FAQ for Beginners
Can I have multiple Alts?
You are allowed to have multiple characters, but you cannot have more than one account. Only 3 characters can be active at the same time.
Can I trade between Alts?
Yes, you can via the trade feature (Alt character has to be over level 150).
Where do I get better tools?
You can either get recipes from Dungeons and craft them yourself or purchase them from other players at Market.
Are Recipes permanent?
Most of the Alchemy recipes have unlimited number of uses other than the level 90+ and the Forge recipes that are one time only.
What is the max level of skills?
The max level of everything is 100 (skills, masteries, guilds, etc.).
How to make gold?
You can either sell your items to the vendor or sell to other players via Market.
What is Bartering?
It is a skill that makes the vendor buy your items at a higher price. It increases by 0.3% for every level up to 30%. You receive experience by selling items to the vendor.
What is the best class for beginners?
Warrior or shadowblade are your best options. Warrior gains strength exp 10% faster, but shadowblade finds monsters 10% quicker (5% warrior vs 10% shadowblade). Keep in mind, Forsaken is the hardcore class, twice as hard but twice as satisfying.
Note: Hunting efficiency helps to find monster faster.
How to train my combat skills?
- Woodcutting gives strength.
- Mining gives strength and defense.
- Fishing gives dexterity.
- Alchemy gives speed.
- Cooking gives dexterity.
- Forge gives strength.
What benefits do combat skills give?
- Strength gives extra damage.
- Defense gives protection against damage.
- Speed increases how fast you attack. Capped at 1 second per attack.
- Dexterity increases the accuracy, determines how many attacks in a row you can hit. Cap at 2.
Is macroing / botting allowed?
No, it is not! And Y0mu, the moderator, checks every day, you’ll get banned 100%. We feast on the cheaters.
Is the game F2P?
Yes! It is really free to play friendly. Only p2w option are memberships (and tokens, but who cares about cosmetics) and you should be able to farm it in 2 days and can be purchased in the Market. As a reference, in my case, after 30 days I have 10 memberships stored. So don’t feel pressured.
What is a membership?
It’s a real world currency object in game, gives extra idle time, efficiency and experience.
How to make Money?
Hunting is the best way to make money, but mining, fishing and smelting on alts is idle. Keep in mind early mid-game mining coal or higher resources is better than the rest, the situation changes once fishing or smelting is level 90. Also, vendor always buys it all, selling level 25+ resources to him is a good idea.
So, what should my alts be?
I’d recommend a main character to have fun with, the first alt should be a miner, coal miner or higher and the second alt should be an angler.
How can I trade items or send money between alts?
Just put a not so common item for the desired amount of gold and buy it with your alt.
What should my first goal be?
Farm a membership, it’s explained on question 5. Then try to get efficiency tools. That’s the most optimal.
What is the endgame of the game?
Dungeons and getting level 100s on skills are the goal. Keep in mind the game is fairly new and there are no end game items, they are hard to get and pricey! You might be the first one to get one.
How to find more monsters / fight more monsters at once?
Training your Hunting skill will increase the amount of monsters you encounter. Training your combat will allow you to increase the amount of “battle max” to queue at once.
- 9, 16, 23, 30, 37, 44, 51, 58, 65, 72, 79, 86, 93, 100 are the breakpoints for hunting mastery and combat.
What weapon should I wield?
I recommend using sword until end game, then daggers become better. At the moment, bows are bad, but cheap.
Boosts / Buffs explained
- Any boosts or buffs will kick on for any actions started during its duration (so always refresh skills).
- For potions, the potion must be active before the start of an action but doesn’t need to last the length of it.
- So if you can run 1 dungeon inside of the potion and start a 2cd (or 3rd) before it wears off you’re golden.
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