towards the exit. Try your best to spawn manip at or around orange. Conventionally spawn manips at the exit will cause back spawns near the entrance which are a pain to get to.


You can try any random corner in this room or stand in the middle between waves.


This room sucks. Stand anywhere good luck.

Get used to traversing across the gaps in this room for better mobility. Highlighted blue lines are common ways to cross the gaps.


Clear the room and clear out both orange corners. You can stay in either corner between waves. It is common that you can stand in one corner, wait for a wave to spawn in, and traverse to the other corner killing everything in between and set up the next spawn manip.


Clear towards the exit and try to spawn manip in either orange or blue. Sometimes, if you spawn manip at blue, some random thing will spawn in at red i swear.


Literally none of the 99 corners in this room work as a spawn manip. Just stand in the middle and check the entire room as fast as humanly possible gl.


Tricky room. Carefully clear out everything at orange box until nothing else spawns in. Then move up to blue box and spawn manip in the two red corners until the room is finished.

If nothing else is spawning in, you might have to just go back down and check for backspawns so be prepared.


Generally you just work towards the exit and try to spawn manip in blue when you can to prevent far backspawns.


Clear towards the exit and spawn manip in orange.


Enemies could be in either orange corner. Waves can be spawn manipped in either corner as well with the blue circle being a decent backup.


Clear towards the exit and spawn manip specially in the blue corner. If you aren’t fast, backspawns can appear at red so check that if there’s nothing spawning in.


Slightly tricky room. Depending on enemy type, sometimes enemies will keep back spawning in the blue box. There are various ways to handle it.

One way is to clear the blue box, clear the red box, and keep alternating. With this method, make sure to keep yourself centralized to track the spawns.

If nothing spawns initially in the blue box, you can immediately move to red and spawn manip in the orange circle between waves. This will prevent backspawns in blue.

Asphodel Guide


Clear spawns at blue followed by green.

They may jump around so be prepared to follow them. Between waves you can spawn manip in the nearest corners with the red circles being common places to stand.


Enemies commonly spawn in at blue and green. Feel free to clear in whatever order you like. Whichever circle you clear second make sure to hug the appropriate edge (top if green, bottom if blue).



This combat room differs depending on whether you arrive on the left or right side. The two figures above demonstrate two different orders you can clear the room. You can choose to cycle through the islands clockwise or counterclockwise. Whichever island you end up on, find the nearest corner to spawn manip between waves.


Spawning on the right side, you can clear out yellow followed by blue. Enemies seldom spawn in at green but if nothing else is spawning in you may have to check it. Light purple circles are good places to be between waves.


Stairs tile you can clear yellow first. Afterwards go upstairs and clear out green. Quickly spawn manip at blue between waves. Stragglers can appear at light purple depending on how the room plays out so be prepared to check it.


Go directly up the stairs and clear out enemies at blue. Spawn manip at green between waves and be prepared to check for stragglers at purple.


Clear and check out the orange circle before moving onto the red circle. Quickly spawn manip in blue before returning to red. Sometimes, enemies spawn back in at orange anyways. If you find yourselves at orange, its ok to spawn manip in the far bottom left between waves.


Clear out enemies at blue followed by yellow. Sometimes enemies spawn in further up at green but its safe to spawn manip back down at blue. If you chase enemies further up its ok to spawn manip at green.


Clear out yellow before moving on to blue. If nothing has spawned down at light purple, quickly spawn manip at green to prevent backspawns at light purple.


This room is fairly tricky and there is a lot to consider. Generally you can start by clearing blue and checking yellow. Running into the lava lake at around light purple can draw enemy aggro at green and cause them to jump at you. If the enemy at green is a witch, you have to go to green and play out the rest of the room from there. Spawn manips generally occur on either the far left or right island depending on how your room plays out. Yellow is a decent backup spot as well.


Start by clearing out blue followed by yellow. You can attempt to spawn manip as far up near green as possible to prevent backspawns at blue but the room seldom works out that way. Best bet is to just kill everything as quickly as possible.


Simple room. Enemies spawn in at green and stay on the right between waves.


Check whatever side your boat came on but i got nothing.


Go up and check the same side your boat came in on.

Elysium Guide


Enemies generally spawn in at red.

The room can be spawn manipped on the far left at orange. If you end up chasing enemies to the far end, you can spawn manip on the far right at purple.


Simple room. You can choose between staying centralized or the far right corner between waves.


Enemies generally spawn in at the two orange circles. Try your best to spawn manip in the red box near the entrance. If you end up chasing enemies to the far side, you can spawn manip at purple near the entrance instead.


If you enter this chamber from the left side, enemies are generally spawned in at red. Kill them and spawn manip in the orange box near the door between waves.


If you enter from the right side, the enemies will spawn on the two red circles. Spawn manipping on the orange circle between waves will generally keep enemies on the right side of the gap.


Enemies spawn in at red and orange circles. Check and clear out red before moving on to orange and spawn manipping in the corner at orange.


Enemies generally spawn in at orange with one or two stragglers on the bridge. If you don’t make it far, continue to spawn manip at the entrance in the redbox. If you end up chasing the enemies to the other side, spawn manip in the purple box near the exit.


Enemies generally spawn in at red. Clear them and return to orange near the exit to spawn manip. If you end up chasing an enemy to the other end of the room, you can spawn manip at purple near the exit.


Enemies can spawn in at orange and red here. Generally you can clear orange and spawn manip at purple. If nothing is spawning in, it is likely that you may have to clear out red and spawn manip on that side instead.

Alternatively you can clear out red first and continue to orange afterwards.


Simple room. Just stay centralized and kill things fast.


Similar to C_Combat9. Enemies can spawn in at red and orange. Typically you can quickly check red before continuing to orange and spawn manipping in the corner. Alternatively, you can just book it to the orange circle and if nothing is spawning in, check red. A good backup spawn manip is just standing near the entrance.


Enemies will typically spawn in at around the orange circles and sometimes at red. If they do appear at red, clear this out first before continuing to orange. Spawn manips can occur at either orange circle and you can alternate between the two between each wave.


Okay so for this room. First you want to clear up towards red. Follow the arrows. Spawn manips can occur at the red circle between red. As the enemies spawn in, you will find yourself moving back down the length of the room. If you move far enough, you can make your way towards the orange circle and spawn manip the rest of the waves from there. This seldom happens tho but it’s good to know if it occurs.


This room is legit wild. Enemies spawn in at red initially. They kind of spawn in from everywhere after I swear. Orange circles are typically good places to attempt to spawn manip between waves. Good luck!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 13992 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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