IdleMMO – Coal Market Guide

Quick Guide to Coal Market

By Miyumi.

Note: Coal market is not recommended without membership due to very low profit!

Despite coal being a common ore, it sells well since it’s needed for forging, smelting, and cooking.

Most coal sellers sells coal for 4g which yield for 3.4g (4 x 85%) without membership or 3.52g (4 x 88%) with membership, BUT, you won’t be able to sell coal for 4g in small quantities due to the sellers with tens of thousands of coal listed which result on listings with low quantities to be pushed at the bottom. There are some that sells coal for 3g which is very quick but yield for only 2.55g (3 x 85%) without membership or 2.65g (3 x 88%) with membership which is ~25% lower than with 4g but there are usually purchase orders for 3g with no tax involved.

These are the calculations for 10,000 coal (10,000 is used to eliminate decimal, earnings are rounded down so it’s easier without decimals).

Purchase Order

Purchase order can be used to accelerate gathering coal or if you don’t want to mine coal.

  • Fee = 100% + 12% + 0% (3 hours for maximum profit) = 112%
  • 10,000 coal x 3g x 112% = 33,600g

I recommend keeping the purchase order amount around 5,000 to 15,000 coal, there is a risk of loss if the order is too large and doesn’t get fulfilled in time and/or be buried if there is too many purchase orders.

Why not a purchase order for 2g?? It costs lower.- It can be placed but it’s very rarely fulfilled so I won’t include it


Sells for:

  • Tax = 100% – 12%/15%(w/o membership) = 88%/85%
  • 10,000 coal x 4g x 88%/85% = 35,200g/34,000g
  • With membership have 1,200g more sell value
  • Profit = Sell – Cost
  • With membership
  • 35,200g – 33,600g = 1600g
  • Without membership
  • 34,000g – 33,600g = 400g
  • Profit% = profit / Cost x 100
  • With membership
  • 1600g / 33,600g x 100 = 4.76%
  • Without membership
  • 400g / 33,600g x 100 = 1.19%

Keep in mind that the profit stated is the calculated best possible and your actual profit may differ, this is due to the rounding which result in a loss. Only when 50 coals (50 x 3.52g = 176g, nearest whole number) are bought that the rounding doesn’t matter and the profit is correct.

You might think that trade is cheaper due to less fee but you SHOULDN’T trade coal, using the trade system makes one side lose due to the 10% fee on both sides.

  • Ex: trade of 10,000 coal for 3g each
  • Trade fee: (trade value x 10% + 10g)
  • Party A: 30,000g
  • Fee: 3,010g
  • Party B: 10,000 coal
  • Fee: 1010g
  • After trade
  • Party A spent 33,010g (used a PO- 33,600g, 590g Saved)
  • Party B gained 28,990g (fulfilled a PO- 30,000g, 1,010g lost)

If party A compensated for party B’s fee:

  • Party A: 31,010g
  • Fee: 3111g
  • Party B: 10,000 coal
  • Fee: 1010g
  • After trade
  • Party A spent 34,121g (used a PO- 33,600g, 521g loss)
  • Party B gained 30,000g (fulfilled a PO- 30,000g, no difference)

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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