Where Are the Armor Crafting Recipes?
Blue Armor Recipes:
- Daliang tailor shophouse – 2 chests at the back of the shop, 1 gives a blue chain armor recipe.
- Ye family battalion (I remembered on the path of destroying them, I found a blue recipe in the storage area but I could be wrong) – not confirmed.
- Recipe for jianghu clothes blue – I cannot remember where I picked it up but it is of no importance.
Purple Epic Armor Recipes:
- Mixed yuan shirt – wuxian run in with the npcs, killing them will net you the recipe + going down the cliff will net you a legendary recipe for gloves etc.
- Fiery armor – lin’an government city jail, 2nd jail cell, crack the jail cell/kill the npc/gift them, go into attack mode, destroy the sacks and obtain the recipe and free exit shortcut via the wall.
Legendary Gold Armor Recipes:
- 3rd/highest floor of taoist star chaser pavilion (easily missed), the wall painting on the left wall facing the “right”/east of the building is actually the blueprint.
- Goddess temple/deserted courtyard building – 5 colored orbs; female skirt blueprint.
How to Get the Orbs:
Easily obtained via the “prettiest”/goddess waifus(kinda of lore related); wang quyou – herbology sect on a table green orb, princess *** – duke kang manor’s sister room table red orb, gu qingcheng – musician lady from the lin’an music/courtesan-like place with a riddle, solving it, table on upper left corner-blue orb, mantulou (servant under the red skirt), the valley where you met the red *** waifu, further down, there is a pavilion with the purple orb in a chest (need l3/4 machinery or key).
Last yellow orb is not from a waifu but a granny when you side with melody house she will present to you. she is located outside the goddess temple at deserted courtyard (first npc near the door).
If you sided with jiuli or no one, she will not give you the orb (bug?). Kill her she will drop the orb but you lose 10 benevolence. I have not tried stealing, too much hassle.
Maxing Out Armor Crafting:
Armor crafting is a hit or miss which I do not think you need it in this game even on the tougher difficulty unless it is for your team mates/companions or personal goal.
The emperor armor (from one of the endgame npc via killing), the immovable mountain armor (via yan gexing on nameless sect after winning the heaven’s tournament in daliang) despite not being crafted are way better than the crafted legendary ones (losing out on 1 effect) easier to get.
There is no green recipe. so unlike other crafting skills e.g. smithing where you have to start from green to blue to purple. once you learned the beginner via any of the 3 tailor npcs. 100 exp each, you can craft a legendary despite being on tailor level 1 provided you have the blueprint already.
Lower level yields lower effect.
- Level 1- 1 Effect
- Level 5 – 5 Effects?
- 50 exp for rare blue crafts
- 300 exp for epic purple crafts
- 2100 exp for legendary gold crafts
Quickest way IMO, do it on a repeated playthrough with maxed out homeland.
(Back mountains level 5), recipes unlocked and carried over. First playthrough, possible just a lot of time wasted.
Get your coins from casino gambling + night auctions to sell legendary tree or ore materials except the ice block and arsenic poison which sells for little, the rest should net you around 35-49k coins per night auction to fund your endeavors.
You will want to spam the night auction via reloading saves for the legendary brocade and thread material (two of each for the lady skirt blueprint craft) while each successful auction you use the homeland teleport and sleep till zi (11pm) save and start auction.
Epic satin and epic clothing threads are from the 3 tailors in lin an, daliang and chuxiang which you need 5 per craft, so just travel between 3 towns/cities repeatedly to buy off. it will reset per day for you to purchase, so just the travels will reset the timer.
The NPC merchant outside the night auctions sells.
Epic silk and rare satin which sounds similar but are total crap or useless as of now.
P.S. Same for the animal skins, I do not find a crafting usage yet so I sold most of them from the beginning.
In short, I feel is a waste of time unlike the weapon smithing which is a better stats endgame wise though who knows, every bit helps depending on your playthrough, style and difficulty.
Jianghu clothing–when you reach a certain Fame level you receive it from an armor shopkeeper (I think any of the three may do it). It’s mostly noteworthy in that the materials are easily buyable so it’s a lot easier to grind by making them then other options.
At level 2 armor crafting Chainmail is okay early on–I haven’t seen any better Rare armor options, at least–but it’s not the huge game changer being a good weapon smith it.