This guide is about waste production per building.
Guide to Waste Production
Waste Per Building
They don’t give you the amount of waste made by each building for the majority of waste creating buildings, here is a quick list to help anyone do the math for waste management.
- Tech Lab: 1 waste per cycle at cycle start.
- Electronics Factory: 1 per completed transform.
- Polymer Refinery: 1 per completed transform.
- Steel Mill: 1 per completed transform.
- Fusion Station: 1 per completed transform.
- Crop Farm (with Crop Fields): 13 per completed transform at x9 Fields.
- Algae Farm (with Algae Plantations): 9 per completed transform at x4 Plantations (+1 per extra plantation).
- Nuclear Power Plant: 1 per Hydrogen.
Housing Waste
- Housing waste is 1 per 20 pop every 15 cycles in crew quarters (and upgraded housing)
= 0.05 per 20 pop per cycle —— or ———- 1 waste per cycle at 400 pop. - Cell Housing is 1 waste per 20 pop every 5 cycles
= 0.2 per 20 pop per cycle ——–or———– 1 waster per cycle at 100 pop.
Specializations and Upgrades
So at the moment all I’ve tested is the crop farm fully upgraded.
Normal crop farm >
13 Waste per 10 Cycles ——— 1.3 waste/Cycle
Upgraded crop farm (30% more waste and 40% more speed) >
12 Waste per 7.1 Cycles ——– 1.69 Waste/Cycle nice
Maximized crop farm (upgraded and sector bonus, 60% more waste and 40% more speed) >
12 Waste per 7.1 Cycles???? I’m assuming this is a bug right now but it should be
<12.48 Waste per 6 Cycles —– 2.08 Waste/Cycle>
<12 Waste per 6 Cycles ———– 2 Waste/Cycle>
- These buildings only get waste bonus from the farm sector (30% more Waste)
- Algae Plantation —— 9W/?C {?} -> 11.7W/?C {?} (has speed upgrades 20%)
- Pop housing ———– 1W/20P/15C {.066} -> 1.3/20P/15C {.086} (normal)?
- 1W/20P/5C {.2} -> 1.3W/20P/5C {.26} (Cell)?
- Factories ————— 1.3 per transform? 2 waste every 3rd transform?
P.S. For some reason crop farms are not 40% faster only 29%? also there description for harvest time never changes on the tool tip.
1/15 is not 0.05. it’s 0.067.
Other houses than Cell give 1 per 300 per cycle. (Which is 1/3 of Cell, which produce 3 times more waste.)