Hunting for Treasures: How to Make Money Fast
By Havent.
Welcome new players as you may ask what class do I want? (This can be applicable to current players too.)
- +10% Strength EXP
- +5% Battle EXP
- +5% Hunting Efficiency
Battle Talents
- Mighty Strike: Increases damage by 2. Unlocks at Combat Level 10.
- Rampage: Increases critical attack by 10. Unlocks at Combat Level 35.
- Shield Wall: Increases protection by 40. Unlocks at Combat Level 70.
- Recommended for Woodcutting>Mining.
- Weapons Priority: Sword and Shield, Dual Daggers.
- +5% Speed EXP
- +10% Hunting Efficiency
- +5% Battle EXP
Battle Talents
- Backstab: Increases critical chance by 2%. Unlocks at Combat Level 10.
- Shadow Piercer: Increases critical damage by 10%. Unlocks at Combat Level 35.
- Shadow’s Veil: Increases agility by 40. Unlocks at Combat Level 70.
- Recommended for Woodcutting>Mining
- Weapons Priority: Sword and shield, Dual Daggers.
- +7% Dexterity Experience
- +8% Hunting Efficiency
- +5% Battle EXP
Battle Talents
- Piercing Shot: Increases base damage by 2. Unlocks at Combat Level 10.
- Eagles Eye: Increases critical chance by 3%. Unlocks at Combat Level 35.
- Nature’s Aid: Increases critical damage by 10%. Unlocks at Combat Level 70.
- Recommended for Fishing>Mining>Woodcutting
- Weapon Priority:Bow, Dual daggers.
- -50% Skill Experience (when obtaining skill items)
- -50% Battle Experience
- -50% Dungeon Experience
Just play lol you don’t need anything for this hit rocks chop wood and forge to become Forgesaken.
Hunting Efficiency
Shadowblade has the highest hunting efficiency in the game sitting at 10%. Ranger at 8% while Warrior being the lowest at 5%.
How to Boost My Hunting Speed?
Getting pets with high movement speeds helps reduce hunting timer. Potions too, there’s battle potions and strike essences preferably the cheaper one in cheaper stages.
How to Get More Mobs to Hunt?
Leveling up hunting lvl increases mob count and the easiest way to do that? Go to isle of whisperer 92 , sit there and hunt. Normally about 3 mins but it’s fairly quick.
All three classes has their ups and down. For alts, if you plan to play actively. (Hyper hunting active gameplay). I would recommend rangers, why you may ask?
- They have the solid 8% of hunting eff, and 7%+ Dex exp boost.
- You can always switch to playing passive and boost your dex up quickly while fishing and popping dex potions.
- The quicker and more you keep upgrading dex you can equip a stronger weapon from the missing atkpower.
- Lvling Dex is the quickest since its fishing compared to rest against since low timer.
As they are slept on weapon and undervalued, people talks bad about this weapon? It’s the same damage as a regular sword. Just without the shield, so less defense but it’s a good cost. Your ranger isn’t supposed to be a beefy strong dude like your main we’re making money.
Sword and Shield
Good for early game for Shadowblades and Warriors. Falls off later.
Dual Daggers
Once in mid to late you can get these since they are highest damage in game when both weapon are maxed out.
Weaponstones Guide
- Bows (Legendary) 1/15 = 56 Stones
- Sword (Legendary) 1/15= 84 Stones
- Daggers x2 (Legendary) 1/15=112 Stones
Bows being the cheaper materials required in exchange of making less defense.
Once you’re able to equip your legendary bow as a ranger, you can work on woodcutting/mining to boost up your STR to catch up on the missing atk power/defense.
Farming at lvl 1 Map gives you the most gold per hour. This is just for farming/hunting mobs. Actively hunting is by far the most profitable way of making money.
You could get a skilling classes if playing actively spamming is not for you. You can still have fun as a idler skilling class since hunting constantly can become very draining for such a long period of time. Class change will eventually be a thing so do not worry as things aren’t to be rushed.
Hopefully this guide helped you!
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